What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • RaquelFit2
    RaquelFit2 Posts: 208 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Monday, still not Spring (enough) in Michigan, so machine row, the usual 3 x (2k on, 2' off/CD).

    Pace of 2.28.0 at 20spm on the pieces, Garmin thinks I took exactly 700 strokes including row out/in/CD, so I guess it's a good day for round numbers? (Except it was 6781m overall. 😉)

    It felt normal for the pace, but I seem to be running a little hotter than usual: I ended up with almost 8' of the overall 35:41 (includes row out/in and CD) in the lower half of Z4, though most (about 60%) was Z3.

    I did some yard work earlier (not the rock totin', landscaping kind of work others have been doing here - just some Spring clean up, raking, weeding, light kind of stuff), but maybe that was enough to push the workout heart rate up a little when I did the row later, I dunno. Didn't really feel like anything.🤔🤷‍♀️

    I appreciate this thread . . . so much calm, common sense, happy-sounding talk from y'all about workouts and training plans. Good stuff to help me through this (bleep) persistent off-season, with fewer rowing buddies to socialize with compared to on-water season.

    I agree @AnnPT77 . The posts are very inspiring and encourage me to work out harder.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    @AnnPT77 -- You have to be close now with OTW rowing! Hang in there another few weeks! I'm like that with my offseason Golf League now. Look forward to it all year. I know that's an important part of your social circle.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    Elliptical 2 sessions, 300 minutes for 22.3 miles, finished later in the day, 54 minutes for 4.2 miles. So 26.5 mile total.

    I've said it before, but will say it again, this is just incredible! I don't know how you do that kind of volume, but more power to you, swimmom!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Trainer session at the gym this morning. Started with anterior(front) muscle groups for 3 rounds, then switched to posterior (rear) chain muscle group focus for 5 rounds.

    Debating between a run or ride tonight. With rain in forecast for tomorrow, I should run tonight. Nevertheless, temptation is very strong to ride my bike today, since she just got a new set of HED sneakers ;)

  • RaquelFit2
    RaquelFit2 Posts: 208 Member
    Did 30 minutes cardio kickboxing.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Oly session at the gym over lunch. 30 minutes FTP intervals on the bike this evening.
  • misssixtea
    misssixtea Posts: 35 Member
    Got in the pool and actually managed to swim. Sounds like nothing, but I've had debilitating L shoulder pain since last November (frozen shoulder). Tried the pool once earlier this year - a complete no-starter.. I could barely raise my arm without pain, let alone swim with it.

    Just over a month post-steroid injection and I can swim again. My shoulder mobility is still compromised and I'm not completely pain free, but it was absolutely bearable, and I didn't drown. It's such a big deal and hopefully represents the end of a dark 6 months or so for me with knee and shoulder injuries making the things I love practically impossible. It's not been fun!

    Now I just have to go back again....

    @AnnPT77 those numbers look pretty impressive to me.. good work persisting and I hope the new season is just around the corner for you! Summer is calling!

    @Djproulx I think the bike is calling you! Curious to know what HED sneakers are??

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Got in the pool and actually managed to swim. Sounds like nothing, but I've had debilitating L shoulder pain since last November (frozen shoulder). Tried the pool once earlier this year - a complete no-starter.. I could barely raise my arm without pain, let alone swim with it.

    Just over a month post-steroid injection and I can swim again. My shoulder mobility is still compromised and I'm not completely pain free, but it was absolutely bearable, and I didn't drown. It's such a big deal and hopefully represents the end of a dark 6 months or so for me with knee and shoulder injuries making the things I love practically impossible. It's not been fun!

    Now I just have to go back again....

    @AnnPT77 those numbers look pretty impressive to me.. good work persisting and I hope the new season is just around the corner for you! Summer is calling!

    @Djproulx I think the bike is calling you! Curious to know what HED sneakers are??

    HED wheelset installed (new sneakers, lol)


  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 533 Member
    10k Monday and suiting up now for maybe a 3-5 mile jog. The body will determine…. Will have some Tom Yum with chicken waiting for me when I get back home…
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Just finished my Oly session...

    8x4 clean from rack
    8x2 power clean and strict OH press

    Super Set:
    5x2 Behind the neck snatch grip push press
    5x10 Back Squat

    Super Set:
    3x12 Stiff-Legged Barbell Good Morning
    3x6 Bench Press

    I was introduced to Oly lifting in high school as a track and field sprinter and jumper and it really helped boost performance. I just started a training program for a sprint triathlon and was curious about Oly lifting and triathlon and found this...

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Was a bit sore still today from doing the garden but found out this month's indoor rowing club event is a Half Marathon on the rower. I've only done two of them in the past, so I better be getting in some longer, harder sessions. No real plan for any good time, just finish it. My best HM is like a 2:19 pace. I won't come close to that. I'll likely just shoot for sub 2:30 and a finish.

    Anyway, today just pushed for an hour. Around 35 minutes hard on the rower (2500/2500/2000 meter intervals at 2:10, 2:11 and around 2:15 on last -- was gassed) and then 20 minutes on the Assault Bike. Four minutes hard, one easy X 4. 920 calories burned, avg HR around 79% of max.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 533 Member
    edited May 2022
    mrmota70 wrote: »
    10k Monday and suiting up now for maybe a 3-5 mile jog. The body will determine…. Will have some Tom Yum with chicken waiting for me when I get back home…

    Well mirrored Monday and went for another 10k Tuesday. I purposely ran it much slower. On yesterdays jog I avg’d 9:56 a mile todays was @11:29. I was only going to do 4 slow steady miles got curious about cal comparison so kept going… Yesterday was a 757 cal run and today was 755. About 10 minutes extra on todays run. It was totally worth me slowing it down… passed on the Tom Yum and settled on a brisket taco for my late late lunch…
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    Tuesday, pouring rain. Today's boring report is stationary bike, the usual 10k+3'CD, took about 28 minutes. Easy work, 102W on the 10k/81 on the CD, little over half Z3, remainder below. (Playing online game on my phone all the way. 😆)

    @clairenotready, thank you for the kind words: Li'l ol' lady tries! 😉
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    Djproulx wrote: »
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    Elliptical 2 sessions, 300 minutes for 22.3 miles, finished later in the day, 54 minutes for 4.2 miles. So 26.5 mile total.

    I've said it before, but will say it again, this is just incredible! I don't know how you do that kind of volume, but more power to you, swimmom!

    Thank you @Djproulx
    Not sure how I do it either, really. Other than the time passes fairly quick watching TV shows or movies on my tablet. Other part is I'm a Taurus and can be a bit determined, otherwise known as bullheaded! I push a bit more when I get close to a certain mileage number. The elliptical is easy on my knees. Better than walking outside. I used to jog when I was in nursing school (1976-1979) and I think I ruined my knees then. Also had a tibial plateau fracture in 2015 and besides a L broken ankle repair in 1992, I have lots of metal in the knee and ankle of my L leg.

    I'm impressed with your workouts @Djproulx . I could not do what you do! I can swim well but was self taught pretty much. Nothing compared to my kids. My boys were all competitive swimmers (I pushed them into it at 3-5 years of age.) They kind of got tired of it at times then, but they all appreciate it now. At that time, I was a Pediatric RN, I wasn't going to have my kids not know how to swim well. I have taken care of drowning/near drowning kids. My kids were jumping off diving boards at 1 year old. None of them are or were fearful. So had do it.

    So today I did a 180 minute elliptical session for 13.15 miles and a second session tonight, (to finish a movie) 90 minutes for 7.41 miles. So 20.56 miles total. See I had to get to the 20 mile mark at least!

    The Elliptical is a great low impact machine. Clearly its been a great answer for many people working around injuries, including you.

    I wish more people pushed their kids to swim at a young age. Not only for safety, but its a fairly low impact workout that can stay with us as we age. I see some real great swimmers who are in their 60s and 70s.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Trying to shake things up a bit, since my Zwift setup is wonky and I'm tired of riding in my basement. The weather has been so tough that I haven't really gotten enough steady outdoor work in. So I bought an introductory set of rides at a local spin studio, hoping to get some higher intensity work done once per week. (5:45am, ugh).

    Today's first class was fun, but I recognize that I stick out like a sore thumb in spin settings. Its a large studio, with the "Pelotonish" instructor on stage exhorting the riders to "stand", "sit", "push harder", "curl with the weighted bar" "Empty your tank!" etc. I skipped some of the more bouncy moves and ground out the work while staring at my screen comparing watts with my Garmin data. There was a time when I would have been more self conscious about how ridiculous I look in that setting, but I no longer care, lol. Went through two bottles of water and soaked a towel, so the ride was a success.

    Hoping to get into the pool at noon.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    C25K run walk intervals this afternoon. I'm hoping to do it outside at the soccer fields across the street from my office, but we've been having some gnarly winds the last couple of days and we also have several wild fires burning and air quality is hit or miss...it's ok right now, but all of that smoke can blow in any time. If no outside, I'll have to commute to the gym after work and do it on the treadmill which sounds pretty crappy to me.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited May 2022
    Just a nice and easy 6K on the rower and then 20 more minutes on the LateralX (lateral elliptical). Total of around 55 total minutes. Wanted to keep it all below 70% of max but got to 72% on the rower. Not too bad though, all felt easy. Avg HR was 63% of max, right around where I like to be on easier days.