What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    Just easy Sunday 4 mile jog before it turned 1 million degrees. Finished in about 38 mins.. shared a lox bagel with the wife, cup of coffee.. and since it was brunch a mandatory 5 oz glass of pomegranate sangria.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,000 Member
    edited August 2023
    I have been ultra-active recently, but crap at logging.

    I went climbing on Thursday. It was fun. I got a couple of v4s and a shed load of v3s.

    I went caving over the weekend. We did the through trip from OFD1 to Cwm Dwr on Saturday. It was raining heavily, so the streamway was very active. It only started to rain overnight; any longer and the trip would not have been viable. It was fun; a very active 5.5 hour trip.

    Sunday was a gentle bimble through the Maze in OFD 2. It is a stunning bit of cave; I'd not been there before. 4 hour trip.

    The main risk over the weekend came at a motorway service station on the way home. People were letting the escalator move them up rather than walking, so I got bored. I wondered if I could avoid putting any weight on my legs and do dips the whole way up. It turned out the answer is no; because the left hand rail moved slower than the right hand.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Full body workout at the gym today. Was going to go spinning this evening too but my back is a bit iffy so I thought I wouldn't push it and went for an hour's walk instead.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Surprisingly non-sore after yesterday's multi-hour limestone-fest.
    Photo of me, complete with dust mask, during the shoveling/wheelbarrowing of limestone at the boathouse.)

    Maybe there are consequences coming tomorrow - day 2 DOMS thing? We'll see.

    I did find that my low back was a little stiff at the start of this morning's row. I was in bow of the double, behind a guy who's much taller than I am, and a quite-skilled rower so he uses that wonderful length to create loooong strokes.

    At first, we were clashing oars because I couldn't match his angles through the whole arc of the stroke. He kindly rowed at 3/4 slide for a while until I loosened up, and I moved my foot stretchers at the first bridge to create a little more room for myself, too. Things went fine after that. Mostly steady state rowing, but we did a few drills, especially some to emphasize things he's been working on.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,832 Member
    Upper Hypertrophy

    Incline Bench Press 4x12
    Machine Fly 3x12
    BB Row 4x10
    Pulldown 3x10
    Machine Lateral Raise 4x12
    Machine Curl <superset> Machine Pushdown 3x10
    Perloff Press 3x15sec
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    edited August 2023
    Chest, shoulders triceps

    2x12, 1xfailure on chest press
    2x15, 1xfailure chest flys (uppercut variation)
    Next 3 we’re done on about 15 seconds rest between first and last set:

    1x12, 1x failure cable one armed cable reverse fly
    1x12, 1x failure cable side raise
    1x12, 1x failure front raise

    3x failure seated cable skullcrusher (done with like 2 breaths between sets)

    The last 4 exercises were entirely done that way because I was chasing dark to do a 3 mile brisk walk.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Well I've done a big fat nothing the past two days! Yesterday was planned rest day, and then I got this weird migraine with stomach pain that keeps plaguing me overnight so today has been a write off too - did have gym planned first thing and pilates this evening. Doctor thinks I may have some kind of bacterial infection in my stomach but waiting for test results. Hey ho, some things I can push through, some things I can't, this was definitely the latter but it's only a temporary derailment!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,615 Member
    Helping load 11 folding tables, 110 folding chairs, and plates, coffee cups, glasses, napkins, tablecloths and cutlery for a group of 100 for two days into a 26' U-Haul in 90-degree heat.

    It's actually a four-day trip. After day two, a truck will take dirty dishes, tableware, and linens back to exchange for clean ones. We'll load up the tables and chairs every day as well as two bags per person (no more than 40 pounds per bag please) each day. At least it will be cooler out starting tomorrow. Glad I got this task done early in the day as it's going to get over 100 before day's end, and inside that truck box will be.... a little on the warm side.
  • MsBaz2018
    MsBaz2018 Posts: 384 Member
    In the evening I did a 20 mins arms and abs dumbbell workout with fitbymik on YouTube. Then 15 mins cardio still with fitbymik. Now, this one barely counts as a workout but I started this 10 mins beginners session by The Jump Rope guys. They say do it as often as you need to in order to get comfortable, and I think I'll be doing it for a while- I am still way too heavy to hop on one leg and I still lack coordination to jump properly at proper speed.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Weird row this morning: I was in bow, in the double with one of the guys, and he wanted to work on some stuff at very low strokes per minute (spm) ratings. We did some drills for what he wanted to work on, too, mostly with me setting up (stabilizing) the boat for him. This is all OK with me, because we (everyone in the group) invest in each other in ways like this . . . but it made for an unusual row. Since he was in stroke, I had to pay a lot of attention to stay in sync with him while he varied things around the catch (that's the part where the oar blade drops into the water). When my attention to this flagged momentarily, sometimes things got floppy (laterally unsteady).

    This evening, I did another group ride, only roughly ten miles, averaging 13.6mph moving speed. This, too, is a little weird . . . the other women have beautiful, light, well-engineered bikes with lots of features, and I have an elderly hybrid with rust. It seems like I shouldn't be able to keep up, but it's a slow ride, so it works. 🤷‍♀️
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    "high intensity" day.

    Warm up sets to the one "all out" set are implied.

    1x failure bent over row
    1x failure palm facing pullups
    1x15 (close to failure) leg extensions IMMEDIATELY followed by high bar backsquats to failure.
    1x failure good ole set of standing DB cheater curls (ok, first 8 were good anyway).

    Then the leg sets hit me and I tried not to puke for 15-20 mins. The leg stuff lets me use less weight on backsquats to get the same or better stimulus on the muscle. Feels really weird to have all the other accessory muscles in a squat helping my quads. Also the "fail" point feels weird, as your back is good (other times I've nearly failed on a squat it's not really my legs that are pushed at failure).
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    MsBaz2018 wrote: »
    In the evening I did a 20 mins arms and abs dumbbell workout with fitbymik on YouTube. Then 15 mins cardio still with fitbymik. Now, this one barely counts as a workout but I started this 10 mins beginners session by The Jump Rope guys. They say do it as often as you need to in order to get comfortable, and I think I'll be doing it for a while- I am still way too heavy to hop on one leg and I still lack coordination to jump properly at proper speed.

    Ive also started jumping rope recently, mostly for fun. I’ve been following the jump rope dudes and others, but I’m still an uncoordinated beginner, lol. I’m also wary of putting too much strain on one leg, so my build up will take awhile.The basic bounce is about all I can do at this point.
    I’m hoping time and practice will let me get to
    The point of doing the fun stuff like boxer
    skips, crossovers etc.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,832 Member
    I remember as a kid my school had a competition to see who could jump rope the longest, and though I didn't win I was well over 20 minutes straight. Fast forward to today and I'm gassed after ten seconds, lol.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    I remember as a kid my school had a competition to see who could jump rope the longest, and though I didn't win I was well over 20 minutes straight. Fast forward to today and I'm gassed after ten seconds, lol.

    Twenty minutes seems like an eternity! You must have been a pro!

    I hear ya on the gassed after 10 seconds part these days.

    My two issues are 1) I don't yet have the cadence and footwork down to an automatic reflex. As a result, I'm still doing very basic drills to build muscle memory. 2) Jumping puts quite a load on my calves, so I need to approach with caution. Hope to get very fluid over the fall and winter.

  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Finally got back in the gym today! Actually felt better yesterday and had a swim booked but got held up at work so couldn't go.

    Full body workout this morning, main focus was varying squats and arm work but incorporated a few other bits too. Then this evening I went back for a 30 minute cycle. Nothing too crazy but got the heart rate up. Have also managed an hours walk at lunchtime.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,000 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    "high intensity" day.

    Warm up sets to the one "all out" set are implied.

    1x failure bent over row
    1x failure palm facing pullups
    1x15 (close to failure) leg extensions IMMEDIATELY followed by high bar backsquats to failure.
    1x failure good ole set of standing DB cheater curls (ok, first 8 were good anyway).

    Then the leg sets hit me and I tried not to puke for 15-20 mins. The leg stuff lets me use less weight on backsquats to get the same or better stimulus on the muscle. Feels really weird to have all the other accessory muscles in a squat helping my quads. Also the "fail" point feels weird, as your back is good (other times I've nearly failed on a squat it's not really my legs that are pushed at failure).

    High bar back squats to failure sound like hell to me...

    I went climbing yesterday. I was 8n very good form, it was fun. I hadn't been to this gym for a while, and so some routes had been reset but some of my projects were still up. I did well at both; getting two v4s in the existing set which have been long term projects.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,832 Member
    About a decade ago, I was normally doing sets of 5-8 on squats, wondered to myself if I could do twice the reps at half the weight. Turned out I could do a lot more, and by the time I got to 20 I decided to challenge myself. I don't know where the idea came from, but I determined I would not set the weight down until I had knocked out 100 reps! Did it, too. Not all in a row...I took "rests" as needed where I just stood with the weight across my shoulders until I felt ready to do a few more squats. Probably took 20 minutes, felt a LOT longer, and had to skip the rest of leg day that day, as I recall. Never had the "I'm gonna be sick" feeling, but legs were quivering something fierce, believe you me!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Gosh, guess what? Rowed again, engine room of the quad (3 seat). I like engine room: I can work harder physically when I'm not working as hard mentally as I need to in bow, and I can work technique more because of that extra brain bandwidth, too. A luxury!

    No workout yesterday, unless you count carrying some boats while supervising an open rowing session (I don't).
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    edited August 2023
    I've been slipping on reports here but have gotten back at it this week. The neck is still stiff but I was in swimming Tuesday and Thursday, rolling more to breath to limit the neck strain for now. Some short bike rides Tuesday and Wednesday. Today I rode the bike to the gym, and back after some machines and a 20 minute treadmill run. Elliptical every morning too with extra elliptical on some days. I've also been doing some inverted rows at home and did better at the assisted pullup machine before treadmill running today.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,000 Member
    I lifted last night; doing:
    Pull-ups. 3 sets of 10.

    Finger boarding; I was pretty strong at these (which is consistent with my recent climbing sessions having been good).

    High bar back squat. 75 kgs (around 1.25 body weight), 3 sets of 8. I had a pause at the bottom on them all.

    Barbell curls.

    Finger curls (60 kgs), which felt heavy.