What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,832 Member
    Finger curls using darn near the same weight as your squat??? Yep, I'd say they must feel heavy! lol
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Didn't plan a workout today as I was on call and fully expected to have to go in, but turned out to be very quiet! I just repeated yesterday's full body workout with a couple of extra bits as couldn't really be bothered to think up anything different!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Coached row, bow of the double, about 8k.

    Seems kind of obvious visually: There was a steady state row to the gathering point (5 boats today). Work started with some 2' pieces at pushed pace. Between pieces, paddle down plus about 30" rest/water break. Next, a couple of 2-part pause drills at easy pace, a final 2' for speed, then easy row back to the dock.

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I haven't done much this week as race prep. My wife is recovering from back surgery, so that's been my focus. I did jump rope a few times, but that's been it.

    Today, I'm traveling to my last race of the season, a sprint distance event in southeast Mass held tomorrow morning. This race sets up well for me, since its a very short swim (500yds) even by Sprint standards, followed by a longer bike (21 miles vs the normal 12-13 mile sprint distance bike), then finishing with a 5k run.

    This race is a lot of fun, and I'll know quite a few of the athletes there. The two women I train with most had podium finishes at this race last year. (40-44 age group, 45-50 age group) Very possible that one or both could finish on the podium again this year. I'm going in with very low expectations. Swim will be fine, I'll push for a 19-20mph bike split, then try to run about half of the 5k, and walking as much as I need to.

  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    edited August 2023
    15 minute elliptical first thing this morning but that was it. I went to a weekly club breakfast "meeting" which is usually mostly socializing. It starts quite early! The rest of the morning was a volunteer thing and the afternoon was a barbeque with the volunteer group. Calling it a rest day, though I was ready for a nap by the time I got home.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,000 Member
    I went climbing yesterday. It was fun, I got most of the v3s at the gym I was at.he Arch in Bermondsey.) I'm not sure if any were v4s, but probably at least a couple were.

    2.5 hour session. I walked a lot to get to the gym ,(around 10 miles in total) and at the end, it felt like I may have pulled a muscle in my glute. I ignored it and it went away, fortunately.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Weekly horse ride this morning, nothing crazy to write home about, 4k in 45 mins but I swear it's like therapy for me!

    45 minute walk in the afternoon too.
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    Been out of commission for a week. I mentioned a while back that I made my back feel really uncomfortable doing barbell rows. That stayed with me for a week or so, thought it was going away and then I had a major incident just warming up. Got back to it yesterday, a fairly light session to ease back into it, especially with lower body:
    • 5 sets of 5 front squats- empty bar only
    • 3 sets of 8 bench press
    • Super-strict chin ups with slow negative
    • 5 sets of 8-10 preacher curls
    • 5 sets of 12 tricep extensions
    • 5 sets of 8 incline dumbbell bench press

    Back felt more or less fine afterwards. Tried to do an incline treadmill walk today but our treadmill needs servicing it seems- motor was cutting out.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,000 Member
    @mtaratoot Have you ever consider canoe diving? I've been discussing it with a friend, we have a plan to try it when we get a chance. Our expectation is that it will be a it of a disaster the first few times we try it; so we're going to do off Brighton beach. This is at most 6m deep and near shore so limits the risk whilst we're learning.

    I did a short-ish hike yesterday; 10 miles with many hills. It was nice; ideal weather for it.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,615 Member
    edited August 2023
    drmwc wrote: »
    @mtaratoot Have you ever consider canoe diving? I've been discussing it with a friend, we have a plan to try it when we get a chance. Our expectation is that it will be a it of a disaster the first few times we try it; so we're going to do off Brighton beach. This is at most 6m deep and near shore so limits the risk whilst we're learning.

    I did a short-ish hike yesterday; 10 miles with many hills. It was nice; ideal weather for it.

    I am mostly paddling a solo canoe. Climbing back aboard without assistance would be really tough. I thought about paddling dive gear across Waldo Lake to do a dive at Klovdahl Bay, but you'd essentially have to take the boat ashore, tie off, kit up, and then go dive. I could use my canoe as a transport to get to a shore dive that was otherwise inaccessible, but it would be lake diving. An open canoe is not appropriate to go offshore in Oregon. I don't think I could fit my kit in a sea kayak. Some people dive off sit-on-top kayaks. You'd need to put on thermal protection before paddling out; that could be pretty hot.

    Maybe there's some confusion with subtleties of language on opposite sides of the Atlantic. I think that what you call a canoe I call a kayak, and what I call a canoe you call a Canadian Canoe. To me a canoe is an open boat unless it's a decked canoe. The difference is a canoe is propelled with a single-blade paddle. A kayak is typically a decked boat that is paddled with a double-blade paddle.

    Canoe and kayak on a nearby river:


  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    edited August 2023
    Kiddo is taking reps at QB for his middle school. Ran a route tree for him from left and right side and then we worked on all 3 WR positions on one of the main pass plays they're going to run.

    He needs to work on his spirals...and that dang game ball is hard as a rock. Ended the day with jammed fingers on each hand.
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    I thought I would see if I was just kidding myself about getting back into triathlon, so I went to the gym this morning and linked three workouts, back to back. I wasn't pushing for speed at all, just going easy but steady. A half hour in the pool for 1300m, mostly 100s or 200s front crawl with rests but I mixed in a 100 IM. iWatch says 126 avg. HR and 159 peak. Then I showered, changed, and did 30 minutes on a stationary bike holding 90+ rpm. Avg. HR 132 with a peak of 139, so it traced a fairly flat line for the ride. Straight over to a treadmill, running steady for another 30 minutes. HR averaged 160 and peaked at 173, which might seem high but isn't really for me as I was still breathing comfortably. I've been in the 180s just a few weeks ago and I don't think that was maxed out either. All in all, the whole session felt pretty good.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    edited August 2023
    Day off work today, I researched a walk in my local area and decided to give it a go, the website said 7k distance and that it would take about 2 hours due to gradient, but I did it in 90 minutes and didn't find it bad at all. My hips and back have been sore for a week or so, so that's all I did today, but enjoyed it and will definitely do that route again.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I thought I would see if I was just kidding myself about getting back into triathlon, so I went to the gym this morning and linked three workouts, back to back. I wasn't pushing for speed at all, just going easy but steady. A half hour in the pool for 1300m, mostly 100s or 200s front crawl with rests but I mixed in a 100 IM. iWatch says 126 avg. HR and 159 peak. Then I showered, changed, and did 30 minutes on a stationary bike holding 90+ rpm. Avg. HR 132 with a peak of 139, so it traced a fairly flat line for the ride. Straight over to a treadmill, running steady for another 30 minutes. HR averaged 160 and peaked at 173, which might seem high but isn't really for me as I was still breathing comfortably. I've been in the 180s just a few weeks ago and I don't think that was maxed out either. All in all, the whole session felt pretty good.

    that's a pretty solid session. As I"m sure you know, its all about the slow build up..... Plans to race next season?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,832 Member
    First time back in the gym after a break where I spent time with my daughter leading up to her shipping out for Navy basic training yesterday. Wanted to lift, but tonight's graveyard shift always comes with extra snacks to stay awake, so figured cardio was in order and did my intense hour of elliptical hills.
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    that's a pretty solid session. As I"m sure you know, its all about the slow build up..... Plans to race next season?

    I was holding off committing to anything until some actual training got done. This is a long way from race ready yet, but it's starting to look like training. So, yes, I'll probably start looking for some shorter nearby events for next year. I just have to get some consistent base work through the first part of the off season and see how it's going in the new year.
    @Djproulx Are you done for this year now, or do you have more events into the fall?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Rowing bow of the quad again. Another new rower in 2 seat, so we did mostly moderate steady state, some pause drills, a drill to check handle height, some eyes-closed rowing, and toward the end a 10-stroke piece at increased power just to push him a little. He's strong and pretty fit, but has lots of technical stuff to work on, much of it IMO related to unnecessary physical tension. Relaxing everything you can is super important in on-water rowing.

    Eyes-closed rowing is an interesting thing. It reinforces synchronization with the other rowers by boat-feel and sound, rather than visuals - most boats row better with their eyes closed, oddly enough. Bow (me, today) doesn't close eyes, because we're responsible for steering.

    The guy in 2 seat, who I row with regularly, had been struggling some lately, but - I guess - had some kind of epiphany today: He gushed about having a really great row. Not totally sure what was different, may've been partly the arrangement of the moveable spacers? (There are multiple spacers. They sit on the pin that the oarlock pivots around, and raise/lower the gate - the part that holds the oar shaft from coming out of the oarlock.) The relative height of starboard/port, or the overall height of both, affect level where you pull the oar in for best results, so can affect the stroke. Not sure what was going on there, we'll see if it's repeatable.