I wish I knew..



  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    i wish i knew what vague thread to post in

    Easy. All of them.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Watching all the military air maneuvers last night, I wish I could fly an F-16 or F-22. Saw pilots flying what looked like the Stealth in LA, I am not ballsy enough to even imagine what being in that would feel like.
  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,210 Member
    Watching all the military air maneuvers last night, I wish I could fly an F-16 or F-22. Saw pilots flying what looked like the Stealth in LA, I am not ballsy enough to even imagine what being in that would feel like.

    Growing up I dreamed of being an Apache pilot.
  • LiftingSpirits
    LiftingSpirits Posts: 2,207 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    I wish I knew where it was so I could get it back for you.

    I adore you
  • LiftingSpirits
    LiftingSpirits Posts: 2,207 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    What happened to the say it without saying it thread...?

    same thing that happens to everything in the end man

    I guess the bigger mystery is... Htf did it survive so long

    for me, it's "should it have survived so long" to begin with. too many times it brought out the absolute worst in people.

    tbf though there's gonna end up being at least 3 new "vague" threads by the days end im sure

    That’s a question I fight with on a continuous basis because my love/hate relationship with the thread.

    I believe it all comes down to intentions of the poster and the conscious of the reader.

    I definitely agree though, that it’s a toxic thread for the most part because it plays way too much on people’s emotions and insecurities.

    At the same time though, I grew a lot from that thread within the last year. Ultimately the things that spoke out to me, I realize were my own insecurities and weaknesses within my character that needed improvement.

    I notice the correlation between my increased confidence within myself and being less affected by what others have to say. I would go as far as to say that this place and that thread helped me to become a better person.

    Ultimately it’s all about perspective.

    I think this is a big part of it. Almost any vague statement can be applied to 1000 different situations. I could say "You really shouldn't behave like that" and be talking about my cat and 40 people here get offended by it because there is something in their life making them feel guilty or shameful about some behavior. People twist a lot of things to make it apply to themselves and I think that is completely on them and does indicate that maybe they aren't so happy with themselves for one reason or another
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Watching all the military air maneuvers last night, I wish I could fly an F-16 or F-22. Saw pilots flying what looked like the Stealth in LA, I am not ballsy enough to even imagine what being in that would feel like.

    Growing up I dreamed of being an Apache pilot.

    You would LOVE seeing Apache flight patterns & formations here. There are times in the day where the area overhead us here, is a no fly zone as Apachees fly really really high and fast.

    Most of my female cousins fly C17s for the Air Force. The males are currently flying drones based out of March or NV. I have zero interest in these crafts.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    DemSwells wrote: »
    I dunno. I wish I knew/understood why some people invest emotionally in internet forums. Once you turn off the switch, there's this whole world awaiting. We should go play in rain or something. I really don't know where I am going with this...


    So if you do this
    you get this :+1:
  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    DemSwells wrote: »
    DemSwells wrote: »
    I dunno. I wish I knew/understood why some people invest emotionally in internet forums. Once you turn off the switch, there's this whole world awaiting. We should go play in rain or something. I really don't know where I am going with this...


    Snow peas.

  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    DemSwells wrote: »
    I dunno. I wish I knew/understood why some people invest emotionally in internet forums. Once you turn off the switch, there's this whole world awaiting. We should go play in rain or something. I really don't know where I am going with this...


    So if you do this
    you get this :+1:

    But what if I like +1 better?
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    DemSwells wrote: »
    I dunno. I wish I knew/understood why some people invest emotionally in internet forums. Once you turn off the switch, there's this whole world awaiting. We should go play in rain or something. I really don't know where I am going with this...


    So if you do this
    you get this :+1:

    But what if I like +1 better?

  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    What happened to the say it without saying it thread...?

    same thing that happens to everything in the end man

    I guess the bigger mystery is... Htf did it survive so long

    for me, it's "should it have survived so long" to begin with. too many times it brought out the absolute worst in people.

    tbf though there's gonna end up being at least 3 new "vague" threads by the days end im sure

    That’s a question I fight with on a continuous basis because my love/hate relationship with the thread.

    I believe it all comes down to intentions of the poster and the conscious of the reader.

    I definitely agree though, that it’s a toxic thread for the most part because it plays way too much on people’s emotions and insecurities.

    At the same time though, I grew a lot from that thread within the last year. Ultimately the things that spoke out to me, I realize were my own insecurities and weaknesses within my character that needed improvement.

    I notice the correlation between my increased confidence within myself and being less affected by what others have to say. I would go as far as to say that this place and that thread helped me to become a better person.

    Ultimately it’s all about perspective.

    I think this is a big part of it. Almost any vague statement can be applied to 1000 different situations. I could say "You really shouldn't behave like that" and be talking about my cat and 40 people here get offended by it because there is something in their life making them feel guilty or shameful about some behavior. People twist a lot of things to make it apply to themselves and I think that is completely on them and does indicate that maybe they aren't so happy with themselves for one reason or another

    this is very true- but you gotta keep it 100 and admit that sometimes people *do* put vague posts out there to specifically target other users.

    that's okay too- that's valid.
    it may not be "right". i'm not the one to make the call on what's "right". but it's at least natural for people to do that sort of thing.

    because a site like this, more than others imo, has a lot of stressed people on it.
    you gotta treat it like a boiler and let off some of the steam every once in a while or the whole thing just blows up.

    only problem i really see with it is when we got like 5 separate vague threads (and who knows how many that've already been cancelled) floating around with different names and they all end up turning to some kind of negativity when people get mad at each other over whatever.
    at that point, it ain't a boiler letting off steam no more, it's more like a boat with a bunch of leaks in it.

    that's not super healthy in the long run and it gets worse when people don't realize that, sometimes, they should just step away for a bit for themselves, instead of giving in to drama and making themselves carry more weight they ought to be trying to lose.

    I completely agree with you, but that takes good insight to self, good coping mechanisms and lots of displine and self control. Unfortunately, not everyone has these tools. And I would go as far to say that most people lack some, if not all of these traits.

    I also feel we live in an extremely self entitled society that can’t take criticism in the very least, regardless of the source and approach. With that being said, on a forum as such, I can see how people over read into situations and become defensive.

    Hence why I fight back and forth over the question, will removing the thread change things?! People if they want, will always find ways to exercise superiority over others. As well as, take offence to things said regardless of what thread it’s posted in.

    I came here because I sort of like vagueness, and all those other things.

    I do as well with the right intent. I also feel one major issue is the differing opinions of what is considered the final line in regards to humour.

    It’s definitely a great place. I love so many people here, you being one of them. I guess what I’m saying is, I sympathize with people that feel unliked because I felt unwelcomed when I first joined. The vague threads shouldn’t be used for malicious purposes, but we can’t control it with or without these threads. At least in my opinion.

    It almost seems like we have to have certain threads because people will keep doing it. I think people need an outlet to talk vague just like they do for selfies and what's on their mind. It's just how it is here.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I wish I knew why
  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    I wish I knew why

    Me too.
    I thought the little stuffed peas were cute. But apparently I've offended more than one snowflake.