Things you hate at the gym!!!



  • peterplsss
    peterplsss Posts: 169
    When guys don't squat or deadlift more than me. Additionally when guys want to meet girls at the gym. That is why I not longer frequent a conventional gym. I am there to get swole!
    Dis girl kno wat goodie
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    When people are working hard to rehabilitate from an injury. I mean why don't they just give up and sit on the couch eating chips. How dare they not be able to lift a lot after a horrendous injury. How dare they need to recover and have some limitations. How dare they work to become highly functional again, especially if they are an athlete or a dancer. It just makes me so mad! And they aren't even wearing fashionable clothes, either! It looks like they just wear the same clothes to the gym everyday. I also notice how often they use the bathroom and get really mad if they seem like they need to pee a lot. OR if they don't even pee at all. I mean how is that even possible. Everyone needs to pee at least once or else they aren't at the gym long enough! I definitely say something to them if their bathroom habits seem odd. Someone has to!! Also, if they shower and don't use a scented body wash. Who does that!!! A serious athlete would use strawberry scented. I also stand outside the group fitness room and tell everyone how they had bad form and needed to work harder or reprimand them if they aren't sweating enough and if their hair isn't messy. I always make sure to take a stroll through the cardio section to yell at everyone in there, especially if they look like they don't lift. And what's with all the people stretching. Didn't they get the memo that stretching isn't science because that one person did a "study" on it (even though it reduces stress, feels good, improves their range of motion/posture and reduces stiffness, helps them work on specific skills that may be beneficial to them recreationally or in their sport/career). And what's with the people weighing themselves on the scales. Scale weight doesn't matter and they should only weigh themselves naked, first thing in the morning after they use the bathroom and before they eat, and not everyday.

    Edit: Just in case it wasn't clear. I was being sarcastic.
  • shannongoneau
    shannongoneau Posts: 246 Member
    the one guy/girl with bad b.o that runs beside me when all the other treadmills are free :( Really dude? Really!?
  • Dersasaurus
    Dersasaurus Posts: 33 Member
    I had a gym creeper for a while and he would always get on the elliptical beside me and start talking to me. Then, all of a sudden, the jerk decided to creep on another girl at the gym. I'm not sure if I should feel jealous or not. I'm so conflicted.

    Anyway, the thing I hate at the gym is when your gym creeper is not consistent.
  • seeing fugly hairy bear like boyz in the shower room :sick:
  • wafid
    wafid Posts: 2
    When people look at the weights i am carrying and try to beat me with a smirky look on his face
  • RBurnham90
    RBurnham90 Posts: 202 Member
    When people look at the weights i am carrying and try to beat me with a smirky look on his face

    I highly doubt that happens
  • RBurnham90
    RBurnham90 Posts: 202 Member
    "get up and circulate your blood"

    That's all one needs to know to understand how stupid this thread is

    this ^
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    When chicks think people are looking at them... but really, no one is.
  • Sylvitryinghard
    Sylvitryinghard Posts: 549 Member
    people who stink. Everybody is sweating. but I mean really stink. theres deo and **** you can buy or a shower to use. ughhhhhhh
  • brett1117
    brett1117 Posts: 208
    Morons who walk around with a gallon of water! idiots
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    When its so full that your struggle to find a machine/weights!
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    When its so full that your struggle to find a machine/weights!

  • terryrh
    terryrh Posts: 25 Member
    Completely irrational but its when somebody goes on my bike!

    I know its not my bike and i dont know why its so important to me that i go on that one and not the other 3 but damnit it is, if i walk in there and im expecting to do time on the bike to warm up and somebody is on mine my first instinct is to leave and come back later - as crazy as that is...

    Oh and weird eye contact people...
  • The damned loud music and speakers dotted around gym (always rubbish being played), so interferes with your own music on ear phones...

    This! I was forced to lift to Adele's "Someone like you" yesterday. HAHA! Not exactly pumped up music. I was with my trainer so putting in my earbuds was not an option.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    I hate going in and having the entire weight room filled with obnoxious kids from high school and the treadmills are all taken up, so then I'm stuck waiting because the machines I want to use are unavailable.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    When I'm getting to my last sets and trying to not pass out during recovery time, I zone out. More than once I've snapped back to reality to realize I had been unknowingly staring at someone doing their sets. I've gotten some smiles and waves. I blush and apologize.


    AND - the nasty looks from other ladies who think I showed up in full makeup for some reason other than the fact that I just got off of work. Who cares if I have makeup on when I'm working out? Meh. Whateves.
  • Maribel_1986
    Maribel_1986 Posts: 457 Member
    Morons who walk around with a gallon of water! idiots

    I don't see why this is a big deal... Like someone said before, 'Why don't you worry about your workout and don't worry about what others are doing... ' Some people really do make a big effort to drink more water, especially on days when they have a longer workout. As long as they aren't in your way, taking your weights, or stink then who cares that they bring a lot of water.

    Something I dislike at the gym is when people don't put their weights away, and when they smell so bad that I have to move to another area of the gym.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    When people look over at the machine im on to see how good I am doing instead of worrying about themselves! That and when guys purposely run RIGHT behind me with thier guy friends and talk about my *kitten* for 5 laps -_-

    How do you know they're checking out how good you're doing? Sometimes I look at other people's machines because I'm curious as to what workout they're doing, especially if it looks like something really hard. Sometimes when I'm on the arc trainer and the person next to me is really going at it and sweating up a storm I might glance over to see what level they're on.

    I couldn't care less how you're doing, how far or how fast you're going.

    I am also someone who tends to zone out and just stare off into space and I'm sure that people at the gym get all annoyed thinking I'm staring at them when I'm not
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    I hate when the really hot chick I'm creepin on at the treadmill in front of me rips one, and I can taste it. Total buzz kill.

    kidding, I try and stand as far away from everyone else so I can watch tv in peace and no one can see me drop my ipod a million times.
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