What is up with wearing clothes that are to small for you?



  • silverburk
    Oh and the posts that say I am 5ft4 weigh 190lbs and wear a size 10. right I am 5ft9 180 and wear a 14

    BTW, I'm 5ft4 199.2 lbs and I wear between a 14 and a 16 depending on the brand, usually walmart brands. Don't ask me to go to the mall and try on those fancy designer brands, because then I wear a larger size.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Oh and the posts that say I am 5ft4 weigh 190lbs and wear a size 10. right I am 5ft9 180 and wear a 14

    LOL! I'm 5'5" tall, and I wore size 10 clothes when I weighed around 140-145 pounds. My sister in law likes to boast about how she's wearing size 12 right now, but I was that size last year...and nowhere near as big as she is now. :laugh:
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks. Now all I can think is red wedding.

    Seriously though, I don't ware too smal clothes I have a narural muffin top (sigh) its just how I carry body fat, and its tough to find shareware small enough to smooth that sucker out haha. Also if I but pants a size bigger I'm constantly pulling them up it drives me nuts.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Maybe sometimes that is all they have to wear and can't afford to buy larger sizes?

    I think the worst offenders are people buying wedding dresses.

    Sorry but if I weigh 200 or 300 lbs and I am squeezing into a strapless dress, my arms look like big sausages hanging out. It is not flattering at all.

    I think most people have poor judgement on what looks flattering on themselves anyway. I would be hesitant to start a topic like this if I was myself was looking sloppy, wearing unflattering clothes and hair style.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I've been guilty of this in the past, aware I was gaining weight but not prepared to give up on my 'skinny' clothes because I wanted to lose weight and was determined to fit back into them.

    But it turned out when I started strength training my whole shape changed anyway so the styles I used to go for don't look right now anyway, so I've had to buy new clothes. I try not to be affected by the label now and buy things that look and feel good, whatever their size.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I was recently educated that the trend of low hanging pants originated in jail where the lower you wear the pants the more "available" you are for new "friends"..... Can't stand it no matter why! Hate muffin tops on women too, it might be one thing to want to wear a certain size but take a look in the mirror before you go out the door!!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Some people have different mirrors? Or don't have them at all. I'm the opposite. I tend to wear clothes that are way too big & make me look bigger.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    You are aware that other people are not your personal pretty decoration, right?

    Personally, I do try to make an effort to wear clothes that look good, but I don't feel as if I am under any *obligation* to do so. Also, at present time, if I'm between two sizes, I'll get the smaller one because I'm still in the process of losing weight and want to be able to wear it for a little longer before it gets too big.
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    I will also add to my comment, I ware a lot of high waisted stuff and the "muffin top" is still there just hidden. Horray for strange shape!
  • LivDixon
    LivDixon Posts: 22 Member
    You are aware that other people are not your personal pretty decoration, right?

    Personally, I do try to make an effort to wear clothes that look good, but I don't feel as if I am under any *obligation* to do so. Also, at present time, if I'm between two sizes, I'll get the smaller one because I'm still in the process of losing weight and want to be able to wear it for a little longer before it gets too big.

    ^^^^All of this.
    Maybe people can't afford new clothes, maybe they don't WANT new clothes, maybe tight clothes make them feel hot, who cares? I wish we could just let people live in their own bodies and change if they WANT to, not because it would be more aesthetically pleasing to us. People try to squeeze into things as it is because society body-shames them into thinking thin is in, so of course they're going to try to convince themselves that they're smaller, and we hardly receive any good, mainstream information about nutrition and body positivity anyway. It does no good to then shame those people for caving into a society like that and doing whatever it takes to make themselves look "right" by other people's standards.
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    You are aware that other people are not your personal pretty decoration, right?

    Personally, I do try to make an effort to wear clothes that look good, but I don't feel as if I am under any *obligation* to do so. Also, at present time, if I'm between two sizes, I'll get the smaller one because I'm still in the process of losing weight and want to be able to wear it for a little longer before it gets too big.

    ^^^^All of this.
    Maybe people can't afford new clothes, maybe they don't WANT new clothes, maybe tight clothes make them feel hot, who cares? I wish we could just let people live in their own bodies and change if they WANT to, not because it would be more aesthetically pleasing to us. People try to squeeze into things as it is because society body-shames them into thinking thin is in, so of course they're going to try to convince themselves that they're smaller, and we hardly receive any good, mainstream information about nutrition and body positivity anyway. It does no good to then shame those people for caving into a society like that and doing whatever it takes to make themselves look "right" by other people's standards.

    Ditto this. It's their body, they can wear what they want for whatever reasons they want to - even it be for reasons others consider 'misguided' or 'foolish'.

    The main thing is, all of this is in your head. It has less to say about about why they are wearing clothes you consider to be unsuitable for them, and everything to do with why it bothers you so much.
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    I see this all the time as I work at a mall and get a great sample of our population. I'm not small yet but I didn't get new clothes until my 18s were hanging off me. The girls I work with finally told me that I needed to go and get something smaller. It felt great to skip into the next size down because it fit. I can't imagine trying to stuff myself into a 14 yet.

    Honestly, when a person trys to wear clothes that are too small they look even fatter than they are! Wear your size and see how much thinner you look.

    All this being said, I am getting excited about getting into 14s by the beginning of October.
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    I see a lot of larger woman that wear thin black, almost see through leggings which show every nook n cranny and their underwear ..... just not flattering atall.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You are aware that other people are not your personal pretty decoration, right?

    Personally, I do try to make an effort to wear clothes that look good, but I don't feel as if I am under any *obligation* to do so. Also, at present time, if I'm between two sizes, I'll get the smaller one because I'm still in the process of losing weight and want to be able to wear it for a little longer before it gets too big.

    ^^^^All of this.
    Maybe people can't afford new clothes, maybe they don't WANT new clothes, maybe tight clothes make them feel hot, who cares? I wish we could just let people live in their own bodies and change if they WANT to, not because it would be more aesthetically pleasing to us. People try to squeeze into things as it is because society body-shames them into thinking thin is in, so of course they're going to try to convince themselves that they're smaller, and we hardly receive any good, mainstream information about nutrition and body positivity anyway. It does no good to then shame those people for caving into a society like that and doing whatever it takes to make themselves look "right" by other people's standards.

    Ditto this. It's their body, they can wear what they want for whatever reasons they want to - even it be for reasons others consider 'misguided' or 'foolish'.

    The main thing is, all of this is in your head. It has less to say about about why they are wearing clothes you consider to be unsuitable for them, and everything to do with why it bothers you so much.

    All of this plus

    This is one of the most disgusting threads I have ever seen on this site. How dare you people even consider judging anyone on what they choose to wear and yes YOU ARE JUDGING. SHAME ON YOU.

    And btw I do weight 174 lbs and wear a size 10. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    Those who choose to put others down only do it so that they do not have to raise themselves up.
  • iTrainHARD
    You are aware that other people are not your personal pretty decoration, right?

    Personally, I do try to make an effort to wear clothes that look good, but I don't feel as if I am under any *obligation* to do so. Also, at present time, if I'm between two sizes, I'll get the smaller one because I'm still in the process of losing weight and want to be able to wear it for a little longer before it gets too big.

    ^^^^All of this.
    Maybe people can't afford new clothes, maybe they don't WANT new clothes, maybe tight clothes make them feel hot, who cares? I wish we could just let people live in their own bodies and change if they WANT to, not because it would be more aesthetically pleasing to us. People try to squeeze into things as it is because society body-shames them into thinking thin is in, so of course they're going to try to convince themselves that they're smaller, and we hardly receive any good, mainstream information about nutrition and body positivity anyway. It does no good to then shame those people for caving into a society like that and doing whatever it takes to make themselves look "right" by other people's standards.

    Ditto this. It's their body, they can wear what they want for whatever reasons they want to - even it be for reasons others consider 'misguided' or 'foolish'.

    The main thing is, all of this is in your head. It has less to say about about why they are wearing clothes you consider to be unsuitable for them, and everything to do with why it bothers you so much.

    It's also a manner of preference. For example, OP, I think the clothes you have on your default are too tight. It's my personal preference. Would I have even thought twice about if you hadn't started this thread? No.
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    OP, there is a lot of pressure to be thin. That said, there are a lot of different reasons people wear clothes that are too small for them. Sometimes it's personal preference. Sometimes it's because new clothes are so darn expensive.

    For instance, three weeks ago, my sweet fiance did my laundry for me while I was at work. I now look like a stuffed sausage in 2/3 of my work wardrobe because he washed and dried them all --- including the dry clean only, line dry only, and hand wash only. :grumble:

    So I have been (and will continue to wear) clothing that is too small for me until I can afford to buy new. Just food for thought :)
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    I have seen some hysterically dressed people clearly suffering from delusional personality disorder at the various malls. Not surprising at all. Just watch the American Idol audition shows and you see that DPD is quite prevalent and not limited to how people dress.:bigsmile:
  • ldvixen
    ldvixen Posts: 2
    I feel your pain, I have a natural 'muffin top' and very slim legs so buying trousers that fit me is a nightmare (as they are also longer than the average length legs), however I try and buy high waisted trousers as they banish the muffin top I'm trying so hard to get rid of, follow my progress on twitter! @mum_vs_tum xx
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    Baby Gap shows dem GAINZ