What is up with wearing clothes that are to small for you?



  • Sunnydale14
    Sometimes what's worn underneath is the problem! I saw a girl the other day, not a big girl at all, in a tight jersey dress, which would have looked lovely if her underwear hadn't been so tight, that the elastic digging in was giving her a charming multiple bottom appearance. Like the extra boobs when people wear cup sizes too small. Just...why?
  • tnwebb611
    Girl, find yourself a good seamstress/tailor. If you do, they are AMAZEBALLS. You find tha pair that fits your booty and your waist but are too long? To the tailor. Find a pair that is awesome on the booty, but a bit big in the waist? To the tailor! It can make a WORLD of difference in your wardrobe and how you look/feel. Seriously, good tailors man.
  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    Oh and the posts that say I am 5ft4 weigh 190lbs and wear a size 10. right I am 5ft9 180 and wear a 14

    The question is a size 10 in what?

    I'm 5'9" and 173 and easily fit in size 6 flared skirts because I have a tiny waist compared to the rest of me. Looking at most size charts I'm something like a size 12-14 chest, size 4-6 waist, size 10-12 hips. But occasionally I've found pants that are apparently based on the waist size only so I have a couple pairs of size 6 pants that fit. Which doesn't make any sense, but I'm not the one manufacturing pants with the same measurements that are labeled anywhere from a 6 to a 14.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Sometimes what's worn underneath is the problem! I saw a girl the other day, not a big girl at all, in a tight jersey dress, which would have looked lovely if her underwear hadn't been so tight, that the elastic digging in was giving her a charming multiple bottom appearance. Like the extra boobs when people wear cup sizes too small. Just...why?
    Maybe they hate shopping? I have this going on right now because I cannot stand the thought of wasting my precious free time on an activity I hate. That's time I could be working out, trying to fix the underlying problem! Here's an idea, though; I think I'll just wear my workout bras for now and suffer the uni-boob rather than have the extra boobs going on.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I've noticed this too. I could squeeze myself into a certain size and say that technically "they fit". Although I don't like to wear tight-fitting stuff, so I wear two sizes bigger, and I refer to that when asked what size I am. I do see many women wearing stuff that's too small. For whatever reason; they like tight-fitting stuff, they're in denial about weight gain, they're not in denial but can't afford new stuff. I can't help what other people do, but good fitting stuff would obviously look better.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    I wore too small clothes bc I had gained weight and my clothes no longer fit me the way they should. Also, the way my body is I gain weight right in that muffin top area. I knew the clothes didn't look great on, but there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it besides slowly losing the weight.
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    My clothes are the right size for me, but due to how im proportioned it wouldnt matter what i wear i still have the muffin top!

    The jeans i have on currently are too big an require pulling up ALOT.... but i still have a crazy *kitten* muffin top going on.

    spose id better walk round all naked then until i lose the weight... just in case someone thinks ALL my clothes are far too small for me..
  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    This may be a bad topic, but just curious. What is up with wearing the clothes that are obviously way to small for a person? I understand the wish to want to be in a smaller size, but doesn't it make more sense to wear the clothes that fit you? I've been noticing that after seeing these people out and about and bragging how they finally got into that smaller pant size, that has given them what I dread more than anything "the dreaded muffin top", has me worrying every time I get dressed and look in the mirror that I'm wearing something that isn't flattering to my figure. Not trying to be judgmental. Just wondering what is up with it and what i can do to avoid it wrecking my attempts at getting back into working out and eating healthy again. ( I"ve fallen off the wagon... again.) I just don't understand why men wanna wear pants that sag halfway down their backside and women wanna wear pants so tight they can barely breath... It makes me sad. There's to much pressure on society today to be perfect and thin.

    This is why I go nude as much as possible. I never have to worry about fitting in with the fads!
  • madmiya
    madmiya Posts: 66 Member
    You are aware that other people are not your personal pretty decoration, right?

    Personally, I do try to make an effort to wear clothes that look good, but I don't feel as if I am under any *obligation* to do so. Also, at present time, if I'm between two sizes, I'll get the smaller one because I'm still in the process of losing weight and want to be able to wear it for a little longer before it gets too big.

    ^^^^All of this.
    Maybe people can't afford new clothes, maybe they don't WANT new clothes, maybe tight clothes make them feel hot, who cares? I wish we could just let people live in their own bodies and change if they WANT to, not because it would be more aesthetically pleasing to us. People try to squeeze into things as it is because society body-shames them into thinking thin is in, so of course they're going to try to convince themselves that they're smaller, and we hardly receive any good, mainstream information about nutrition and body positivity anyway. It does no good to then shame those people for caving into a society like that and doing whatever it takes to make themselves look "right" by other people's standards.

    Ditto this. It's their body, they can wear what they want for whatever reasons they want to - even it be for reasons others consider 'misguided' or 'foolish'.

    The main thing is, all of this is in your head. It has less to say about about why they are wearing clothes you consider to be unsuitable for them, and everything to do with why it bothers you so much.

    It's also a manner of preference. For example, OP, I think the clothes you have on your default are too tight. It's my personal preference. Would I have even thought twice about if you hadn't started this thread? No.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    some just like the style of something so much they really don't care.

    I've done this before, with a super-cute jacket that was also 70% off (like that would make it fit :laugh:). Bought it probably 7 years ago and it looked cute on me, but was tight enough in the chest that I couldn't button it - that was OK, I could wear it open - and tight under the arms. You couldn't see it, but it was really uncomfortable. It's sat in my closet unworn all this time, but it's so cute I couldn't quite bring myself to get rid of it.

    Funny thing, I tried it on a couple of weeks ago and it fits now. It's in fashion, too. Now I just have to wait for colder weather.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You are aware that other people are not your personal pretty decoration, right?

    Personally, I do try to make an effort to wear clothes that look good, but I don't feel as if I am under any *obligation* to do so. Also, at present time, if I'm between two sizes, I'll get the smaller one because I'm still in the process of losing weight and want to be able to wear it for a little longer before it gets too big.

    ^^^^All of this.
    Maybe people can't afford new clothes, maybe they don't WANT new clothes, maybe tight clothes make them feel hot, who cares? I wish we could just let people live in their own bodies and change if they WANT to, not because it would be more aesthetically pleasing to us. People try to squeeze into things as it is because society body-shames them into thinking thin is in, so of course they're going to try to convince themselves that they're smaller, and we hardly receive any good, mainstream information about nutrition and body positivity anyway. It does no good to then shame those people for caving into a society like that and doing whatever it takes to make themselves look "right" by other people's standards.

    Ditto this. It's their body, they can wear what they want for whatever reasons they want to - even it be for reasons others consider 'misguided' or 'foolish'.

    The main thing is, all of this is in your head. It has less to say about about why they are wearing clothes you consider to be unsuitable for them, and everything to do with why it bothers you so much.

    All of this plus

    This is one of the most disgusting threads I have ever seen on this site. How dare you people even consider judging anyone on what they choose to wear and yes YOU ARE JUDGING. SHAME ON YOU.

    And btw I do weight 174 lbs and wear a size 10. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    Those who choose to put others down only do it so that they do not have to raise themselves up.

    Ummmm......I think you're overreacting to this post by several smidges. OP was curious, people look bad in clothes that are too small, she wondered why they do it. You need to get over whatever made you react so badly to this post. Frankly, the reaction is much more judgmental than the original message.

    Have you ever seen the TLC show "What not to wear" or the Style network show "How do I look?". They're makeover shows for people that dress poorly. The point of such shows is that your appearance, whether you like it or not, is how you introduce yourself to the world and people react to it. It's just the way it is. Dress like a prostitute, and people will treat you like you're a prostitute, etc. Wear way-too-small clothes, and people think you've let yourself go and you don't care. Dress respectably, and people will treat you with respect. It's just the way the world we live in works. No need to take your disdain for it out on the OP.

    Edit for typos.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You are aware that other people are not your personal pretty decoration, right?

    Personally, I do try to make an effort to wear clothes that look good, but I don't feel as if I am under any *obligation* to do so. Also, at present time, if I'm between two sizes, I'll get the smaller one because I'm still in the process of losing weight and want to be able to wear it for a little longer before it gets too big.

    ^^^^All of this.
    Maybe people can't afford new clothes, maybe they don't WANT new clothes, maybe tight clothes make them feel hot, who cares? I wish we could just let people live in their own bodies and change if they WANT to, not because it would be more aesthetically pleasing to us. People try to squeeze into things as it is because society body-shames them into thinking thin is in, so of course they're going to try to convince themselves that they're smaller, and we hardly receive any good, mainstream information about nutrition and body positivity anyway. It does no good to then shame those people for caving into a society like that and doing whatever it takes to make themselves look "right" by other people's standards.

    Ditto this. It's their body, they can wear what they want for whatever reasons they want to - even it be for reasons others consider 'misguided' or 'foolish'.

    The main thing is, all of this is in your head. It has less to say about about why they are wearing clothes you consider to be unsuitable for them, and everything to do with why it bothers you so much.

    All of this plus

    This is one of the most disgusting threads I have ever seen on this site. How dare you people even consider judging anyone on what they choose to wear and yes YOU ARE JUDGING. SHAME ON YOU.

    And btw I do weight 174 lbs and wear a size 10. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    Those who choose to put others down only do it so that they do not have to raise themselves up.

    I think you're overreacting...
  • UndercoverAngel74
    UndercoverAngel74 Posts: 185 Member
    Rule of thumb: If it looks like you are baking bread in your jeans, get a bigger size.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You are aware that other people are not your personal pretty decoration, right?

    Personally, I do try to make an effort to wear clothes that look good, but I don't feel as if I am under any *obligation* to do so. Also, at present time, if I'm between two sizes, I'll get the smaller one because I'm still in the process of losing weight and want to be able to wear it for a little longer before it gets too big.

    ^^^^All of this.
    Maybe people can't afford new clothes, maybe they don't WANT new clothes, maybe tight clothes make them feel hot, who cares? I wish we could just let people live in their own bodies and change if they WANT to, not because it would be more aesthetically pleasing to us. People try to squeeze into things as it is because society body-shames them into thinking thin is in, so of course they're going to try to convince themselves that they're smaller, and we hardly receive any good, mainstream information about nutrition and body positivity anyway. It does no good to then shame those people for caving into a society like that and doing whatever it takes to make themselves look "right" by other people's standards.

    Ditto this. It's their body, they can wear what they want for whatever reasons they want to - even it be for reasons others consider 'misguided' or 'foolish'.

    The main thing is, all of this is in your head. It has less to say about about why they are wearing clothes you consider to be unsuitable for them, and everything to do with why it bothers you so much.

    All of this plus

    This is one of the most disgusting threads I have ever seen on this site. How dare you people even consider judging anyone on what they choose to wear and yes YOU ARE JUDGING. SHAME ON YOU.

    And btw I do weight 174 lbs and wear a size 10. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    Those who choose to put others down only do it so that they do not have to raise themselves up.

    Holy Overreaction Batman

  • silverburk
    This has gotten way off topic. I was talking about people who PURPOSELY bought clothes that were too small for them. Because they could. I'm not angry about it or seriously judgmental or anything it was an honest question one that's been in my head for a while and I just wanted some opinions. I wasn't talking about people who couldn't afford to buy new clothes or whatever. I was talking about the girls who purposely buy smaller clothes so they can say they wear a smaller size, but it just doesn't look good on them.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    This is one of the most disgusting threads I have ever seen on this site. How dare you people even consider judging anyone on what they choose to wear and yes YOU ARE JUDGING. SHAME ON YOU.
    LOL @ blatant hypocrisy.
  • blkisis1
    blkisis1 Posts: 2 Member
    Too small clothes or too big clothes never bother me -- that's their preference. I will admit I am a snob when it comes to the "to, too and two"...just sayin' :happy:
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    So no one is allowed to have an opinion anymore?
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    I have a tendency to buy my clothes too small because I like everything very fitted. Now, if I have a doubt about whether something is too small or just fitted, I will ask a sales girl for an opinion, and remind myself that I can always get something taken in in the spots that seem to loose, but I can't do anything about a spot that seems to tight.
  • silverburk
    I can't find it now, but to the one who said I looked bad in my picture on here, I have to say that shirt was slightly baggy, with a tank top underneath, and those pants required a belt to keep them on my hips. Thank you.

    I suck at to, too, two... sorry. :)

    edit to add ^