Skipping Breakfast !



  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    Oh my this is interesting : loosing weight during Ramadan
    - [Source :]

    This bit I noticed:
    "Why do I feel hungry? A lot of people ask why they don't feel hungry throughout the day if they skip Suhoor (breakfast meal before dawn), but are starving by 9AM if they eat Suhoor. It all comes down to blood sugar levels. Eating a massive meal in the early morning hours (before dawn) leads to a large surge in blood sugar and a subsequent secretion of a lot of insulin to help bring down your sugar level. In about 2-3 hours your blood sugar levels will drop to lower than normal, and this triggers a hunger response. By 9AM you will feel like you are starving. And you have the whole day left. By noon that feeling will go away, but why do you want to do that to yourself? You can avoid that problem by eating the right things throughout the evening and early morning and you can avoid this feeling of hunger. Later on I will discuss what you can eat to minimize the hunger response. To fulfill the religious recommendation of Suhoor (not obligation), just wake up and drink some water. Water has no consequences in terms of blood sugar levels. You could also just skip it altogether and continue the overnight fast into the day, you are already living off your fat stores, and can continue to do so throughout the day. You won't feel hungry. Overnight, your liver makes sugar for you to live off of, but can only do so for a limited period of time. If you continue this overnight fast into the day, you can start living off your fat stores. Isn't that the best way to lose weight? By burning fat? "

    The point about breakfast giving you a high then low I thought was rather interesting..
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    Don't forget "breakfast" is just the first meal of the day, to break the fast when sleeping. So everyone eats breakfast, just not as soon as they get up.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I personally rarely skip breakfast. If I'm hungry, then having to work, it would be so much easier for me to kill somebody who is irritating me! However, I don't think it's a necessity, as I know plenty of people who miss breakfast, and they function perfectly OK.

    Everybody is different.
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    Don't forget "breakfast" is just the first meal of the day, to break the fast when sleeping. So everyone eats breakfast, just not as soon as they get up.
    Of course, how clever of you - so I am having break-fast at 12:00 noon and not skipping breakfast at all.

    Darn - now the thread needs renaming to ''delaying breakfast" or "extending your fast"
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    I never eat breakfast. I find eating breakfast makes me hungrier all day. If I skip breakfast, I can go longer without eating and just have a big dinner and dessert. I like going to bed on a full stomach better anyway.

    Do whatever works best for you!

    You seem to be doing very well with it too.