60 yrs and up



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,436 Member
    Good to hear from you, @Evamutt.

    I think it's hard to say what's going on for sure (as a total stranger, even when reading your helpfully clear post).

    I do find that as I age, I need to be more conscious and intentional about recovery - planning it into my workout schedule - and I don't bounce back from overdoing like I did when younger. (I'm not saying you're overdoing, though.)

    More relevant here, I also find that I de-train much faster if I take a break from working out, or have to cut way back (which I've done during things like surgical recovery or illness). I find that it takes a period of gradually increasing (duration, frequency, intensity) to come back from those breaks. That period may take longer than the break itself, which is frustrating. I can't just jump back in and ramp up as quickly as I could when younger.

    That makes me think (hope?) some of what you're experiencing is normal, though obviously not pleasant. But also potentially recoverable, with patient persistence. (Dontcha just hate things that require patient persistence? I do! ;) )

    That said, reading between the lines, there may be some reasons to talk with your doctor if this doesn't resolve. You mention Covid and BP. If you had Covid, that can have after-effects for anyone and everyone (and from what I've read, pushing hard against that is counterproductive for everyone of any age). If you had high/low BP and have new-ish medications, there could be side effects. There are also health conditions that become more likely statistically as we age that can trigger fatigue.

    Yes, I think some of this sort of thing can be a normal aging effect (unfortunately), and some (bad) doctors will be quick to classify it that way, but if it's a more abrupt thing in someone who's been as active as you have, ideally our doctors will take us seriously and run the basic tests they'd run for anyone else.

    I'm sure you're already on top of this, but making sure things like sleep, nutrition, hydration, stress management, etc., are as on point as possible can only help mitigate any problem issues.

    I'm sorry you're going through this, and hope you're able to find some improvement! ((virtual hugs))
  • lclark04957
    lclark04957 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 14
    Great advice. It’s easy to compare myself to others and lose focus on personal goals and why I am on this weight loss/fitness journey. I’ll do what I can, when I can, and focus on the positive.
  • lclark04957
    lclark04957 Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning my 60 and older friends. Half way through the week and so far so good. Managed to exercise everyday this week. I definitely feel much better physically and mentally. I hope the rest of the week goes well for everyone, and I’d love to hear from you. Please share. It’s motivating to know I’m not alone in this wellness journey.
  • lclark04957
    lclark04957 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 16
    @ridiculous59 … totally agree. 93 and moving? Sounds fantastic. Stretching is something I should do more. I always feel better after. I don’t know why I skip that step. Good advice. I’m making it a goal for next week!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,344 Member
    @AnnPT77 - you truly are brilliant, and earn the PT in your name!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,344 Member
    Hello peeps!
    I am working hard with my personal plan, hitting all the bases I know:
    - not just logging food, pre-logging food! (which is not my thing)
    - aiming for a water target
    - staying with a calorie deficit 12/14 days, then having 2 days at maintenance to mix things up & satisfy any deprivation I may be trying to convince myself of 😆
    - cooking almost every meal from scratch, adding in lots of veggies, trying to get adequate protein. Weighing and measuring food to be as accurate as possible.
    - fasting daily 14+ hours
    - trying to regulate my bedtime and get adequate sleep (made progress on this but not quite where I want it to be)
    - incorporate daily activity to build a daily habit (meeting my very modest activity/step goals for the most part, but still not there yet with a dedicated activity time daily)

    And I have lost weight, not as much as I would've liked or think I 'deserve' but averaging a lb a week last 6 weeks and I do seem to have a bit more energy and am feeling stronger and more in control overall. So having a successful month or so! I am on my 3rd cycle of my plan and still gung-ho to keep going. 🙂
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,436 Member
    Happy Monday, all!

    I did one of those weekend road trip thingies, lots of food indulgences and two days of 6+ hour car rides. Got the usual result: Up a couple of pounds today, may be up a bit more tomorrow (hard to say), but it's mostly water weight and will be leaving soon enough if I behave like a sensible human . . . or so I predict. I didn't eat 7000 calories in total above maintenance calories. ;)

    We went from mid-Michigan to Baraboo, Wisconsin on Saturday. On Sunday, we watched "our" team in the Big 10 Rowing Championships (women's rowing). That team didn't dominate, which we expected, but did move up the rankings from last year, as we had hoped. There's been a coaching change, we hope/think positive. They are rebuilding.

    After the races, we drove home.

    I did a bunch of walking around Devil's Lake State Park, where the event was held on Sunday (in gorgeous weather), but given all the car-riding time, it was a low-activity weekend overall.

    The state park over the weekend was beautiful, and we had hot (80+ F, 27+ C), sunny weather. This is a photo of the event, with my very fit (but anonymized ;) ) 77-y/o rower buddy J. watching from right of the photo (blonde woman in white jacket (it was windy in the AM) and dark shorts).


    I was back rowing on the home river this morning, this time in a double with someone (retired woman around my age) who was in our learn-to-row class last year, and who has been rowing regularly since. She's doing great!

    What's everyone else up to?

  • 23majiki18
    23majiki18 Posts: 2 Member
    Morning!! I’m “Nana” and am hoping to lose a significant amount of weight and throw out meds for blood pressure (entirely doable!) and cholesterol ( maybe not so doable—-we shall see)! I would appreciate input on “easy on the knees” movement activities (aka—-exercises!) as my knees hurt most of the time (miniscus injuries and auto crash). I know losing weight will help with the pain, but it’s a double edged sword right now. I’m planning to start some water aerobics because I know that will relieve a lot of pressure on my knees. However any/all other suggestions are greatly appreciated. Have a great logging day and enjoy!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,436 Member
    edited May 21
    Welcome, @23majiki18!

    "Easy on the knees" has some individuality to it, I think. I can only comment from my own experience, but your experience may be different.

    Ridiculous59 has good advice there about water exercise. That will work for quite a few people, since the water supports body weight and takes some of the stress off.

    I have osteoarthritis in my knees, and at least one torn meniscus. (I suspect both are now torn from the sensations, but only one was MRI-ed at the time.)

    Myself, I find that I can do things that require work from my knees bending in the linear front/back axis, but things with higher impact or torque/twisting on my knees makes things worse.

    By higher impact, I'm talking stuff like running, jumping, etc. Torque/twisting happens in some dance-type exercises, and in some games. (Some examples of games with twisting, things that I'm not suggesting are currently on your or my agenda, but are clear examples: Tennis, basketball, etc.) So I don't do things like that.

    What I'd suggest is some cautious experimentation.

    For me, with my limitations/reactions, major activities are biking (stationary or outdoor) and rowing (machines and boats, which is a leg exercise primarily, some upper body). Those are things I worked up to, and that involve only knee bending in the linear-hinging way, and pressure but not impact. I'm not saying "do those", I'm just giving examples of my personal thought process.

    I do find that some activities are uncomfortable at the time I do them, but don't make the overall conditions or pain worse longer term. That's an even more scary level of experimentation, though.

    For myself, I put walking (for exercise) in that category. I like to keep conditioned enough to walking that I can freely do things like art fairs or music festivals and whatnot that require quite a bit of walking. When I've cut back on walking (in Winter here!), I start gradually and build up distance over a period of time. My knees hurt by the end of a long walk, but don't get worse in general.

    Another thing that helped me was physical therapy. At first, my orthopedist didn't want to refer me for PT, because he said it couldn't help treat either OA or torn meniscus. But when I told him I wanted to learn how to walk and (especially) climb stairs in ways that would reduce further knee stress, he was supportive and referred me. I took one cortisone shot that sort of tided me over, and did the PT. For me, it was helpful.

    The physical therapist also assessed me to see whether certain muscular weaknesses or other musculo-skeletal issues were contributing to my knee pain. For many people, quadriceps (front thigh muscles) need strengthening, but that wasn't the case for me. However, I did have tightness in my hip joints that was contributing to my problems, and he gave me exercises to improve that. Very helpful!

    It can take a bit of patience and cautious experimentation to find some activities that work, but in my experience, the results can be worth that effort. I'm hoping you find some things that a workable for you!

    P.S. Apologies for the long post!
  • lclark04957
    lclark04957 Posts: 8 Member
    I love this group! Great advice and very supportive. Welcome, @23majiki18!