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60 yrs and up
@MargaretYakoda Almost 20 years ago one of my son's was dating a girl who's family was involved in SCA. He really enjoyed it. And being a big redhead, with a big red beard, and of Scottish descent, he had to fashion himself a kilt to wear to the events 🙂 Glad you had an enjoyable afternoon.2
Hi, All -
How's it going, everyone?
@ridiculous59, has your dragon boat team been on the water yet? We've had some nice weather here, and some of my friends have rowed already, but I haven't yet. I think the group I coordinate will get on the water soon (as soon as I get my act together to coordinate schedules, realistically ).
I've had several nice bike rides out on the paved trail system already. The wind has been strong - part of the reason I haven't rowed - so biking is usually easier in one direction than the other, in the standard out-and-back routes I do most often.
Unfortunately, I'm still a medical mystery. Primary care is pretty much out of ideas (and I'm on board with that). She could do an auto-immune workup, but I have zero other autoimmune symptoms, just the odd right posterior ribcage pain and some fatigue. She could order a stress test, but I have no obvious cardiac symptoms.
I track my heart rate, and do some fairly intense cardio workouts, feel fine all the way, no chest pain or shortness of breath, and my heart rate graphs look good (normal) under high exertion. She said my cholesterol levels are "phenomenal", which is pretty wonderful: One of the things that got me to commit to weight loss was high cholesterol plus not wanting to take a statin.
My osteopath (whom I see regularly to keep my back, neck & hips tuned up) has referred me for PT, to see if some shoulder restrictions I have may be a factor in the rib pain, but that's kind of speculative.
It's seemingly not related, but I do still have a couple small lung nodules that showed up on one of the CT scans that was done because of the rib pain. The radiologist thought they looked benign, but I'll do a repeat CT in June to see if there's any change. (This is because I have a history of fairly advanced breast cancer, even though it was 23+ years back.)
On the more MFP-relevant front, my bodyweight does seem to be creeping down a little bit with the increase in activity as weather gets nicer. It had crept up a little (in maintenance) over the Winter and maybe a bit before. I still fit in my jeans, so I'm not super stressed about it.
The local farmer's market is starting to have some nice Spring things. (I'm in the North-ish US, mid-Michgan.) There are greens, Hakurei turnips, soon will be extra-yummy things like asparagus and strawberries. Lummesome produce!
Best wishes to everyone for some Spring delights!
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@AnnPT77 Thanks for keeping us updated on your medical mystery.
It’s been cool and drippy here in the Pacific Northwest. There was some excitement about an escaped zoo zebra this past week, but she was captured on Friday evening and is safely back with her herd.
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@AnnPT77 - on another thread in the debate section you posted some fascinating family history and I just wanted to comment on how valuable it can be to have older parents, as we know stuff more directly about earlier times, thanks for sharing! And also to remind you just how much of an incredible blessing your birth had to have been. Your parents must have treasured you dearly and you have been well-loved.
My parents were a bit older too (my mum was in her thirties for all 3 of her pregnancies) and was turning 39 when my baby brother was born, and my dad was turning 42. They were married 9 years before they had me (oldest and only girl), go figure they'd end up with 3 kiddos! My parents also emigrated from Scotland to Canada, and that made for some culture differences and few relatives for us, although many of my childhood friends were also 1st generation Canadians - from mostly European countries. My parents were toddlers in the thirties right into WWII war deprivation as teens. My dad signed up at 17 for the British army and was shipped to Asia in mopping up/peacekeeping activities right at the end of WWII. My dad lost a brother (shot down over Europe) and my mother had an uncle in a Japanese POW camp. Certainly gives one a different perspective to be that close to such events!4 -
I posted last month when I gave notice of my retirement to start the end of last week. The next week 2 other people in my section gave notice. So I got an offer to work part-time on a limited duration basis which I decided to accept. So I am in transition to retire. I don’t do well when I am working full-time and I do better when I have been unemployed (the economic downturn and the pandemic). We’ll see how part-time goes.
@-gwen I remember you. I am back after a busy time working full-time. I am starting to transition to retirement so plan to spend more time here.
@MargaretYakoda LOL, I live in the Pacific Northwest too. They finally caught the zebra!
@AnnPT77 I hope they figure out what is going on. I am reading up on foods, spices and herbs that help some of my issues. I am working on eating healthier foods now that I have more time for that.4 -
@AnnPT77 Definitely a mystery about your rib cage pain! This is our third week of dragon boat paddling but we had to cancel one day last week because of winds. It feels so good to get on the water and use different muscles. I always feel that no matter how you try to replicate muscle movement with machines and free weights, it's just not the same as the real thing. And of course I also use facial muscles when I'm in the dragon boat (smiling) that I never use with free weights or machines haha
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I just got back from a month long vacation in the South Pacific. Endless food. I tried to eat sensibly, and exercise as I found time. Only gained a handful of pounds, but nothing to discourage me. I passed into a new decade on this trip, and the most decadent thing i ate was a birthday dessert of chocolate mousse with a chocolate walled house built over the top of it. Enjoyed every calorie. Back home, and back here to MFP, catching up with everyone. Glad to see all the posts, and hope everyone is keeping up the good attitudes!5
Just checking in on all you seasoned citizens. Good to see so many of you staying active.
Life goes on in my world. My wife had a hernia surgery last week. All went well with the procedure. Now we are dealing with the post-operative healing. The fun never stops ... 😊
Holding the line weight-wise. Got a slight downward trend going. It's finally getting warm in southwest Idaho - another reason to get outside and be more active.
Going fishing tomorrow. Lookig forward to a day on the water and away from the phone.
Take care, all.
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Long day at the VA today.
Husband’s retinopathy continues to have stalled. Yay for me being Nurse Ratchit with his diet, exercise, and med management. We’re years past any serious deterioration now.
The ophthalmology department there is always a crapshoot re: getting to see the doctor at your actual appointment time.
Veterans can have some swift and scary eye emergencies. Some days everything runs smoothly. Other days there’s a bunch of folks newly nicknamed “patch” and it’s a couple hours after your appointment time when you finally get to see the doc.
Today was that second experience.
Got some other stuff sorted out there. It took a long time and I was a hungry mess. Was able to send husband to the car with my partner while I waited another hour for the pharmacy to dispense his meds. That way husband could eat his sandwich and fruit.
Me? I was wilting like a daisy in the desert.
Managed it though.
Finally got back to the car and praised whomever came up with the idea for single serve prepackaged salads in a bowl. That, and Oreos. Because gosh darn it, I earned that little treat today!
Some of the sights driving to, and at the VAOn the wayYes. The mountain was out today. Such a lovely view for lunch.
And home again3 -
@MargaretYakoda: Wow, you live in a lovely place! I like it here (mid-Michigan), but the joys are mostly forest-y, small scale, or the big lakes (which look like the ocean except less plant/animal ornamentation).
@alteredsteve175, good to hear from you, and know that you're keeping on keeping on. I know it's a long road, and not an easy one. Congratulations on getting the weight going in a desired direction,
@SbetaK, that sounds like a wonderful birthday and an amazing trip. Happy birthday! That mousse-in-a-house sounds amazing.
@ridiculous59, glad to hear you're back dragon boating. Those happiness muscles need a workout, too.
@KeriA, congratulations on your retirement! I worked part time for a while post-retirement (after about 3 months pure hiatus): It was a nice off-ramp for me, both financially and psychologically. I hope it'll serve you well, too.
@BCLadybug888, my parents didn't even marry until my mom was 42 and my dad 38. He'd been married once before (relatively briefly), she hadn't. They'd met not a huge amount of time before. I wouldn't say it in public if they were still alive, but I was in the oven on the wedding day (which I think is kind of amusing, honestly, given the era and their ages). Wedding in May, my birthday in November. But 100%, I always felt completely loved and wanted. I had the best possible childhood; couldn't imagine how it could've been better. I didn't really appreciate that fully until later in life when I heard platitudes like "all families are dysfunctional, just in different ways", and heard more angst-y stories even from friends who didn't experience major trauma. I was so lucky, literally never felt any of that, still don't. Late in life, my dad was at great pains to reassure me that I was loved and wanted, given the context. I already knew it, right down to my bones, and told him so. (Mom was gone by that point, sadly.) Your story is so interesting and dramatic, too! I feel like there are advantages for children, sometimes, in having older parents: I felt like some of my friends' parents (most of them in their 30s when we were in junior high, say) felt only partly baked. My parents knew who they were, so solid a foundation for me.
Anyone else have updates? I so enjoy hearing from you.7 -
Feeling really good right now with my workouts. I had been sick for a few weeks and it was such a struggle. I love the feeling when it breaks through and you're feeling strong and ready to go for some workouts. I think I'm back to that now. I go to the gym early in the morning, before work - some days I do cardio and some days, I'm lifting. As it gets nicer, there are some nice hikes near my home, so I do that after work and on weekends sometimes. As long as the horrible winds don't come back!! I live in Colorado, by the way. Shouldn't complain about wind when other areas of the country have had tornadoes!
Have a great day, everyone!6 -
Hello everyone. New member this week. I’m 61 and retired a year ago to nanny my granddaughter. Now that I’m 60 and less active, the weight loss isn’t easy, so I’ll be visiting here regularly for accountability and motivation to help keep me on track. I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey.5
Hi! I'm new to this group. I'm 65 and diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in September 2023. I also struggle being active because of arthritis in my knees and lower back. But I am doing all I can to choose well with what I can do! Looking forward to encouragement on this journey to better health!5
Welcome, @lclark04957 and @meleaherrin!
FWIW, getting my weight down to a healthy level made a significant reduction in my osteoarthritis discomfort/pain (plus at least one torn knee meniscus, probably 2). It took a little time at goal weight for my body to register the improvement - time to heal a bit from prior stress/strain from the excess weight, I would guess - but the long term result was less frequent pain, and less severe.
Strictly speaking, exercise is optional for weight loss, but it's good for the body. If you can find some manageable kinds of movement to add, that will be a bonus.
Wishing both of you excellent progress and results: IME, the effort is worth it!3 -
I thought I'd chim in. It's been a while since I shared on here. I've been busy doing the 5% challenge and then I joined the Half Size Me academy & it wasn't easy to be involved in both & had to find a good time for HSM. I've listened to the podcasts & on YouTube for couple years and am doing my best to be involved there & find something specific to work on & concentrate on that 1 thing so I don't get overwhelmed. There's so much to learn & do in there. I got laid off from the hospital I worked in full time for 15yrs in 2013 & someone I knew had a stroke a while before I got laid off & was in the same hospital. After I left, I would visit her in the nursing home where she was for 2 years. After she got home, I became one of the care givers. She needed someone there all the time for a while & as time went by she got better & needed less help so they gave her less hours for care. I ended us working 4 hours a week, 2 days/wk then just 2 hours one day a week & after about a year I quit since it got to be more driving & time compared to what she needed. The only thing she NEEDED was to change her underwear, her whole right side got effected by the stroke. Her R arm didn't work & she wears a brace on her R leg & can walk slow with a cane & the rest of the time I took her out to lunch. I didn't eat with her & it just became harder to just sit there then take her home. Wish I could have done house cleaning or any kind of movement but others were doing that & she didn't want me to do it so she can go out. We still keep in touch & I will take her to lunch some time.6
Went for my annual check up last month & my labs were all good but forgot to ask the Dr about something that's been bothering me & I could make a phone appointment since I already saw her in person last month but thought Id ask here for any insight... I turned 70 last month & ever since my 67th birthday I lost a little more energy every year & I tire more doing things lately that I didn't before or I recovered quicker. I don't know if there's something wrong or I'm getting older. I don't know who to ask. I used to go to the gym 5 days a week & loved it. Went to HIIT 3 days a week, step class 2x's a week & worked out on my own but then I had a problem with my let so couldn't go, Had BP issues (due to covid) so couldn't go. Finally went back 3 weeks ago to swim for about 30min then the 3rd week I worked out doing cardio in the pool without stopping for 20min but it took me 4 days to recover, it took a lot out of me & won't be doing it so hard again. I wonder if it's because I haven't done that in so long? I walk average 3 miles in the morning with my dogs, sometimes 2, sometimes up to 5 then have lunch & I'm so tired. I do push myself to do things around the house & I do errands, grocery shop but less than I used to, I go to Bible study every week, do some yard work but it's not easy. Does this sound "normal"?2
Hi, your energy and capacity sounds good to me, but that's compared to me lol, and since you are noticing a decline, you probably should get it checked out. Sometimes heart issues show up this way (not to scare you, just saying).
However if you are comparing your performance to some time in the past and trying to ramp up again, you are probably fine, just need to build up your stamina again.6 -
Good to hear from you, @Evamutt.
I think it's hard to say what's going on for sure (as a total stranger, even when reading your helpfully clear post).
I do find that as I age, I need to be more conscious and intentional about recovery - planning it into my workout schedule - and I don't bounce back from overdoing like I did when younger. (I'm not saying you're overdoing, though.)
More relevant here, I also find that I de-train much faster if I take a break from working out, or have to cut way back (which I've done during things like surgical recovery or illness). I find that it takes a period of gradually increasing (duration, frequency, intensity) to come back from those breaks. That period may take longer than the break itself, which is frustrating. I can't just jump back in and ramp up as quickly as I could when younger.
That makes me think (hope?) some of what you're experiencing is normal, though obviously not pleasant. But also potentially recoverable, with patient persistence. (Dontcha just hate things that require patient persistence? I do! )
That said, reading between the lines, there may be some reasons to talk with your doctor if this doesn't resolve. You mention Covid and BP. If you had Covid, that can have after-effects for anyone and everyone (and from what I've read, pushing hard against that is counterproductive for everyone of any age). If you had high/low BP and have new-ish medications, there could be side effects. There are also health conditions that become more likely statistically as we age that can trigger fatigue.
Yes, I think some of this sort of thing can be a normal aging effect (unfortunately), and some (bad) doctors will be quick to classify it that way, but if it's a more abrupt thing in someone who's been as active as you have, ideally our doctors will take us seriously and run the basic tests they'd run for anyone else.
I'm sure you're already on top of this, but making sure things like sleep, nutrition, hydration, stress management, etc., are as on point as possible can only help mitigate any problem issues.
I'm sorry you're going through this, and hope you're able to find some improvement! ((virtual hugs))
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I took a long break from the gym due to getting a pinched nerve then it closing from covid & when I wanted to go back, I had retina surgery & couldn't strain anything, then skin cancer surgery then IT band syndrome which I'm not fully recovered from so I did get away from working out but did do some machines couple weeks ago but over did it one day I don't take any medications but did for couple months to regulate my BP but do take supplements. I am walking a lot more. Last week I got in almost 70,000 steps due to going on more walks because we are fostering a dog & have 5 of our own so I always go on 2 separate walks plus walk at the dog park which is a basin so I go up & down the hills. I was surprised when I added it up! I do feel better than I have before when I walked half as much. I don't know if I'll continue with the gym. The hot weather will be here in a couple more days & I do like going in the pool there. It's kind of pricey but only 3 block away. I did work out with YouTube but got out of the habit5
Happy Sunday Everyone! My first week starting back up with MFP went well. I tracked everything I ate, even the unhealthy, because I thought “who am I hiding from?” If I want this to work I need to be totally honest with myself. My enthusiasm to exercise is back, and I contribute it to this app and this discussion group. It motivates me knowing I’m not in this struggle alone. I hope you have a good week and reach your personal goals. My goal this week is to cut out nighttime snacks. It’s my bad habit I’m trying to fix.7
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