Menopause frustrations!!



  • Corr_Paisley
    Corr_Paisley Posts: 27 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    You can't uptake melatonin without sufficient magnesium, so maybe an epsom salt bath before bed?
    No bath in this rental, but definitely keeping that in mind any future stays away from home that do have baths available! :) Thanks.

    You can take magnesium supplements instead, but first find out which form of magnesium is the one that can help for sleep. I take magnesium formed from L-Aspartic Acid and it does nothing for sleep.

    This should be something my doctor could advise me on though, right? I'd rather have someone with some knowledge in this area already give me some direction than me, myself, try to understand or sort out what the correct form would be. :smile: Thanks so much for your suggestions! I truly appreciate your time helping. :smile:
  • Corr_Paisley
    Corr_Paisley Posts: 27 Member
    All I can say is ((HUGS)) because I'm right there with you. I'm going down the HRT route (and very happy so far), but I know that isn't for everyone.

    I'll have to talk to my doctor about that route. I had been put on the HRT route a few years ago when I had a period that lasted over 6 months, and it worked beautifully at correcting that. I had forgotten about that. It's definitely something I need to talk to her more about. Thanks! :smiley:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm 52. Melatonin worked well for me for quite some time, but didn't keep me asleep once I was solidly in peri-menopause, despite working diligently at my sleep hygiene

    Have you tried sublingual melatonin? Never failed to help me fall asleep. I used to take in 1 mg, but all I see now is 5 mg. They may have replaced the lower strengths with the lozenges.

    I see you are in Canada. Explore the options you've had there since last fall that we don't throughout the US, and so cannot discuss here.

    I use melatonin, and CBD oil (which IS legal). (and sometimes Benadryl).

    I know several women in the menopause group here have also talked about their insomnia.

    feel free to join us.

    Benadryl is actually the allergy meds that I take at night for the peri-menopausal itch that I fight with on my hands and feet. I've not tried CBD oil yet. It's of course offered all over the place here but I've not had the 'bravery' to try it yet, though I have looked into it. Starting unknown things can trigger my anxiety, but I may just need to 'buck up' ... though that's always easier said than done. :) Thanks for helping. :)

    Many find it's excellent for anxiety. I don't have anxiety, but did find that it evened out my never ending menopause irritability. It was like a "PMS" "pre menopause syndrome". CBD helped the most. It's also helped the most with hot flashes. (and lingering bursitis)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm 52. Melatonin worked well for me for quite some time, but didn't keep me asleep once I was solidly in peri-menopause, despite working diligently at my sleep hygiene

    Have you tried sublingual melatonin? Never failed to help me fall asleep. I used to take in 1 mg, but all I see now is 5 mg. They may have replaced the lower strengths with the lozenges.

    I see you are in Canada. Explore the options you've had there since last fall that we don't throughout the US, and so cannot discuss here.

    I use melatonin, and CBD oil (which IS legal). (and sometimes Benadryl).

    I know several women in the menopause group here have also talked about their insomnia.

    feel free to join us.

    When do you take the CBD oil as a sleep aid? We have it for our son to help with focus during homeschooling but he suffers with insomnia. We're waiting for a doctor's appointment, but that's not until March. So any help would be welcome.

    As to the topic of the original post, I had sleep issues for years. When I was at the stage you're describing, I found that if I stayed up past the point I should have gone to bed, that's when I struggled most falling and staying asleep. Gradually moving my going to bed and waking time earlier helped a lot. So did getting exercise every day.

    I typically use CBD 3 times a day. Morning, mid afternoon, and at bedtime.
    That seems to help me.

    My BES BEST BES sleep was when I was taking Prometrium (100mg progesterone) at night. LOVED that.
  • Corr_Paisley
    Corr_Paisley Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 2019
    I also take CBD oil for insomnia. I'm just a year older than you. CBD oil also helps some with anxiety so you may want to check it out.

    @GottaBurnEmAll - I take 25mg about 15-20 min before sleep sublingual and I have a CBD lavender rub for my fibromyalgia and arthritis pain that I take at the same time.

    I'll definitely talk to my doctor about this and see what she says. :) I also deal with restless leg, where abouts do you get your CBD lavender rub from? We have different shops around here that offer CBD oils, etc, and am wondering if they may actually be the ones that would offer it.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm 52. Melatonin worked well for me for quite some time, but didn't keep me asleep once I was solidly in peri-menopause, despite working diligently at my sleep hygiene

    Have you tried sublingual melatonin? Never failed to help me fall asleep. I used to take in 1 mg, but all I see now is 5 mg. They may have replaced the lower strengths with the lozenges.

    I see you are in Canada. Explore the options you've had there since last fall that we don't throughout the US, and so cannot discuss here.

    I use melatonin, and CBD oil (which IS legal). (and sometimes Benadryl).

    I know several women in the menopause group here have also talked about their insomnia.

    feel free to join us.

    When do you take the CBD oil as a sleep aid? We have it for our son to help with focus during homeschooling but he suffers with insomnia. We're waiting for a doctor's appointment, but that's not until March. So any help would be welcome.

    As to the topic of the original post, I had sleep issues for years. When I was at the stage you're describing, I found that if I stayed up past the point I should have gone to bed, that's when I struggled most falling and staying asleep. Gradually moving my going to bed and waking time earlier helped a lot. So did getting exercise every day.

    I typically use CBD 3 times a day. Morning, mid afternoon, and at bedtime.
    That seems to help me.

    My BES BEST BES sleep was when I was taking Prometrium (100mg progesterone) at night. LOVED that.

    Ya, I used to take Prometrium two weeks on and two weeks off, and there was definitely an improvement in sleep during the on weeks.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    edited January 2019
    I also take CBD oil for insomnia. I'm just a year older than you. CBD oil also helps some with anxiety so you may want to check it out.

    @GottaBurnEmAll - I take 25mg about 15-20 min before sleep sublingual and I have a CBD lavender rub for my fibromyalgia and arthritis pain that I take at the same time.

    I'll definitely talk to my doctor about this and see what she says. :) I also deal with restless leg, where abouts do you get your CBD lavender rub from? We have different shops around here that offer CBD oils, etc, and am wondering if they may actually be the ones that would offer it.

    I went to the local smoke shop. I did a fair amount of research on CBD oil before going in so I had a genearal idea of what I wanted, but they were knowlegable and helpful too.

    The lavender rub was a tester I tried while at the shop, on my hands which bother me and it was a nice cooling sensation and lavender smell. It doesn't last a long time but I like it at night because it's just enough relief to get to sleep especially on my foot that I broke last year that is giving me a lot of trouble since I started back walking and hiking:(

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm 52. Melatonin worked well for me for quite some time, but didn't keep me asleep once I was solidly in peri-menopause, despite working diligently at my sleep hygiene

    Have you tried sublingual melatonin? Never failed to help me fall asleep. I used to take in 1 mg, but all I see now is 5 mg. They may have replaced the lower strengths with the lozenges.

    I see you are in Canada. Explore the options you've had there since last fall that we don't throughout the US, and so cannot discuss here.

    I use melatonin, and CBD oil (which IS legal). (and sometimes Benadryl).

    I know several women in the menopause group here have also talked about their insomnia.

    feel free to join us.

    Benadryl is actually the allergy meds that I take at night for the peri-menopausal itch that I fight with on my hands and feet. I've not tried CBD oil yet. It's of course offered all over the place here but I've not had the 'bravery' to try it yet, though I have looked into it. Starting unknown things can trigger my anxiety, but I may just need to 'buck up' ... though that's always easier said than done. :) Thanks for helping. :)

    Many find it's excellent for anxiety. I don't have anxiety, but did find that it evened out my never ending menopause irritability. It was like a "PMS" "pre menopause syndrome". CBD helped the most. It's also helped the most with hot flashes. (and lingering bursitis)

    My brother has recently started taking CBD for situations in which he is likely to have social anxiety, and it is helping.

    Also, his neighbor gives it to her dog for anxiety and my massage therapist gives it to her dog for same, and both say it does help mellow their dogs out.

    My massage therapist has recently started using topical CBD oil for pain - all I remember is that she is happy with it and will get more details next time I see her.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,164 Member
    There is a product called Calm, which is a magnesium supplement, that can help. I buy it off Amazon.

    Hubby uses a product called Rest In Peace by Insane Labz.

    I don't like that name.....
  • maeve7195
    maeve7195 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in menopause and use a product called Neuro Night - it has a proprietary blend of melatonin, valerian and other herbs and vitamins - I find that within 5 or 10 minutes of taking it I drop off - here is the link to it if you were interested.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm 52. Melatonin worked well for me for quite some time, but didn't keep me asleep once I was solidly in peri-menopause, despite working diligently at my sleep hygiene

    Have you tried sublingual melatonin? Never failed to help me fall asleep. I used to take in 1 mg, but all I see now is 5 mg. They may have replaced the lower strengths with the lozenges.

    I see you are in Canada. Explore the options you've had there since last fall that we don't throughout the US, and so cannot discuss here.

    I use melatonin, and CBD oil (which IS legal). (and sometimes Benadryl).

    I know several women in the menopause group here have also talked about their insomnia.

    feel free to join us.

    When do you take the CBD oil as a sleep aid? We have it for our son to help with focus during homeschooling but he suffers with insomnia. We're waiting for a doctor's appointment, but that's not until March. So any help would be welcome.

    As to the topic of the original post, I had sleep issues for years. When I was at the stage you're describing, I found that if I stayed up past the point I should have gone to bed, that's when I struggled most falling and staying asleep. Gradually moving my going to bed and waking time earlier helped a lot. So did getting exercise every day.

    I typically use CBD 3 times a day. Morning, mid afternoon, and at bedtime.
    That seems to help me.

    My BES BEST BES sleep was when I was taking Prometrium (100mg progesterone) at night. LOVED that.

    Thanks! He's not too keen to start taking it at night yet since he can't stand the taste of it, but at least the option is there. We'll definitely be adding magnesium though.

    For the OP, from what I can see, chelated magnesium glycinate is the kind to get for sleep issues.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm 52. Melatonin worked well for me for quite some time, but didn't keep me asleep once I was solidly in peri-menopause, despite working diligently at my sleep hygiene

    Have you tried sublingual melatonin? Never failed to help me fall asleep. I used to take in 1 mg, but all I see now is 5 mg. They may have replaced the lower strengths with the lozenges.

    I see you are in Canada. Explore the options you've had there since last fall that we don't throughout the US, and so cannot discuss here.

    I use melatonin, and CBD oil (which IS legal). (and sometimes Benadryl).

    I know several women in the menopause group here have also talked about their insomnia.

    feel free to join us.

    When do you take the CBD oil as a sleep aid? We have it for our son to help with focus during homeschooling but he suffers with insomnia. We're waiting for a doctor's appointment, but that's not until March. So any help would be welcome.

    As to the topic of the original post, I had sleep issues for years. When I was at the stage you're describing, I found that if I stayed up past the point I should have gone to bed, that's when I struggled most falling and staying asleep. Gradually moving my going to bed and waking time earlier helped a lot. So did getting exercise every day.

    I typically use CBD 3 times a day. Morning, mid afternoon, and at bedtime.
    That seems to help me.

    My BES BEST BES sleep was when I was taking Prometrium (100mg progesterone) at night. LOVED that.

    Thanks! He's not too keen to start taking it at night yet since he can't stand the taste of it, but at least the option is there. We'll definitely be adding magnesium though.

    For the OP, from what I can see, chelated magnesium glycinate is the kind to get for sleep issues.

    I certianly don't want to mess with his brand if it's working but maybe they carry a flavored? I'm using a strawberry flavored oil and the taste isn't too bad.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    53 here. I’ve tried everything. Really, everything. What’s working for me right now is CBD oil + high dose magnesium and mouth taping.

    Do your homework on benedryl and melatonin - you will find that some experts find them quick risky.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm 52. Melatonin worked well for me for quite some time, but didn't keep me asleep once I was solidly in peri-menopause, despite working diligently at my sleep hygiene

    Have you tried sublingual melatonin? Never failed to help me fall asleep. I used to take in 1 mg, but all I see now is 5 mg. They may have replaced the lower strengths with the lozenges.

    I see you are in Canada. Explore the options you've had there since last fall that we don't throughout the US, and so cannot discuss here.

    I use melatonin, and CBD oil (which IS legal). (and sometimes Benadryl).

    I know several women in the menopause group here have also talked about their insomnia.

    feel free to join us.

    When do you take the CBD oil as a sleep aid? We have it for our son to help with focus during homeschooling but he suffers with insomnia. We're waiting for a doctor's appointment, but that's not until March. So any help would be welcome.

    As to the topic of the original post, I had sleep issues for years. When I was at the stage you're describing, I found that if I stayed up past the point I should have gone to bed, that's when I struggled most falling and staying asleep. Gradually moving my going to bed and waking time earlier helped a lot. So did getting exercise every day.

    I typically use CBD 3 times a day. Morning, mid afternoon, and at bedtime.
    That seems to help me.

    My BES BEST BES sleep was when I was taking Prometrium (100mg progesterone) at night. LOVED that.

    Thanks! He's not too keen to start taking it at night yet since he can't stand the taste of it, but at least the option is there. We'll definitely be adding magnesium though.

    For the OP, from what I can see, chelated magnesium glycinate is the kind to get for sleep issues.

    I certianly don't want to mess with his brand if it's working but maybe they carry a flavored? I'm using a strawberry flavored oil and the taste isn't too bad.

    He loves all things strawberry and I would love to find a strawberry flavored one! I'll have to look online.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    After these 'sleep' threads and specifically for menopause, I've been thinking about the CBD oil.

    Where are you getting CBD oil from? We have an herb shop here (US) that sells it, is there anything specific that I need to look for? I did a little research yesterday, not sure of proper dosing... anyone help?
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    As a 51 year old lady who has started working on losing a chunk of weight (1st big goal = lose 55 lbs) knowing full well her late night snacking is her biggest hurdle, the fact that I'm on the sleep-struggling menopause train is NOT helping! :s Thankfully, I seem to be past the whole heat-flash stage so that no longer is an issue for my sleep pattern, but I'm still struggling with falling asleep at a reasonable time. I find I'm SO tired but I just can't seem to fall asleep, and not from lack of trying. I am up to 8 mg of melatonin, on top of my allergy meds that are meant to help me fall asleep, plus my night anxiety med that used to be a wonderful help as well but no more. :(

    For those of you who are dealing with this currently or who have dealt with it in the past, have/had you found anything that has helped?

    Several things come to mind. I have been in menopause almost 10 years and really it was not that which changed my sleep patterns but just aging. You don't say if you sleep alone or live alone but here are some ideas just thrown out there.

    1) turn off all gadgets or put on airplane mode and keep them OUT of the bedroom if possible
    2) change your linens frequently. I always sleep better on a fresh set and if not fresh turned and smoothed down
    3) if you have ANY aches or pains deal with them as even the smallest one can magnify when you are lying in bed trying to sleep
    4) try to go to sleep at the SAME time - or at least get in bed. Shower, brush teeth etc.
    5) create a story in your head which you think of once you are ready to fall asleep. In my case I used to practice my dressage test with my horse and I never quite finished it before I fell asleep. (must have been boring even in my head)

    I think it's really important to get to sleep around the same time as my fitbit tells me most of my deep sleep is usually within the first 2 hrs of going to bed. If that's even right.

    All of these things are just ideas I have but hope they can help. You can always and probably should talk to your doc about other meds to try esp if your anxiety meds have stopped working. I am not exactly like you in that normally I don't have trouble falling asleep but tend to wake up and be unable to go back to sleep due to my head worrying about the clock on the wall or some idiotic thing. I have tried ambien and it doesn't work on me. Lunesta does work sporadically but it is unfortunately addictive so I don't like to use it. Metatonin does help me fall asleep but I found that it made me LOOPY and caused memory gaps so I do not like to take it (or any drugs) for that matter.

    Best of luck.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I turned 50 in Sept, done all the sleep tricks possible. I took 10mg meletonin and it harmed my sleep instead, the dose too high. Finally went to my doctor, doc said up to 3mg only. Funny thing is we don't know what we are depleted in order to supplement properly, serotonin is a big part of this and depleting female hormones, I would not supplement with things that can cause issues your anxiety medication. For me this was vicious cycle till I went to my doc, calorie deficits are definitely hard.

    I don't have any advice, what I am doing may not work for you, I still struggle so much with sleep waking up last night for example soaked from night sweats. :cry: Might want to talk to your doc.

    I definitely plan to talk to my doc about this and a few other issues that seemed to have recently ramped up over the last few weeks. I seem to, thankfully, be past the night sweats & heat flashes for the most part, but no sooner did that end and the other things got worse. Thank you for the information regarding the melatonin too! I'll definitely back off on the dose. :smile: Thanks so much! :smile:

    I take Gabopentin for my restless legs which at times inhibit my sleep (and definitely my husband's!). I've been getting the night sweats for a couple of years now and have problems falling back to sleep after I throw the covers off (then on, then off, rinse & repeat). I tried melatonin a long time ago and it worked to a point, after which time I stopped. And the itching! I read somewhere that a small percentage of women get it as part of menopause, so I guess we're among the "lucky" ones.

    Maybe CBD oil will be our best bet?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm 52. Melatonin worked well for me for quite some time, but didn't keep me asleep once I was solidly in peri-menopause, despite working diligently at my sleep hygiene

    Have you tried sublingual melatonin? Never failed to help me fall asleep. I used to take in 1 mg, but all I see now is 5 mg. They may have replaced the lower strengths with the lozenges.

    I see you are in Canada. Explore the options you've had there since last fall that we don't throughout the US, and so cannot discuss here.

    I use melatonin, and CBD oil (which IS legal). (and sometimes Benadryl).

    I know several women in the menopause group here have also talked about their insomnia.

    feel free to join us.

    When do you take the CBD oil as a sleep aid? We have it for our son to help with focus during homeschooling but he suffers with insomnia. We're waiting for a doctor's appointment, but that's not until March. So any help would be welcome.

    As to the topic of the original post, I had sleep issues for years. When I was at the stage you're describing, I found that if I stayed up past the point I should have gone to bed, that's when I struggled most falling and staying asleep. Gradually moving my going to bed and waking time earlier helped a lot. So did getting exercise every day.

    I typically use CBD 3 times a day. Morning, mid afternoon, and at bedtime.
    That seems to help me.

    My BES BEST BES sleep was when I was taking Prometrium (100mg progesterone) at night. LOVED that.

    Thanks! He's not too keen to start taking it at night yet since he can't stand the taste of it, but at least the option is there. We'll definitely be adding magnesium though.

    For the OP, from what I can see, chelated magnesium glycinate is the kind to get for sleep issues.

    There are also capsules:

    My uncle recommended that website. I didn't find the oil or capsules particularly effective for me, and gave the capsules to my brother when a stronger option became available to me in my state. But they work for both my uncle and my brother.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    After these 'sleep' threads and specifically for menopause, I've been thinking about the CBD oil.

    Where are you getting CBD oil from? We have an herb shop here (US) that sells it, is there anything specific that I need to look for? I did a little research yesterday, not sure of proper dosing... anyone help?

    If your herb shop is like the little health food store near my mom, they will be able to advise you as to dosage. Should also say on the bottle.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited January 2019
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    There is a product called Calm, which is a magnesium supplement, that can help. I buy it off Amazon.

    Hubby uses a product called Rest In Peace by Insane Labz.

    I don't like that name.....

    OK? I didn't name it. :|