Will you ever get used to healthy eating?



  • UmaMageswarymfp
    UmaMageswarymfp Posts: 280 Member
    My view on “healthy foods “ are anything that’s involve less calories aka vegetables and unseasoned steamed this and that kinda food . What I consider unhealthy is that pizza , mcd , Kfc and lots of carbs. Before I jumped into this diet I could eat 2 box of regular dominos pizza in one seating . I’m really afraid of going back to even trying pizza cause I know it’s going to be hard for me to control .

    Low calorie =/= healthy. You can have low calorie foods that lack nutritional value and high calorie foods that do not. It seems like what you perceive as healthy and unhealthy is what's setting you up for failure. Healthy isn't just unseasoned, steamed food and carbs aren't the devil they're made out to be. Instead of going out and buying dominoes, get a single serve pizza from the freezer section of the grocery store and when you have a craving eat that. When you want carbs, eat them, but try to focus on sources of complex carbs.

    Hey can I know what’s the difference between dominos and those frozen pizza people mentioning ? I’ve never tried the frozen pizzas and I wonder what’s the difference could be
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Do you cook? I'd suggest learning how to make your own pizza. There are endless varieties of toppings and crusts and sauces. What do you like on your pizza? Vegetables, SEASONED vegetables work well on pizza but you can try all kinds of things and see what all you like.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My view on “healthy foods “ are anything that’s involve less calories aka vegetables and unseasoned steamed this and that kinda food . What I consider unhealthy is that pizza , mcd , Kfc and lots of carbs. Before I jumped into this diet I could eat 2 box of regular dominos pizza in one seating . I’m really afraid of going back to even trying pizza cause I know it’s going to be hard for me to control .

    This is a very myopic view of healthy eating...healthy eating doesn't have to be bland and flavorless...flavor doesn't equate to unhealthiness. Using herbs and spices isn't unhealthy....you don't have to sit around eating nothing but veggies and unseasoned chicken breasts, etc.

    I eat very healthfully, and nothing I eat is bland or boring. I'm having tandori chicken for lunch...perfectly healthy and loaded with flavor.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    yes, I thought I couldnt have those dangerous foods also and I do watch it but I do have pizza, macaroni and cheese, choc cake but not too much. Last summer I was eating a slice of pizza and then had cantelope with it (whatever works) I eat mostly healthy but do have a bit of these other things so I don't feel deprived and surprised myself I don't need a lot of it, just a little bit usually works. I gained 40 lbs , lost it for 5 yrs, then got a flu and gained 30 of it back, so depressing, just recently lost the 30, feel so much better, you can do this!
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,330 Member
    My go-to lunches when I don't have time to meal prep are a Papa Murphy's family size pizza with meat and veggies on it and a couple of their salads. Divvy them all up and I eat that for lunches all week... Two slices of pizza and a tupperware of salad makes a very satisfying work lunch.
  • Teabythesea_
    Teabythesea_ Posts: 559 Member
    edited January 2019
    My view on “healthy foods “ are anything that’s involve less calories aka vegetables and unseasoned steamed this and that kinda food . What I consider unhealthy is that pizza , mcd , Kfc and lots of carbs. Before I jumped into this diet I could eat 2 box of regular dominos pizza in one seating . I’m really afraid of going back to even trying pizza cause I know it’s going to be hard for me to control .

    Low calorie =/= healthy. You can have low calorie foods that lack nutritional value and high calorie foods that do not. It seems like what you perceive as healthy and unhealthy is what's setting you up for failure. Healthy isn't just unseasoned, steamed food and carbs aren't the devil they're made out to be. Instead of going out and buying dominoes, get a single serve pizza from the freezer section of the grocery store and when you have a craving eat that. When you want carbs, eat them, but try to focus on sources of complex carbs.

    Hey can I know what’s the difference between dominos and those frozen pizza people mentioning ? I’ve never tried the frozen pizzas and I wonder what’s the difference could be

    Nutrition wise, not much of a difference unless you go for the high protein lower calorie versions, but it will allow you to eat the the food you enjoy in a more appropriate portion.
  • anmille8
    anmille8 Posts: 49 Member
    I love pizza too I found a brand called caulipower pizza half the pizza is 330 and a whole pizza is 600 something. It satisfies my pizza craving without ordering dominoes. But if I did want take out I would probably prelog it then only have soup lunch or eggs for breakfast so I can enjoy with out obliterating my calorie goal. Also have to realize salty foods with cause water retention so give the scale a couple days to go balance out. If you want fast food then log it in and plan the rest of your meals around that.
  • anmille8
    anmille8 Posts: 49 Member
    also thin crust is less calories then handtossed just make sure you're watching the calories and maybe get a little extra exercise
  • KristaMac88
    KristaMac88 Posts: 163 Member
    I totally hear you! Im such a junk food/sweets person. MY husband can eat an entire bag of chips infront of me and i dont care to have any. But today in my opinion ive ate bad. I had a choc peanutbutter banana protein smoothing from work which when i plug it in here works out to be like 700 cals!! For a drink! Mind you - it filled me up like crazy so i didnt eat much else in the morning or at lunch. Then i was graving a coffee and cookie from mcdonalds. I caved and went and go it. But instead of bussing down, I walked. At a good pace really only took me 15mins down and 15 back but felt better about my decisions because i also was at the gym today and have been very active. I fall off track for a day or two alot, mainly on weekends, then get right back at it. I go up and down. Havent lost alot yet but the scale is slowly going down and not up so thats a baby step of progress aha If you deprive yourself. You will eventually fail. But the method everyone uses as fair as fitting it into their cals or alotting one day a week or month for cheat meals varies person to person. You got this!!
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,143 Member
    My view on “healthy foods “ are anything that’s involve less calories aka vegetables and unseasoned steamed this and that kinda food . What I consider unhealthy is that pizza , mcd , Kfc and lots of carbs. Before I jumped into this diet I could eat 2 box of regular dominos pizza in one seating . I’m really afraid of going back to even trying pizza cause I know it’s going to be hard for me to control .

    There are so many seasonings you can use that have a reasonable amount of calories and so many cooking methods that are more flavorful that steaming. If you limit yourself to unseasoned and steamed food, you'll be miserable (unless that is actually what you prefer).

    Also, why only steamed? Bake, broil and grill things like vegetables and meats. Add all the seasonings you want, most don't have that many calories if any at all.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    You can also cut your calories by altering how you order your food. For pizza, thin crust typically has fewer calories then pan. You could order a veggie, or a supreme. Maybe order a personal size if you are inclined to eat the whole thing? For burgers I've been known to omit the bun and eat it on lettuce instead. I'm not craving the bun when I crave burgers anywyas. That saves me 200-300 calories right there. Wendy's will even serve it in a cute little box on a bed of lettuce if your order no bun. I've even found I dont miss fries half the time. So I'll order just the sandwich at the drive through. We get fried chicken a lot actually. I usually take a wing and a leg or thigh, and have it with salad.