February 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    39 miles / 50 miles

    I have 6 miles on tap for today and 3 for Thursday so I'm going to fall a little short of my goal. Considering how crazy this month has been, I'm pretty happy with my total.

    @MobyCarp You probably answered this, and I can't find the post, but how do you "accidentally" run a marathon?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Tonight... its nice and sunny but gonna make myself dreadmill it for a tempo run. *sigh* EMBRACE THE SUCK!

    If I only had a pacer I could do that out side...
    @PastorVincent I guess you already did your run now, but - why can't you do the tempo run outside? Is it some really complicated workout with many different paces, or simply a set fast pace? My watch (Tomtom) has the option to run a "virtual race" again a dot on the screen :mrgreen: , requires a moment of preparation at the computer but results in my own private pacer if I want to have one (and somehow more fun than a simple "pace alarm" since I can try to catch up if I slowed down for a moment, etc). Maybe your watch has a similar option.

    Because I am broken in the head or something. :dizzy:

    A tempo run is on paper a very simple thing. It is a run at the fastest speed you can run and finish an hours work out (well there is a more complicated definition, but that is what I use). So for me, I set the dreadmill at that pace (or best guess) and then I also set a 5.5% grade (or greater) cause, as I said, I am broken in the head.

    For me hitting a consistent pace without a pacer is very much hit and miss. So I dreadmill it. I am sure my Garmin could tell me when I was failing to hit pace, but that is not the same as following a pacer. At least not for me.

    For me personally, a tempo run is more about effort than specific pace. I run at the effort that I feel is challenging but sustainable (not all out), which, admittedly, takes a but of practice to figure out. Then I let the pace fall where it does at that effort. That is why I feel like tempo runs are a good gauge for me and where I am in my training. Sometimes my tempo pace is close to a 7:30 and other times it is a struggle just to maintain an 8 minute mile. If I am struggling to hit that pace early on in my training, then I know I have been slacking off and I need to work harder. If it's late in my training, then I know that I need to dial it back and give myself a bit of recovery time.

    Well if we want to get official,
    So what is a true tempo run? A tempo run—also known as an anaerobic threshold or lactate-threshold run—is a pace about 25 to 30 seconds per mile slower than your current 5K race pace, according to running coach Jack Daniels, Ph.D., who popularized the tempo run in his book Daniels’ Running Formula.

    Without getting too technical, tempo pace is the effort level at which your body is able to clear as much lactate—a byproduct of burning carbohydrates—as it produces. Your body’s lactate clearance is at the same level as its lactate production, meaning the dreaded dead-leg sensation doesn’t set in.
    SRC: https://www.runnersworld.com/advanced/a20827239/what-is-a-tempo-run/

    I only say that cause if someone reads this thread and goes by one of our definitions then gets a training plan someplace that says "Tempo Run" on it, they should know what the plan probably really means :)

    Don't want to mislead anyone for sure. That is why I prefaced my response with " For me personally..."
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    39 miles / 50 miles

    I have 6 miles on tap for today and 3 for Thursday so I'm going to fall a little short of my goal. Considering how crazy this month has been, I'm pretty happy with my total.

    @MobyCarp You probably answered this, and I can't find the post, but how do you "accidentally" run a marathon?

    You sign up on 6 weeks' notice, based on peer pressure and finding one hotel room one mile from the start/finish area, having previously intended to run your first marathon 16 months later. That's what I did, with no pressure other than never having run the full marathon distance before and my running buddy telling me the only way I wouldn't BQ would be if I didn't finish. (He was right. To date, my marathon record is 6 starts, 5 BQs and 1 DNF.)

    Alternatively, it would be possible to sign up for a half that coincides with a full, and go the wrong direction where the half and full courses diverge. I didn't do that, though I have seen a case of a kid accidentally running a half marathon instead of a 5K that way.
  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
    Hey everyone! I’ve got 4.5 miles on the plan for later this afternoon on the treadmill. Ditched school today for a getting papers and projects and midterm studying done in the library day which I’m currently procrastinating. Anyways, stopping in for some advice.
    As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m following Hal Higdon’s novice 1 half marathon to train for my first half marathon at the end of April(my 1 year running anniversary!). I’m currently on week 7 of the 12 week plan, and last week was a cutback week. I thought the pair of sneakers I was using were getting worn out because I was experiencing some knee pain so I took it easy to see how it went. Over the weekend, I switched to a new pair of sneakers that I bought and tried them out for a Zumba class one day and a short 2 mile run the next day. Both days, I woke up the following day experiencing the worst hip pain in my left hip that I’ve ever felt. I’m thinking it’s the shoes(they’re brooks revels 2, I bought them specifically for running and they were expensive too 😭). Thoughts? Also any ideas on how to alleviate the hip pain? I feel like my 75 year old grandmother with arthritis.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited February 2019
    I followed this guy when it was happening, and I actually went for a run with him in January. Its a shame to see this sort of thing happening, both the fact he felt he had to be transported some of the way and the fall out. He was running for charity, but does that make it right? I remember seeing the update when he finished and that he had "beaten" the record and was so happy for him. Then when he retracted it, I thought that was big of him. Reading this doesn't entirely change my opinion, what he did was still pretty spectacular, but its disappointing its come to this.

    and on that note, whats that website that tracks situations like this in marathons?


    ETA on the back of that, this guy has announced he's going to attempt it. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/110770546/running-three-marathons-a-day-to-break-44yearold-new-zealand-record
  • kevaasen
    kevaasen Posts: 173 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    I followed this guy when it was happening, and I actually went for a run with him in January. Its a shame to see this sort of thing happening, both the fact he felt he had to be transported some of the way and the fall out. He was running for charity, but does that make it right? I remember seeing the update when he finished and that he had "beaten" the record and was so happy for him. Then when he retracted it, I thought that was big of him. Reading this doesn't entirely change my opinion, what he did was still pretty spectacular, but its disappointing its come to this.

    and on that note, whats that website that tracks situations like this in marathons?


    ETA on the back of that, this guy has announced he's going to attempt it. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/110770546/running-three-marathons-a-day-to-break-44yearold-new-zealand-record

    marathoninvestigation.com reports about questionable results or other racing stories or issues that typically involve some sort of cheating, unfair practice, etc.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    kevaasen wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    I followed this guy when it was happening, and I actually went for a run with him in January. Its a shame to see this sort of thing happening, both the fact he felt he had to be transported some of the way and the fall out. He was running for charity, but does that make it right? I remember seeing the update when he finished and that he had "beaten" the record and was so happy for him. Then when he retracted it, I thought that was big of him. Reading this doesn't entirely change my opinion, what he did was still pretty spectacular, but its disappointing its come to this.

    and on that note, whats that website that tracks situations like this in marathons?


    ETA on the back of that, this guy has announced he's going to attempt it. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/110770546/running-three-marathons-a-day-to-break-44yearold-new-zealand-record

    marathoninvestigation.com reports about questionable results or other racing stories or issues that typically involve some sort of cheating, unfair practice, etc.

    There's an article there about the same story, a few articles back in the history.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Hey everyone! I’ve got 4.5 miles on the plan for later this afternoon on the treadmill. Ditched school today for a getting papers and projects and midterm studying done in the library day which I’m currently procrastinating. Anyways, stopping in for some advice.
    As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m following Hal Higdon’s novice 1 half marathon to train for my first half marathon at the end of April(my 1 year running anniversary!). I’m currently on week 7 of the 12 week plan, and last week was a cutback week. I thought the pair of sneakers I was using were getting worn out because I was experiencing some knee pain so I took it easy to see how it went. Over the weekend, I switched to a new pair of sneakers that I bought and tried them out for a Zumba class one day and a short 2 mile run the next day. Both days, I woke up the following day experiencing the worst hip pain in my left hip that I’ve ever felt. I’m thinking it’s the shoes(they’re brooks revels 2, I bought them specifically for running and they were expensive too 😭). Thoughts? Also any ideas on how to alleviate the hip pain? I feel like my 75 year old grandmother with arthritis.

    I have no idea what might be going on, but that stinks and I hope it gets better!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @amirahdaboss regarding hip pain, and all the other niggles you have going on: I recommend a pt visit and a somewhat regular massage if you can do it. The pt should be able to help you identify muscle imbalances and overly tight areas as well as potential chronic issues (I think everyone has them since I do, so that may not really apply). Then you can use the massage to get ahead of it and incorporate self massage and strengthening exercise from the one time pt visit. And develop a relationship with a pt in case you have other issues crop up.

    Just my personal suggestions. Best of luck with it.