What do you say when someone tells you that you are pregnant



  • M0n1KCR
    M0n1KCR Posts: 148 Member
    One of my colleagues had the contrary situation. She was pregnant and nobody noticed... and suddenly we learnt she was on maternity leave.
    She hadn't told anyone about her pregnancy because she had had various miscarriages, and assumed nobody commented just in case she miscarried again and the situation got awkward. The truth is she was a big lady and all of us thought she was putting on more weight. Thankfully no one commented on that either, or offered any diet tips.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    ko4qowen wrote: »
    Reminds me of the time I actually was pregnant, right around that in-between time at 5 mo. I had a male colleague wish me congratulations, but then added, “I was so glad to hear you were pregnant, I thought you had just let yourself go.” Remains to this day one of the strangest comments I’ve ever received. Anyway, OP, I hope you don’t let that discourage you!!

    :open_mouth: The stuff people say! When I was pregnant, one of our neighbors asked me if it was a planned pregnancy and then went on to say that "everybody" assumed we didn't like children because we had multiple dogs.

    OP, I've had that kind of comment and it sucks. I usually tell the person, with a straight face, that I'm not pregnant and then I hold eye contact. I used to get flustered about it when I was younger but now I admit that I stare like that so that the commenter gets uncomfortable. Then I usually tell my husband, and similar to MikePTY upthread he tells me that the person is dumb and I'm wonderful :smile:
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Oh man I want to make them feel as awkward and crappy as they made me feel. At one point a former neighbor poked me in the belly and asked if there was another little one on the way. My (honest) response was that no, I wasn't pregnant, I was just putting on weight due to the fact that I wasn't able to exercise as much as I had been due to the cancer treatments I had been undergoing. I'm pretty proud of my self-restraint. I wanted to tell her that if she touched me again, she'd pull back a nub.

    Dumb b****. Seriously, I hadn't really even gained much weight at that point. I need to consider the source. She moved out and left her dog behind. Garbage human being.

    Hey, OP, I hope you don't let it derail your awesome efforts. One day you can deliver a fit, healthy, double-finger salute.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I just tell them I am great with burrito, and am due in about 8 hours and leave it at that. The nervous chuckle that follows is probably more satisfying then it should be, lol.
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 693 Member
    They get the death stare, and a lecture about how I was brought up to believe it was rude to comment on a person's appearance. Depending on the day, and who it is, I might also add - for example how would you feel if I mentioned that massive spot/ coffee stain on shirt/ mad eyebrows etc ....
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Just bluntly tell them you're not. They're the ones being rude.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    OP, I’m so sorry you had to experience that. I unfortunately made that mistake only once in my life when I was a young mother myself. It was someone who had been fairly along in their pregnancy and had lost the baby, but still had the extra weight. I now never comment unless a head is coming out. :# It’s usually mortifying for both parties and I bet most people never make that mistake again. It just sucks that you were their one mistake.

    This was someone in their 80s who said it.