Ladies, have any of you bought/owned "goal" clothes?



  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I just bought a pair of inspiration jeans last night. They're coral skinnies ,and I can't wait to squeeze into them.
  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    I have a really nice suit that my husband bought me for Christmas a few years back that was too small, I kept it, and gained more, so that is my goal outfit... and I plan to purchase a little black dress and swimwear when I reach my goal. Maybe I'll add a few other milestone outfits in between. I haven't bought anything since beginning this third round on the "journey" except gym clothes and smaller underclothes :blushing: although I really need new professional clothing for school... I'll get those in a couple more weeks... having trouble believing that this loss so far is permanent...
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Has anyone purchased or owned a piece of clothing that motivates you to lose weight so you can wear it? I just found a dress I love in a size 16 (I'm a 26 now) and decided to order it because it was on sale and so I can have something to look forward to while I'm working out. Hopefully I'll end up smaller then that, but dresses normally last a little longer then other clothes and I can alter it down as I lose weight since I'm a good seamstress.

    Has anyone else purchased or owned goal clothing?

    Yup! I still have a shirt from my smaller days...which is my goal weight...and every size I get down to, I buy clothes in advance for the next size down. Just did the other day...which is 20 lbs away! It does help motivate me...and it's great when you get these items on sale. =))
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    I've moved a lot over the past few years so I got rid of all the too small clothes I had except for the outfit I wore on the first date with my husband. I hope to fit in it again, I was about 150 then and am 175 now. I'm sure he won't remember but I definitely remember and saved it as my goal. Not my ultimate goal but as a significant marker of my progress. Other than that I like to buy new clothes and WEAR THEM NOW! Although I did buy a skirt a Goodwill a few months ago that was a bit snug around the waist but in no time it was fitting me better,
  • gypsyGIRL159
    gypsyGIRL159 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello from Texarkana, AR!!! I BET THATS A BEAUTIFUL DRESS!!! No, I haven't bought anything yet, but my God Mom (79 years old) who is really active, and a very hip dresser gave me a lot of her things with the price tags still on them! It is very motivational because they are colorful, and very small. I'm a size 24 and these clothes are small & medium sizes.

    I AM SO EXCITED!!!! I got a Catalog from some Mail-order place, and I'm going to cut a few Pics out to tape on my Passion Board!!! That certainly will help keep me going, because my journey will take a year or two. I am going to slim down from 280 to about 159. I've done it before, but I took my eye off the prize, and slipped back into my old habits, and gained all the weight back.

    Not this time..... MUST STAY FOCUSED.... I'm not on a Diet.... I'm making true Life Style changes this time, because I'm 55, and God has given me the Wisdom to see that I CAN DO IT, IF I REALLY WANT TO. :-)

    Have a great rest of your day/week/month!!!! :happy:
  • tabburch123
    tabburch123 Posts: 2 Member
    YES!! I work at a bank and I bought myself a whole new outfit in size 12 (was a 16) I hung it in my closet and it motivated me everyday to get to that size and it worked!! It may not work for all but it worked for me. I now wear it to work and when I wear it I feel like I really accomplished something. I think skinny clothes are a very good incentive!
  • lazra79
    lazra79 Posts: 36 Member
    Yes! Generally my rule is anytime I purchase a new pair of pants it must be a smaller size. That way I am more motivated to lose the weight to fit in them. I am not allowed to ever purchase up a size because I believe it defeats the purpose I have set for myself. I used to be a 26 and now I am a 16-18. I must tell you, it is way better! I love being able to buy clothes at more places and have my old clothes fall off me. I am very excited to get to even lower sizes. if I can do this you can too!!!! :)
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    I needed to lose weight anyways, but the current motivator is a sparkly, stretchy, slinky red cocktail dress that I want to wear to a my friends' 25th Wedding Anniversary dinner/dance in September. It's my daughter's dress and I can get it on, but I need to lose more of my belly and butt before I'll feel even a little comfortable in it. But I want to wear it... so, fingers crossed. :)
  • Momma2Beauties405
    Momma2Beauties405 Posts: 32 Member
    I kept 2 pair of pants from when I was a size that I felt and looked good. I have been trying them on more frequently as I have been losing inches. My "scale victories" have become fewer and farther between - with my weight even creeping up some as I have been doing more strength training - so to see the transformation in my body is encouraging! :happy:
  • slimmerkelly
    slimmerkelly Posts: 1 Member
    I have a pair of size six American Eagle jeans pinned to my bedroom door... I love those jeans and I swear I'll have my butt back in them before Christmas!!! :)
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    I do both... I have goals for myself and then I reward myself when I reach them. One of my goals was a new workout outfit at one point, another was new bras and jeans, and the next goal I'll hit will be new running shoes! With that said, I totally have clothes in my closet I can't wait to fit back into. My favorite jeans currently go all the way on, button, and zip... I just have too much muffin top still to wear them out, lol.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I have bought the odd shirt that was just slightly too small in hopes that I will eventually fit into it. Unfortunately I have had a crazy few years where I put back on 2/3rds of the weight I lost in 2009 :grumble: Many reasons and excuses, but in the end I went back to old habits! So i have kept all those smaller clothes in anticipation of fitting into them again if I ever get my thyroid to start cooperating.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Yes I have!!! I left a pair of 16 capris hanging where I could see them everyday. I started at a 24 and I did get into them. I even went on down to a loose 14.....sadly I am back up into those 16...but I am working on it!!! I also had a motivational wall in my small closet to see daily. It was full of quotes and pictures of my dream weight. Listen... Never never give up!! Imagery is powerful. Close your eyes and SEE yourself in that dress! What the mind can see the body will achieve.....ha....within reason. I can imagine myself looking like a bikini model but I doubt my body , at 47 yrs old, is ready for that!! Do it girl!!! Whatever gives you motivation is a good thing!! I believe you will we're that dress one day!!!! Now...make it happen!!!

    I am 47 and I bought and wore a bikini this year! It isn't as horrible as you might think. My tummy is flatter now than it has been in 25 years!
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Yeah, I have 7 for all Mankind Trouser Jeans, Dresses that I've never worn... Mostly these are things that I bought and didn't fit me, and I didn't return them or give them away to motivate me to fit into them.

    I also put all of my skinny clothes at the front, most accesible part of my closet, to inspire me! This shows me everyday what I'm missing out on.
  • ksuetorres
    ksuetorres Posts: 139 Member
    When we were dating, my husband bought me a cute little flowered dress in Monterrey, MX. Over the years I gained 60 pounds, while the dress hung in m closet, mocking me. But I got the last laugh -- 16 years later, I can wear the dress again! (It's like a mind-control drug for my husband....I can get whatever I want when I wear it!!! LOL)
  • horrorstory
    horrorstory Posts: 125 Member
    I have 3 pairs of jeans that I wore in highschool that Ive held onto so I can wear them again.
    Also I have 2 dresses from high school as well.
    I cant wait for that day!
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    I just have some size L shirts in my closet for motivation, they're t-shirts but still, I'm currently a size 3XL so it's a big difference.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I haven't purchased anything smaller but I do have a pair of pants that I haven't donated that I keep just to try on hehehe. I find that if I buy something in the right size, I'm almost sure to drop a size in no time. If I buy it in anticipation, I'm almost sure to not drop a size as a lesson in counting your chickens LOL. I bought a bathing suit at Costco in my correct size and now it's not even useable. Had I bought the smaller size, I'm sure it would have remained too small LOL
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    I've also always wanted a Burberry Bikini, super expensive, that I've promised myself, when I get to my goal weight I will splurge on.