Children: Why are people having 4+??



  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    It is everyone's business when we're very seriously facing over-population and diminishing natural resources. Further, if these parents don't have the finances and mental capacity to raise their handfuls of children properly, the burden falls to the tax payers.

    Ignorance should mind it's own business.

    So a woman's right to choose only goes one way? Ok, that's cool. I have enough kids for both of us anyway. Added bonus: I get to raise them all however I like. :flowerforyou:

    Listen lady, no one's telling you you can't have kids. Literally NO ONE has said that. Just that maybe you should think about the impact it has before you do so. No one is advocating forced abortion or sterilization, although after some responses in this thread I find myself leaning more towards that than I ever thought I would.

    Also, yes. You do get to raise them however you want. That's how the mormons intend on taking over the world. So it's kinda looking like that right to choose may become one way in the near future.


    OMG ... I LOVE YOU!!!!!! :laugh:
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    To all of you that say it's nobody's business how many kids others have - are you kidding me? As soon as you don't get additional exemptions on your tax return and aren't eligible for the Earned Income Credit I would agree. Any kind of public fee or tax that depends on the number of dependents needs to be eliminated. THEN it's none of my business how many kids you have. When a family with 6 kids doesn't have to pay any income tax because of the deductions then they are not financially responsible for their own - I am subsidizing them with MY tax dollars!!!

    They're trading tax breaks NOW for tax PAYERS later. Seems fair to me.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    To all of you that say it's nobody's business how many kids others have - are you kidding me? As soon as you don't get additional exemptions on your tax return and aren't eligible for the Earned Income Credit I would agree. Any kind of public fee or tax that depends on the number of dependents needs to be eliminated. THEN it's none of my business how many kids you have. When a family with 6 kids doesn't have to pay any income tax because of the deductions then they are not financially responsible for their own - I am subsidizing them with MY tax dollars!!!

    Bitter much?

    That's why I'm hoping my first baby is born in December....come on Little Taxy Mama is counting on you! But yeah it does suck when you are single and childless work your butt off all year and get scraps in a return and your friend who works part time with 3 kids gets a $6000 return.

    Life aint fair then we die.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    To all of you that say it's nobody's business how many kids others have - are you kidding me? As soon as you don't get additional exemptions on your tax return and aren't eligible for the Earned Income Credit I would agree. Any kind of public fee or tax that depends on the number of dependents needs to be eliminated. THEN it's none of my business how many kids you have. When a family with 6 kids doesn't have to pay any income tax because of the deductions then they are not financially responsible for their own - I am subsidizing them with MY tax dollars!!!

    They're trading tax breaks NOW for tax PAYERS later. Seems fair to me.

    Good point unless that tax payer has 6 kids
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    To all of you that say it's nobody's business how many kids others have - are you kidding me? As soon as you don't get additional exemptions on your tax return and aren't eligible for the Earned Income Credit I would agree. Any kind of public fee or tax that depends on the number of dependents needs to be eliminated. THEN it's none of my business how many kids you have. When a family with 6 kids doesn't have to pay any income tax because of the deductions then they are not financially responsible for their own - I am subsidizing them with MY tax dollars!!!

    So blame Congress, I didn't write the laws, I just live by them. And any way, income tax is not the only tax we pay, so don't pretend that just because someone get's a refund they don't pay taxes.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Oh, I didn't realize that other people got to decide what or WHO was unnecessary when it has nothing at all to do with them. Wait, they don't!

    if that was true anyone could get married

    Also this...not to start a new argument, but I have to wonder how many people who are all full of righteous indignation about this girl not "minding her own business" are anti-gay marriage? Opinions are like...well you know the rest of that old saying.

    Too, it strikes me that a lot of people here are basically saying "people can have as many kids as they want...until they need assistance for some reason, then screw them!" doesn't that seem a little hypocritical? I know everyone thinks that poor people want to steal all their money, but the fact is the extremely rich benefit more from government assistance than the extremely poor. And how do you know how they got there? Maybe one person had a high-paying job in a factory that just closed, or got sick and had to quit their job. Should they give their kids away? It's funny how people are being so judgmental while criticizing the OP for her seeming judgment. As long as it's not you being judged, it's ok?

    Not me! I am true-blue "Live and Let Live." Have sex with who you want, marry who you want, have as many - or as few - kids as you want, and eat, drink, or smoke what you want. Just offer me the same courtesy is all I ask. :smokin:
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    It's funny. As an African American female with 4 children, cashiers seem to automatically assume that I am on food stamps. I've had them automatically push the EBT button on the register and even tell me that they found my EBT card that I dropped on a previous visit. At first I used to get mad, but then I realized it's my fault for going into the store with four children and not being on food stamps. Obviously I have no job and my children have no father.
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