Motivation to eat enough to bulk

What motivates you guys to eat enough to bulk? I'm currently eating a bit over +20% of my TDEE, which works out to 2,200 cals as a 24yr old 5'10 guy weighing in at 133lbs. I feel like I'm stuffing myself all the time and hate how I cannot enjoy food anymore. I need to gain weight from a medical standpoint due to losing 27lbs last year from a stomach disease, but sometimes I just don't want to eat meals. I'm working out with compound heavy lifting 3x/week and love seeing my strength increase, but I still don't like eating all this food at times. Just looking for how you guys convince yourself to keep eating when your body doesn't want you to.


  • ericdcruz118
    ericdcruz118 Posts: 14 Member
    hey jbgolf52, you could easily buy yourself some weight gainer. it's an easy 800-1000 calories with 50-60 grams of protein. that will bring your calorie intake in half.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    hey jbgolf52, you could easily buy yourself some weight gainer. it's an easy 800-1000 calories with 50-60 grams of protein. that will bring your calorie intake in half.

    Unfortunately my stomach being what it is, I cannot tolerate any kind of weight gainers, just straight protein shakes with water. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  • mssierra2u
    mssierra2u Posts: 86 Member
    If I were in your shoes, I'd look into some calorie dense foods I enjoy from a taste perspective. If you are recovering from stomach issues, you probably don't want anything too greasy, but try adding avocados, hummus, quinoa, garbanzos, cottage cheese to increase calories in a healthy way.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hmmmm I don't know..I love to eat and can eat a ton of food in one sitting, it is freaking scary. I am on a cut right now eating about 2000 to 2100 cals a day ...starting in September I will be slowly ramping up to maint and then a little bit about which will be about 2500 to 2600 cals a day, and I am sure I will be loving every second of it..

    I would say find some foods that you really like ...steak, roasted potatos, a little pizza every now and then ...and go with those...
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I think it's the same as the motivation to eat a deficit to lose weight- if you actually want the end product, you do what you've gotta do. Eye on the prize.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    If I were in your shoes, I'd look into some calorie dense foods I enjoy from a taste perspective. If you are recovering from stomach issues, you probably don't want anything too greasy, but try adding avocados, hummus, quinoa, garbanzos, cottage cheese to increase calories in a healthy way.

    I agree! I would also suggest peanut butter or other nut butters. No low cal versions of foods, all full calories!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    If, from your profile, you have gastroparesis then consider discussing with your physician some of the anti-emetic drugs which increase appetite. Your reduced appetite might be a side effect of slow emptying.

    Good luck.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I've sometimes wondered this as, OP, at a weight similar to yours, I can lose on 2400kcal. So to gain? 3000kcal? More?

    On the other hand, plenty of people around the world are on unintentional bulks, so maybe it needs less thought rather than more...
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Protein shakes!!! They don't make you feel too full and they're awesome for recovery!! Syntha-6 is my current fave! =))
  • colossus79
    Try something like ensure, its carbed up tastes decent, decent protein and around 400 calories for a few ounces. Reasonable price too.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Drink milk, juice, cola. No reason why not to get 25% of your kcals (or less or more) from liquids
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    Mssiera and ndj: I've been sticking to food that is tasty but sometimes I don't even want them. Peanut butter, chicken, and ground meats are a big part of my protein intake along with eggs for breakfast.

    @morebean: good point, nothing worth achieving in life is easy.

    @kitkatty: I cannot do the full fat versions of some things due to it aggravating my stomach, but peanut butter is fine and I've been having a good amount of it.

    @evgeni: I am on medication which speeds up my digestion, so it has been helping but at times it does not. Thanks for the tip though.

    @Oishii: you are probably pretty active to maintain on that many calories. I work an office job for 8 hours a day so that's why my cal requirement is so low.

    @pamela: I have been using them on and off, I just cannot make dense ones or else it kills my stomach.

    @colossus: I used to drink those but for some reason ever since the start of this year they have killed my stomach so I avoid them. I have been using muscle milk premade shakes which go down quick and easy. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    @martucha: I cannot do milk because of a mild lactose intolerance and fizzy drinks exacerbates my symptoms.
    Juice is fine though, so I will incorporate some as needed.
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    I don't need motivation. I just eat. Your body gets used to it. I've always had one of those appetites where i can eat a ton. My TDEE is like 2900. I don't think it's really that hard, to be honest.
  • travjesslove
    were do you get wait gainers? And has anyone ever used advocare stuff
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm a little confused as to how a 5' 10" male has a TDEE + 20% of a mere 2,200 a 5'10" male myself, I'm just trying to figure out how that is possibly a bulk; my TDEE is right around 2600 - 2700; sedentary it's around 2300 or so.

    I'd suggest just eating more calorie dense don't have to stuff yourself, there are plenty of calorie dense foods out there where a very small quantity goes a long way calorie wise. Drink full fat nuts and nut butters...have a soda and drink some beer...cook with some good oils, etc.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Eat foods you really, really like. So long as you're hitting your macros and also including enough variety of foods high in micronutrients so you get all the micronutrients you need, there's nothing wrong with eating so-called junk food to hit your calorie goal, if that's what you're going to enjoy eating. It's easy to go over your TDEE eating junk... well some junk food is high in protein e.g. burgers, chicken nuggets. So I don't see what's wrong with eating those foods to hit protein and calorie goals, as long as you're also getting enough micronutrients in the rest of your diet. Whatever you enjoy eating that's going to bump up your calories and get a reasonable amount of protein then eat it.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Milk. It's awesome.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    How many meals a day are you having? Maybe try to eat more often if you can, even if your not hungry.
  • JayWalk39
    JayWalk39 Posts: 68 Member
    Eat whever the hell you like...just eat. Buy a few pints of Ben & Jerry's and have at it. As long as it fits in your macros then eat it.

    Ps. I am also 5'10" and work an office job and my bulk (which I am currently in) is 2,800 and I am older (slower metabolism). Unless you are not doing any type of working out (which would be bad because you need to lift), then I would watch the scale for a week or two and if you are not gaining at least a pund per week then start adding calories in 250 increments.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    The simple answer is, if you want to gain weight, quit crying and eat the dang food. There are hundreds of people reading this thread and flipping double birdies at you because they are trying to cut weight and struggle.

    Now...How to solve your problem.

    - Bacon Cheeseburgers
    - Large milkshake
    - Oreo Blizzard
    - Meat Lover's Pizza

    Not an all inclusive list but just pick one of those I don't think you will have any problems.

    ETA: Did not realize this was a continuing condition that makes it harder to eat a lot. Advice still stands though. What does your Dr. say? Is there a pill to take to make it easier or something you can take to get your calories in? Milkshake seems like the best option to get maximum calories for smallest space.

    ETA2: Saw you responded to alot of similar issues. Honestly, I don't think people here are going to be your best option for support as we don't have a medical condition like yours to relate. I can put down 4,000 calories by accident if I don't keep my diet in check. Is there a support group or something you can check out for people in a similar situation? No matter what you need to keep eating b/c at your height and weight you are very underweight.