Motivation to eat enough to bulk



  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @robp: my body doesn't get used to it, many days it's a struggle.

    @travjess: try GNC or vitamin shoppe for weight gainers.

    @cwolfman: I know 2,200 is low, but I don't even hit that average and still gain. On weeks where I've done well an averaged around 2,000-2,050 I've gained .5lb or so, but that has been few and far between.

    @neadermagnon: I've been eating some junk food to hit my calorie goals, it's just that some times my stomach feels like a brick is in it due to constipation from my disease and I get pains and don't want to eat, no matter how appetizing the food is.

    @bigtalljay: can't do milk due to mild lactose intolerance, even when I use lactose pills, but ice cream and cheese are fine.

    @jaywalk: I have 3 pints of B&J in my freezer now and it has been helping. Like I said, it's surprising but I do gain on 2,200, it's weird. I'm hoping my TDEE is not that low when I regain my lost weight.

    @ryry: dude trust me, I'd love to eat the food you listed but the last time I had a burger and milkshake I couldn't eat for the next two days due to stomach pains and it sucked. I am on medication to speed up my digestion which makes eating easier, but it doesn't work all the time. Unfortunately my doctor and other medical professionals I have talked to did not have much in the way of diet advice besides eat soft easy to digest food, low fat, low fiber, and drink calories; that's why I turned to the forums. I don't know of any support groups since this is a pretty uncommon disease. I agree that I need to keep eating no matter what, I am definitely underweight. I used to be around 145lbs but dropped to 118lbs last year. I'm doing better now but still need to gain weight. I'm hoping to get up to 160-165lbs when it's all said and done.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The simple answer is, if you want to gain weight, quit crying and eat the dang food. There are hundreds of people reading this thread and flipping double birdies at you because they are trying to cut weight and struggle.

    Now...How to solve your problem.

    - Bacon Cheeseburgers
    - Large milkshake
    - Oreo Blizzard
    - Meat Lover's Pizza

    Not an all inclusive list but just pick one of those I don't think you will have any problems.

    ETA: Did not realize this was a continuing condition that makes it harder to eat a lot. Advice still stands though. What does your Dr. say? Is there a pill to take to make it easier or something you can take to get your calories in? Milkshake seems like the best option to get maximum calories for smallest space.

    ETA2: Saw you responded to alot of similar issues. Honestly, I don't think people here are going to be your best option for support as we don't have a medical condition like yours to relate. I can put down 4,000 calories by accident if I don't keep my diet in check. Is there a support group or something you can check out for people in a similar situation? No matter what you need to keep eating b/c at your height and weight you are very underweight.

    I did not flip anyone off BC I realized the OP had a stomach disease and actually read the post...but way to go ...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    @robp: my body doesn't get used to it, many days it's a struggle.

    @travjess: try GNC or vitamin shoppe for weight gainers.

    @cwolfman: I know 2,200 is low, but I don't even hit that average and still gain. On weeks where I've done well an averaged around 2,000-2,050 I've gained .5lb or so, but that has been few and far between.

    @neadermagnon: I've been eating some junk food to hit my calorie goals, it's just that some times my stomach feels like a brick is in it due to constipation from my disease and I get pains and don't want to eat, no matter how appetizing the food is.

    @bigtalljay: can't do milk due to mild lactose intolerance, even when I use lactose pills, but ice cream and cheese are fine.

    @jaywalk: I have 3 pints of B&J in my freezer now and it has been helping. Like I said, it's surprising but I do gain on 2,200, it's weird. I'm hoping my TDEE is not that low when I regain my lost weight.

    @ryry: dude trust me, I'd love to eat the food you listed but the last time I had a burger and milkshake I couldn't eat for the next two days due to stomach pains and it sucked. I am on medication to speed up my digestion which makes eating easier, but it doesn't work all the time. Unfortunately my doctor and other medical professionals I have talked to did not have much in the way of diet advice besides eat soft easy to digest food, low fat, low fiber, and drink calories; that's why I turned to the forums. I don't know of any support groups since this is a pretty uncommon disease. I agree that I need to keep eating no matter what, I am definitely underweight. I used to be around 145lbs but dropped to 118lbs last year. I'm doing better now but still need to gain weight. I'm hoping to get up to 160-165lbs when it's all said and done.

    Is there are reason related to your medical condition why the doctors say low fat? Because fatty foods are calorie dense and are a good way to bump up your calories without filling you up too much. Fat is not unhealthy (unless there's a medical reason to avoid it) it just has a bad rap because it's calories dense, so easy to eat too much of it, and in the past doctors etc thought that too much fat/cholesterol leads to high blood cholesterol levels, when the reality is far more complex and dietary cholesterol doesn't cause high blood cholesterol levels, and some kinds of cholesterol help to lower it..... and that aside, in your situation where you're struggling to eat enough, you're not at risk of these kinds of problems anyway. So that's why i'm questioning why they said low fat... because it sounds like you need to eat more fat not less (if the reason for avoiding it isn't because of your condition)

    have you tried eating honey? that's very calorie dense. Maybe you could mix it into your ice cream when you eat that. Another thing if you're finding it easier to eat ice cream, is making smoothies using whey isolate (or some other protein isolate if you can't eat whey due to lactose intolerance) - I make one with vanilla flavoured whey isolate, frozen fruit and laban (an Arabic dairy product)... you'd have to experiment to find something you like eating from ingredients you know you can eat, but the way i make it it tastes like ice cream but has a significantly higher protein content. You can add honey for extra calories as well.

    Hope the docs can treat your condition better so you find it easier to eat.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Ensure and liquid supplements like that
    Ice cream with protein
    Low residue food like apples pie
    Almond paste
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member

    @ryry: dude trust me, I'd love to eat the food you listed but the last time I had a burger and milkshake I couldn't eat for the next two days due to stomach pains and it sucked. I am on medication to speed up my digestion which makes eating easier, but it doesn't work all the time. Unfortunately my doctor and other medical professionals I have talked to did not have much in the way of diet advice besides eat soft easy to digest food, low fat, low fiber, and drink calories; that's why I turned to the forums. I don't know of any support groups since this is a pretty uncommon disease. I agree that I need to keep eating no matter what, I am definitely underweight. I used to be around 145lbs but dropped to 118lbs last year. I'm doing better now but still need to gain weight. I'm hoping to get up to 160-165lbs when it's all said and done.

    Dang Bro...Thats rough.

    You said PB is good for you. I'm just spit balling here. Some kind of custom made "mass gainer" shake

    4 TBSP PB - 400 cals
    2-3 Scoops Choco PB Protein - 200-400 Cals depending on brand
    Ensure Replacement Shake - 235 cals (maybe replace skim milk if better on stomach)
    1 banana - 110 cals
    2 scoops ice cream - 250 calories
    Hersheys choco syrup to taste
    Add Ice to improve thickness if needed.

    Thats around 1000-1400 in a shake, then the rest you can get from solid food?
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    The simple answer is, if you want to gain weight, quit crying and eat the dang food. There are hundreds of people reading this thread and flipping double birdies at you because they are trying to cut weight and struggle.

    Now...How to solve your problem.

    - Bacon Cheeseburgers
    - Large milkshake
    - Oreo Blizzard
    - Meat Lover's Pizza

    Not an all inclusive list but just pick one of those I don't think you will have any problems.

    ETA: Did not realize this was a continuing condition that makes it harder to eat a lot. Advice still stands though. What does your Dr. say? Is there a pill to take to make it easier or something you can take to get your calories in? Milkshake seems like the best option to get maximum calories for smallest space.

    ETA2: Saw you responded to alot of similar issues. Honestly, I don't think people here are going to be your best option for support as we don't have a medical condition like yours to relate. I can put down 4,000 calories by accident if I don't keep my diet in check. Is there a support group or something you can check out for people in a similar situation? No matter what you need to keep eating b/c at your height and weight you are very underweight.

    I did not flip anyone off BC I realized the OP had a stomach disease and actually read the post...but way to go ...

    Thanks for your feedback
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @Neadermagnon: they say low fat because fat slows absorption and gastroparesis already slows stomach digestion as is. They are not anti-fat for the normal SAD reasons. I agree though that fat is the easy way to up my cals because it takes up the least amount of stomach space out of the three macros. I can tolerate a moderate amount, like 70-80g a day, but anything more and my digestion becomes sluggish. Bacon, eggs, sausages, salmon, and PB have been my go-to foods for good sources of fat.

    I actually do not like honey, but thanks for the suggestion. Like I said above, I cannot make smoothies or shakes, the only things I can tolerate in liquid form are protein shakes with just the powder and water or premade shakes that come in bottles like muscle milk. Ensure/boost/glucerna do not work for me. Unfortunately there is no known cure for what I have. There have been reports of people experiencing it just going away, which is what happened to my cousin’s fiancé, so I hope the same thing happens for me eventually.

    @Evgeni: is almost paste just almond butter or something else?

    @ryry: The problem is that I cannot make any kind of shake, I can only have protein powder in water. Anything else added to it makes my stomach go into a whirl and I feel like crap and can’t eat, it blows. I may just pick up a bunch of pre-made muscle milk drinks, although it is a bit pricey. Thanks for the suggestion though, that shake sounds really good.
  • ericdcruz118
    ericdcruz118 Posts: 14 Member
    were do you get wait gainers? And has anyone ever used advocare stuff

    You can get one at your local vitamin shoppe or gnc stores.
  • travjesslove
    is it easier eating 3 big meals or a lot of little ones
  • grahamphillipps
    I completely dropped weight gainers. At least the one I was using had low quality protein, made me horribly gassy and had a lot of fat. I find its easier for me to powder up about 3 servings of rolled oats and mix in quality whey. Best whey to eat oats hands down.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    is it easier eating 3 big meals or a lot of little ones

    It's easier to eat three big ones to give my body time to digest, lots of smaller ones didn't work because I was constantly digesting food.
  • ambickford
    I'm doing BodyBeast and eat about 2,200 a day. 30 year old female, and it's STILL hard for me since I've been obese before. One thing in the nutrition guide for BodyBeast is one of the shakes are 895 calories and really helps for those who want to enjoy it w/o being stuffed. I haven't had one that big before b/c I'm a female (I would imagine this is for the guys who consume well over 3000+ calories a day)...but I have had the 495 calorie one before and it's helped me when I'm so full.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm doing BodyBeast and eat about 2,200 a day. 30 year old female, and it's STILL hard for me since I've been obese before. One thing in the nutrition guide for BodyBeast is one of the shakes are 895 calories and really helps for those who want to enjoy it w/o being stuffed. I haven't had one that big before b/c I'm a female (I would imagine this is for the guys who consume well over 3000+ calories a day)...but I have had the 495 calorie one before and it's helped me when I'm so full.

    I definitely need to experiment more with liquid calories. I'm not familiar with the workout routine, are you trying to gain, lose, or maintain? I can't believe I'm eating the same as you on a bulk and gaining weight, my metabolism must be slow as heck.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Almond paste is denser. Google it or Marzipan. Both are nutrient and calorie dense.

    How about any of the high IG foods?

    Foods containing sugar

    molasses, & corn syrup.

    Fruits -

    bananas, melons, pineapple, raisins

    Vegetables -

    potatoes, corn, carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips

    Breads -

    all white breads, all white flour products, corn breads

    Grains -

    rice, rice products, millet, corn, corn products

    Pasta -

    thick, large pasta shapes

    Cereals -

    most cereals

    Snacks -

    potato chips, corn chips, pretzels

    Alcohol -

    beer, liqueurs, all liquor except red wine

    Walking a lot might help to get things moving.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    are you okay eating bread? I just made myself a couple of sandwiches with white bread.... total of four slices of bread, that's 400 calories right there before you even get onto the filling. White bread is easier to digest than wholegrain... under usual circumstances wholegrain is more nutritious, but if you're trying to bump up your calories while not feeling terribly hungry, white bread tends to be easier to eat. And it has less fibre (you said you need to avoid too much fibre)

    that's a shame about the fats... if you're already eating as much fat as you can tolerate then there's not much else you can do... the main possibility is bumping up your carb intake without taking in too much fibre, so stuff like white bread, sugar, etc.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @Evgeni: I will look into it, thanks. I'm gluten intolerant to a degree and can only handle bread like one or two times a week, so alot of those high GI foods are out. Thanks for the list though, I can eat some of the things you mentioned so I will focus on those.

    @neadermagnon: I'm gluten intolerant to a degree, I can handle bread like one to two times a week but anything more and it's not good. I do have a breakfast sandwich on a bagel every now and then when I don't feel like eating my usual breakfast and nothing seems appetizing, but it cannot be an everyday occurrence. Surprisingly, I tolerate quest bars well, even though they have a ton of fiber. I've tried low fiber and it doesn't work, I think it's just the sheer mass of food in my system that causes me to not want to eat. Only way around that is to keep trucking along and pound down the food.

    I realize that carbs are the only thing left to bump up since I already eat 1g/lb of BW for protein, so I've been going that route. I just picked up some poptarts and ice cream sandwiches, those things are pretty calorie dense for their size. I'm planning on having them on days I struggle so the sugar prompts me to eat more. I'm also going to start using things like honey mustard and good BBQ to make the food I eat more appetizing and make me want to eat more of it. Little tweaks like these should hopefully help. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    What motivates you guys to eat enough to bulk? I'm currently eating a bit over +20% of my TDEE, which works out to 2,200 cals as a 24yr old 5'10 guy weighing in at 133lbs. I feel like I'm stuffing myself all the time and hate how I cannot enjoy food anymore. I need to gain weight from a medical standpoint due to losing 27lbs last year from a stomach disease, but sometimes I just don't want to eat meals. I'm working out with compound heavy lifting 3x/week and love seeing my strength increase, but I still don't like eating all this food at times. Just looking for how you guys convince yourself to keep eating when your body doesn't want you to.

    I don't need much motivation to eat. I'm a bit of a foodie and the homecook for my family. "Bulking" shouldn't be painful or strenuous unless you have a superb metabolism. And time. Think 1-2lbs/per month more if you're a beginner to weights.
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    appetite will change as your body grows.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i'm historically an undereater, and up until just a few months ago or so i didn't like the feeling of being 'full'. it took me weeks of making a concerted effort to EAT REGULARLY, NO SKIPPING OR SKIMPING, to be 'okay' with the full feeling. it seriously felt like a chore at the start! these days i try to make sure i keep something in my tum at all times, and feeling 'full' doesn't bother me anymore.

    i am lactose intolerant and cannot handle milk or (too much) icecream, but anything cultured (yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese) is fine. i'm eating a ton of cottage cheese these days. and i would live on almond paste if i could. i highly recommend it :flowerforyou:
  • ambickford
    I'm doing BodyBeast and eat about 2,200 a day. 30 year old female, and it's STILL hard for me since I've been obese before. One thing in the nutrition guide for BodyBeast is one of the shakes are 895 calories and really helps for those who want to enjoy it w/o being stuffed. I haven't had one that big before b/c I'm a female (I would imagine this is for the guys who consume well over 3000+ calories a day)...but I have had the 495 calorie one before and it's helped me when I'm so full.

    I definitely need to experiment more with liquid calories. I'm not familiar with the workout routine, are you trying to gain, lose, or maintain? I can't believe I'm eating the same as you on a bulk and gaining weight, my metabolism must be slow as heck.

    Your metabolism may be slow, but I've been at this for 5 years (weight loss, not lifting) so mine is probably a bit fast for a 30 year old woman.

    Here is the video for bodybeast: It's dynamic set training...super sets, giant sets. I know some people hate working out at home, but I see no difference between having a home gym with a trainer on your tv vs. going to a gym with weights and working with a real person. I've really seen a big change in my body since doing it. Pretty much the same as bulking in the difference except for routine really.

    As far as the shakes go the nutrition guide says 4 proteins (4 scoops of whey protein). I use cytosport chocolate from costco and it's 140 calories a scoop, 3g carbs/3g sugar, and 27g of protein. Not the best stuff out there, but it does the job for now. That w/o fruits in it would add up to 560 calories and 108g of protein right there.