I want to love to run...

So, I haven't been running for very long. I started C25K, got good shoes, and have a treadmill at home. But I so dread the workouts. As a matter of fact, I've been weak (mentally) for several days and fallen off with the c25K plan. I have gotten through the week 1 workouts, I just dislike it. I know many people love it. I was just wondering what tips people might have to help me enjoy it more. I have a little route I can run/walk/C25K in our neighborhood too. And that helps a little to get out, but it's just still hard for me. I know its supposed to be work, and it definitely is. I just want to dread it less, if that makes sense. I know its going to take more mental toughness...
I am hoping as the weight comes down more that I'll enjoy it more. Any other suggestions for beginners?

I am doing ChaLean Extreme as well, and I enjoy that a lot. I'm on week 2 of that now.


  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    So, I haven't been running for very long. I started C25K, got good shoes, and have a treadmill at home. But I so dread the workouts. As a matter of fact, I've been weak (mentally) for several days and fallen off with the c25K plan. I have gotten through the week 1 workouts, I just dislike it. I know many people love it. I was just wondering what tips people might have to help me enjoy it more. I have a little route I can run/walk/C25K in our neighborhood too. And that helps a little to get out, but it's just still hard for me. I know its supposed to be work, and it definitely is. I just want to dread it less, if that makes sense. I know its going to take more mental toughness...
    I am hoping as the weight comes down more that I'll enjoy it more. Any other suggestions for beginners?

    I am doing ChaLean Extreme as well, and I enjoy that a lot. I'm on week 2 of that now.

    take your time, go slow and if you have to repeat the weeks then repeat them. as the weight comes off it will get a bit easier. also get outside and stop focusing so much ON the program and focus more on being outside breathing fresh air, flowers, trees, etc. start thinking of it as YOUR TIME. your ME TIME. no one can take your ME TIME from you. :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    1) Run slower than you think you should.
    2) Buy yourself some super cute running clothes that make you feel super sexy
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    1) Run slower than you think you should.
    2) Buy yourself some super cute running clothes that make you feel super sexy


    And try going outside. Lots of people hate the treadmill.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    1) Run slower than you think you should.
    2) Buy yourself some super cute running clothes that make you feel super sexy


    And try going outside. Lots of people hate the treadmill.

    Oh yeah. That too. Outside always.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Maybe running just isn't your thing. I don't do exercises that I hate...I'd never stick to a training regimen if I did.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I've gone from HATING it to feeling indifferent about it, which I call a win.

    I go for a run outside when I need to relieve stress or just am feeling restless in the house and I do find it's good for that.

    At the gym I've learnt to just push myself on the treadmill and do intervals of 40sec run 20sec walk and I find that makes the time go by and I am concentrating more on pushing myself and doing better each time which is what keeps me going.

    I've made peace with the fact that I will never be one of those people that LOVES running. I will take a lifting over cardio any day, but do cardio simply to keep up my cardio health.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Maybe running just isn't your thing. I don't do exercises that I hate...I'd never stick to a training regimen if I did.

  • mournemaid
    mournemaid Posts: 29 Member
    i have tried running several times but I just hate it. I bought a cheap second hand bike and found I love cycling. I also enjoy Zumba. I think its important to find what you do like if you are going to stick with it.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    1) Run slower than you think you should.
    2) Buy yourself some super cute running clothes that make you feel super sexy


    And try going outside. Lots of people hate the treadmill.

    Oh yeah. That too. Outside always.

  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    1) Run slower than you think you should.
    2) Buy yourself some super cute running clothes that make you feel super sexy


    And try going outside. Lots of people hate the treadmill.

    Yep, all of this. It takes time to learn to love it. This past year I started running, I was significantly heavier than I am now. It was tough, no question. I hated it at first. It was easy to blame my weight, but my thin cousin and my thin husband both started running shortly after I did. Just like I did, they said that the 30 second running intervals were torture, that it felt like we just couldn't do it. We all three kept pushing through, and within about a month we were hooked. Through the years we had each told ourselves that we wish we were runners, but that we just weren't and couldn't run. What we didn't realize is that the only thing that separated us from being the runners we wanted to be was one month of pushing through.

    Keep going.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You've gotten a few good tips already.

    One thing that I used to do when I started running was focusing on what I did like about running, at first, that was how good I felt after I finished. I even kept notes. On those days I didnt want to go out the door, I re-read and reminded myself how good running made me feel even if I didn't love it at the time.
    I also really enjoy being outside and tend to focus on that as well.

    I really didn't know I 'loved' running until I was injured (not from running, well, sort of by not as a result of the running itself), and couldn't do it. On those nice fall days all I wanted to do was get outside and run.

    I also strongly agree with slow down and keep going.

    ETA - apparenlty my brain is not working and I missed entire words .
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member

    I really didn't know I 'loved' running until I was injured (not from running, well, sort of by not as a result of the running itself), and couldn't do it. On those nice fall days all I wanted to do was get outside and run.

    The same thing happened to me. A few months after I started running, I had an injury pop up that had me waylaid for over 4 months. I went from watching people running in the rain and thinking that they were crazy (what I thought before I started running) to sighing wistfully wishing that I could be running in the rain, too. It surprised the crap out of me.

    Keep going.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Good advice here: hit the outdoor/ditch the treadmill; know that you don't have to if its not your thing

    I would add that I adore running, but even for me, not every run is pleasant. Sometimes they are horrible and I hate them. They won't all be winners.
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I was so eager to join the track team in 7th grade because all of my friends were doing it and I thought the jacket looked cool. By the end of 8th grade, however, I realized how much I HATED running. Fast forward to last March (spring of freshman year of college). I decided I wanted to run a 5k in April, so I started running again, and have been running since (with the exceptions of about two 2-month spans with minimal running). It wasn't until this spring that I realized-- everything I run AFTER the 3.5 or 4 mile mark I really enjoy. I get into a rhythm and it's genuinely enjoyable.

    That's not really great advice, but stick with it! You may start to like it, like I did.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I went thru c25k this spring and thought I loved it, but I soon started to loathe it with a passion. IT band injury, strict rules, painful knees were only the tip of the iceberg. It really pissed me off that running negatively impacted my other workouts. So I went back to speed walking. I'm like a race horse behind the gate waiting to get back out. I've bloodied my feet, blistered my heels, sunburned my nose, but it's nothing like the hell of running. I truly love every minute I am speed walking (12 min/mile for now). Running made me want to trip people. Speed walking makes me happy.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I absolutely hate to run. I think I look stupid and foolish. :) In my mind if you hate it there's no reason to do it. Find a workout you enjoy. :)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I absolutely hate to run. I think I look stupid and foolish. :) In my mind if you hate it there's no reason to do it. Find a workout you enjoy. :)

    I agree that if you really don't enjoy it, don't do it, and was prepared to give that answer when I read the title. After reading her post it seemed to me that she wants to like it and isn't just doing it out of some sort of obligation (like " if I want to lose weight I "have" to run") which is why my answer was different.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    1) Run slower than you think you should.
    2) Buy yourself some super cute running clothes that make you feel super sexy


    And try going outside. Lots of people hate the treadmill.

    I'm up to being able to run 5 miles straight, and still can't run a mile on a treadmill without wanting to gouge my own eyes out to fend off the boredom. :grumble:

    Also, I don't know that I will ever LOVE running. I've found that I do enjoy conquering it though. As others have said, I enjoy the me time and de-stressing as well.
  • dcmitchell01
    dcmitchell01 Posts: 76 Member
    Maybe running just isn't your thing. I don't do exercises that I hate...I'd never stick to a training regimen if I did.


    yeah, I'm wondering that... but since I've just started, I wanted to give it a chance since it is such a good cardio workout. And I like the idea of it, and participating in 5Ks, and such, but I won't get there if I don't do it.... and for the past few days, I just haven't been able to make myself do it.