I want to love to run...



  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Good advice here: hit the outdoor/ditch the treadmill; know that you don't have to if its not your thing

    I would add that I adore running, but even for me, not every run is pleasant. Sometimes they are horrible and I hate them. They won't all be winners.

    ^ This too.

    Somedays it's awesome, and I can't wait to do it again. Other days....ugh
  • Swehl
    Swehl Posts: 138 Member
    I highly recommend you get a running partner. I do not enjoy running either. I am happy to say after a month of running 5 days a week for the past month I don't HATE it anymore. As I am getting better and feeling more confident running, I am also starting to like it a little bit more. The reason I highly recommend having a partner is to help keep you dedicated even when you don't feel like going. My neighbor and I go Monday through Friday, and even if I'm tired or sore I won't cancel because I know she's depending on me to go as much as I'm depending on her. Good luck!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of running for the sake of running. However, I love it when I'm chasing a ball around a field. Ever thought of playing a team sport. It's social and it pushes you beyond your comfort zone

    Also, stick with it for a while. Even though I don't love running, like most activities I tend to enjoy it more the better I get
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Maybe running just isn't your thing. I don't do exercises that I hate...I'd never stick to a training regimen if I did.

    I've gotta agree. I've tried to like running. I can tolerate it for maybe 30 min at a time, and I like how I feel afterward. But love it? Never have, and never will.

    Do what you like--if you are new to exercise, try a lot of things. There are all sorts of classes you can take at gyms these days, and there are also different types of gyms/sports clubs you can try (martial arts, yoga, pilates studios, pole dancing, CrossFit, whatever). Find a swimming pool or canoe/kayak place. Don't torture yourself doing something you feel you should be enjoying but aren't.
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    Many others have said it as well, but I think it's going to make a huge difference: run outside!!

    I didn't like running at the beginning because it was too difficult and boring... but everything clicked the day I was running up a hill (that's my favorite part of running now), listening to a great song while the sun was setting down. I got chills from that beautiful moment and I still remember it.

    So, my tips:
    -Go outside!
    -Find a nice path to run in
    -Have great music with you

    best of luck!
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    When I was a very new runner (still run/walking) I signed up for a race, knowing that I didn't have to run the whole thing, but having a goal to work toward helped me run the whole thing. So maybe find a 5k that looks fun. Investing a little cash in it may help motivate you to get out and do it.

    Also I agree with the folks that say run outside. And do you run with music? Having a killer playlist helps me.

    Fourth piece of advice, use a fun running app. So I use zombies run! I like getting inolved in the storyline of the zombie apocalypse rather than getting caught up in my headspace. There is a c25k version of it too. I didn't use it, but I know people really like it.
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    Still pushing myself on running. It tough. Wish I had a partner, but sometimes your just have to go it alone. Keep going... It will be worth it!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i WILL NEVER love to run... however... i will always run, because...

    1) it speeds my weight loss up
    2) i feel good afterwards
    3) i feel accomplished each time i better my miles / time
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    My number one advice to you is: expect it to suck. . .until it doesn't. Running is hard. It taxes your body in ways you don't expect. But, most of the best things in life usually require you to stick it out. It took about 4 months before I realized I was "in love."

    That being said, if you hate it that much and you don't want to keep pushing through to see if you might fall in love... find something else. I have done ChaLean extreme several times and am half way through month 2 right now. It's good. But it doesn't satisfy my mental needs like running.

    Hoping you fall in love with running (or something else) soon.
  • JPow3
    JPow3 Posts: 5 Member
    Personally, I've found that the only way I can find myself really enjoying jogging is to do it every day (or as close to it as I can manage), and after a week or two it just kind of clicks, and I don't get as tired or winded while running. Make sure when you first start you jog really slow, just slightly faster than walking speed if you need to. That way you can end up going further and not getting discouraged so quickly.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    1) Run slower than you think you should.
    2) Buy yourself some super cute running clothes that make you feel super sexy


    And try going outside. Lots of people hate the treadmill.

    Oh yeah. That too. Outside always.

    Another vote from the "outside always" camp!
  • dcmitchell01
    dcmitchell01 Posts: 76 Member
    When I was a very new runner (still run/walking) I signed up for a race, knowing that I didn't have to run the whole thing, but having a goal to work toward helped me run the whole thing. So maybe find a 5k that looks fun. Investing a little cash in it may help motivate you to get out and do it.

    Also I agree with the folks that say run outside. And do you run with music? Having a killer playlist helps me.

    Fourth piece of advice, use a fun running app. So I use zombies run! I like getting inolved in the storyline of the zombie apocalypse rather than getting caught up in my headspace. There is a c25k version of it too. I didn't use it, but I know people really like it.

    I do have a C25K app, but am going to download the Zombie app right now, and check that out. I do have some good music. I'm going to try to get outside and give it some time.
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,414 Member
    I have hated running all my life, even when I was super fit. Loved competitive volleyball, did gymnastic, loved cycling, kayaking, swimiming. Only one thing I disliked as much was basketball. My point is that you don't have to run because you think its the right thing for you. You can fitness walk. Gets great results and is not strenuous on joints. I love walking. I started running this past March only to see why I disliked it so much. I am liking it more. Not loving it and probably never will. But I want to prove to myself that I can do it so now it is more of a head game.

    Another thing I find about running is that it can get boring doing the same route over and over again. If you can change patterns or directions or even get out of your neighborhood, that may help. I also found Jeff Galloway's Run Walk Run to be helpful. No injuries running and no pain. It gives you a timed walk break. It has really helped my endurance and improved my running time. I think that was part of the issue for me. Coming back with sore knees or calves or thighs. Now I don't make a big deal out of it. I just go out and try to enjoy it.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I hate running. The whole time I'm running it's like "is this over yet, i'm done, no just a bit more, nah, F this, keep going..."

    Then, I ****ed up my knee and all I think about is how much I want to run again. It's a love/hate relationship that I can't let go of.

    Also, treadmills suck, run outside.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I hate running. The whole time I'm running it's like "is this over yet, i'm done, no just a bit more, nah, F this, keep going..."

    Then, I ****ed up my knee and all I think about is how much I want to run again. It's a love/hate relationship that I can't let go of.

    Also, treadmills suck, run outside.

    We always want what we can't have.
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,414 Member
    Ohh...and I agree with others. I have an elliptical. I use it when it is just a bear to run outside....extremely too cold or too much rain or snow. Otherwise, it is better to be outside.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    it took me years to love running. years.

    i've been sidelined for a few months due to a messed up IT band, and have only in the past few days gotten some longer runs in without any pain, and the lifting of my mood and spirits i've noticed in the past few days, seemingly just because i've been able to do my long runs again, has been pretty amazing to me. i mean, i knew i'd missed the running, but i had no idea really how much. there's nothing that makes me feel stronger, mentally and physically, than completing 10 + miles.

    So, stick with it, but be patient. that's all i got.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I hate running. I have run 2 half marathons and multiple other races of shorter distances. I do d running outside with great music or running with a group help me a ton. Fleet Feet a running shoe store has running groups for free or training programs that have a small fee. I would think other shoe stores like that in other cities would have similar groups. Signing up for a race helped me keep motivation when I wanted to stop. My husband learned to love running after training for his first half marathon. Good luck.
  • dcmitchell01
    dcmitchell01 Posts: 76 Member
    My number one advice to you is: expect it to suck. . .until it doesn't. Running is hard. It taxes your body in ways you don't expect. But, most of the best things in life usually require you to stick it out. It took about 4 months before I realized I was "in love."

    That being said, if you hate it that much and you don't want to keep pushing through to see if you might fall in love... find something else. I have done ChaLean extreme several times and am half way through month 2 right now. It's good. But it doesn't satisfy my mental needs like running.

    Hoping you fall in love with running (or something else) soon.

    I'll Thanks! I really do want to run. Thanks for the advice. I like your first point, "expect it to suck...until it doesn't." I think changing my perspective a bit will help a lot! And like someone else said, thinking of it a "me time" will help too.
  • p2smommy
    p2smommy Posts: 64
    My advice, FWIW, since I'm a non-lover-of-running...

    1. Like a PP said.. I don't think I will ever LOVE running, but it DOES speed up my weight loss and it does make me feel better.. an accomplishment of sorts, after having a really good run.

    2. DEFINITELY get yourself a good pair of running shoes.. by saying "good pair", I don't mean just pick one of the good ones out there (there are LOTS of good ones out there), but you need to find a good pair for you. For instance.. I started out in Brooks Ghosts.. LOVED THEM.. I literally ran/walked the soles off of them. Bought a pair of NB 1260v2's.. I've ran in them twice and been miserable both times. They kill my feet and my shins. It's not a muscle/lactic burn either.. it's deep pain. So until I get my new Ghosts, I'm back to my old ones with the holes in the soles.. and I have an $80.00 pair of shoes I hate so bad that I won't even wear as casual shoes now. :( So definitely get yourself fitted for a pair of good shoes.. visit a running shop.

    3. For me at least, I have to force myself past the first lactic burn, then I'm good.. I too started on the C25K app.. I have repeated week 5 twice.. I always do awesome on day one of it.. day 2 & 3 leave me floundering. I'm actually pretty moved by interval runners at the moment.. there's a trail running ultra marathoner whose blog I've been reading lately. She started out like most of us, wanting to lose some weight, and thought to do it by taking up running.. 2 years later, she's running anything from 50k ultra trail races to 100 MILE ultras.. she does a 4 minute run, 3 minute recovery interval..I can totally do that.. with great ease..most days. I've found the earlier I can get out to do my running, the better off I am.. the more phenomenal my results.. Where, if I wait until late in the day, and it's more humid, I can forget even getting near the performance, and endurance that I have during early cool mornings.

    4. Breathing - figuring it out SUCKS. I have tried everything.. and the only thing that really works for me is finding a good beat song for me to "breathe" the lyrics to... If I can get lost in the music and the lyrics, while breathing them, I'm golden. The humid days make it soooo much harder.

    5. I find that my mind gives out way before my body does.. I conquer those weak mental moments by picking out landmarks.. say a sign post or a light post.. and when I get there, I think "That wasn't so bad.. I'll go to the one at the corner of that block up there.".. wash, rinse, repeat.

    Hope this helps.. and if it doesn't.. Good luck with whatever you find that works for you! Happy Running!

    As a note.. I don't think that I will ever love it the way my husband does (he's an ultra runner as well).. He will meet me at the back door with our 3 yr old son, and be all excited... with that sparkle in his eye as he asks "How was it this time?".. he's just waiting for me to have my break through and tell him "AWESOME!! I LOVED IT!".. I don't think I will ever be able to honestly tell him I love it like he does.