Sacrifice is the only answer to weight stall

I believe the Keto diet advisers sometimes mislead people. I’ve concluded that my end of the day treat of 4-6ounces of red wine is causing me to not lose weight faster on Keto. Granted there are no carbs BUT the wine turning to sugar once in the system, stalls the fat burning system. I’ve lost some pounds but it’s been very slow ...which is atypical of Keto so I’ve been told. I have been super conscientious about what I eat and I exercise 3-4 times a week and moving up to 5x once my schedule cooperates. So, just my two cents on alcohol and Keto. I guess it depends on how fast you want to lose but my aim is a lot faster! Summer is around the corner!!!


  • GildedLily08
    GildedLily08 Posts: 13 Member
    @kshama....thanks for the chart!