I know weight loss isn't linear but commiserate with me.



  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    I haven't lost weight in 2 weeks. I know, I KNOW 2 weeks is nothing, that it's water weight fluctuations/non-linear loss/I'm PMS'ing/I just started running/and also I often don't lose weight for 2 weeks then get a whoosh of 2 pounds, I know I am weighing and logging EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth and I am as accurate as possible, BUT EVERY time I get scared that all that hard work creating a deficit was for nothing!

    I know I'm not alone, share your woes about fluctuations and non-linear weight loss!

    Joining the choir to say you look amazing. But I get the frustration. I'm almost 50 and with hormonal changes, even if I watch my sodium intake, I can easily gain 2 or 3 lb. overnight, even when I've had a "perfect" day. And even though I know logically it's not a punishment, it's nothing I've done wrong, it's really hard not to feel slapped down for nothing. All you can do is try not to get too hung up on the numbers on the scale and keep pushing, because it will work out in the end.