Everyone wants a quick fix

I've just been reading some blogs and it occirs to me this happens all the time.
This is what happened on Friday night to me...

K: OMG you're so tiny, what's your secret? (Whilst holding a large tequila in her hand)
ME: Working my butt off literally (whilst holding a large water in my hand)
K: But you must be doing some diet or cleanse or something.
ME: Nope. Gym. Heavy weights. Ballet. HIIT. And paying attention to whats going IN to my body (pointed look at her large tequila).
K: Fine, be secretative then, see if I care.

Do people really think there is some magic formula? If someone had found it all the other crap things people sell would be left in the dust because it actually worked...
How many times does this happen to you? Have you ever managed to convince someone the only thing that works is hard work?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    It all boils down tot he fact that people don't want to work hard. Once you accept that you have to work hard to be in good shape, then that's when you actually start getting in shape. Until then, they'll jump from fad diet to fad diet for weight loss: low carb, detox, cleanse, paleo, vegetarian, low fat, no sugar, no carbs after 2:00pm etc. etc.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Yep, got it in one. So I'm guessing no converts then ;)

    I've been trying to get my flatmate to DO something for about a year. Her Doctor has told her she needs to lose weight because she's putting pressure on her heart (she has a pacemaker - died for 8 minutes at the age of 23).
    She keeps asking me about different shake diets she should do. I actually yelled at her the other day when she suggested the last one.
    She lives with me so she KNOWS exactly what I've been doing. She can see for herself there isn't a quick fix.
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    It all boils down tot he fact that people don't want to work hard. Once you accept that you have to work hard to be in good shape, then that's when you actually start getting in shape. Until then, they'll jump from fad diet to fad diet for weight loss: low carb, detox, cleanse, paleo, vegetarian, low fat, no sugar, no carbs after 2:00pm etc. etc.

    This and only this.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Yep, got it in one. So I'm guessing no converts then ;)

    I've been trying to get my flatmate to DO something for about a year. Her Doctor has told her she needs to lose weight because she's putting pressure on her heart (she has a pacemaker - died for 8 minutes at the age of 23).
    She keeps asking me about different shake diets she should do. I actually yelled at her the other day when she suggested the last one.
    She lives with me so she KNOWS exactly what I've been doing. She can see for herself there isn't a quick fix.

    Could you invite here along on your journey to do some of this things you are doing?
    ie: If you go for a walk or some exercise, ask her along?
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    LOL, I guess I should give up trying to help then :P
    They only want to listen if it sounds easy.
    I'm obviously not going to be that motivational speaker that rakes in the dollars ;)
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Yep, got it in one. So I'm guessing no converts then ;)

    I've been trying to get my flatmate to DO something for about a year. Her Doctor has told her she needs to lose weight because she's putting pressure on her heart (she has a pacemaker - died for 8 minutes at the age of 23).
    She keeps asking me about different shake diets she should do. I actually yelled at her the other day when she suggested the last one.
    She lives with me so she KNOWS exactly what I've been doing. She can see for herself there isn't a quick fix.

    Could you invite here along on your journey to do some of this things you are doing?
    ie: If you go for a walk or some exercise, ask her along?

    Every day.
    I ask her every day.
    I do something 6 days a week and have saturday off because I'm normally too busy to fit stuff in on saturday.
    Once she asked if she could do a barre workout with me, of course I said yes, got excited that she actually wanted to try, and I spent the whole time encouraging her and telling her it was ok if she couldn't do the full movement she just had to try.
    She said she enjoyed it. She said it was hard work and she felt "good sore" the next day.
    She asked if she could do it again with me last week, but then came home and went straight to bed instead.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody want to lift no heavy a** weights" - Ronnie Coleman
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody want to lift no heavy a** weights" - Ronnie Coleman

    LOL so true.
    That man scares the bejesus out of me he's so ginormous.
    Having said that, if I was a guy, I'd probably aim high like that :P
    Currently girl crushing on Erin Stern. Fitness model aim as opposed to body builder.
    That woman has ridiculous quads. She's what makes me lift.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    THEM: What's your secret?

    ME: Well, it's kind of involved, but the core is two simple things...
    (at this point I look around to make sure no one's listening and lean in)

    (THEY lean in)

    ME: "Eat less, move more."

    Their disappointment is delicious.
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    It all boils down tot he fact that people don't want to work hard. Once you accept that you have to work hard to be in good shape, then that's when you actually start getting in shape. Until then, they'll jump from fad diet to fad diet for weight loss: low carb, detox, cleanse, paleo, vegetarian, low fat, no sugar, no carbs after 2:00pm etc. etc.

    I'm not sure why all that you mentioned would be considered a fad diet. I don't call what I'm eating a diet, it is a lifestyle. And now that I have reduced my carb intake and don't eat all the processed crap and white flour, wheat and sugar and diet soda and low fat junk out there, the bloat is gone, I have no more joint pain, my energy has increased, I sleep better, and oh yeah, I'm losing weight too. I don't criticize anyone's choice of what works for them, only the fact that they want it by tomorrow. There is no quick fix. I eat real food, I exercise and I feel great.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    THEM: What's your secret?

    ME: Well, it's kind of involved, but the core is two simple things...
    (at this point I look around to make sure no one's listening and lean in)

    (THEY lean in)

    ME: "Eat less, move more."

    Their disappointment is delicious.

    LOL, so much win
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    It all boils down tot he fact that people don't want to work hard. Once you accept that you have to work hard to be in good shape, then that's when you actually start getting in shape. Until then, they'll jump from fad diet to fad diet for weight loss: low carb, detox, cleanse, paleo, vegetarian, low fat, no sugar, no carbs after 2:00pm etc. etc.

    I'm not sure why all that you mentioned would be considered a fad diet. I don't call what I'm eating a diet, it is a lifestyle. And now that I have reduced my carb intake and don't eat all the processed crap and white flour, wheat and sugar and diet soda and low fat junk out there, the bloat is gone, I have no more joint pain, my energy has increased, I sleep better, and oh yeah, I'm losing weight too. I don't criticize anyone's choice of what works for them, only the fact that they want it by tomorrow. There is no quick fix. I eat real food, I exercise and I feel great.

    I think what he meant was, they treat all those things like fad diets, as opposed to seriously deciding to make the lifestyle choice, FOR LIFE.
    I do agree cutting out some things entirely can make some people feel much healthier as you can build up intolerance's to certain foods over time and they "weigh you down" or can make you sick.
    But yes, the point is, they do it because they want it NOW, and then are confused when they go back to old habits and old bodies.

    It's all in our heads whether we succeed or not. The only thing that's going to make them look the way they want is their own mind pushing them to do what needs to be done.
  • VioletNightshade
    Had the same experience when one of my coworkers said I'd lost a lot of weight and asked me what I was doing.

    I said swimming after work, took meat out of my diet, walking my dog for at least an hour every morning before work, making sure to stay moving all day at work (my job requires me to be on my feet, anyway, may as well use that time to walk a lot. 5-7 hours of walking 3-5 times a week adds up), and keeping my intake to between 1250 and 1350 calories a day.

    She said there had to be more to it. I said there wasn't, and then she looked at me again and said "Yeah... I'm not gonna do that..."

    What I'm doing isn't even all that hard, it's just a little bit every day, adding things that can give me a little extra push when I feel I can handle them, but I'm going on 45 pounds lost from it. I'm taking the "slow and steady wins the race" approach.

    We're programmed via media to believe that simple cannot be effective. It has to be some secret thing that we cannot do for ourselves by listening to our bodies and doing what we know is good for them. Obviously doing ten squats before getting ready for work to get yourself physically used to that type of exercise and building up from there until you're doing 20, 50, 150 every morning is a simple thing, so it can't work, not unless we have some gizmo from an infomercial, that is.

    Keep doing what you're doing, you look lovely, and congrats on your progress =^_^=
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Had the same experience when one of my coworkers said I'd lost a lot of weight and asked me what I was doing.

    I said swimming after work, took meat out of my diet, walking my dog for at least an hour every morning before work, making sure to stay moving all day at work (my job requires me to be on my feet, anyway, may as well use that time to walk a lot. 5-7 hours of walking 3-5 times a week adds up), and keeping my intake to between 1250 and 1350 calories a day.

    She said there had to be more to it. I said there wasn't, and then she looked at me again and said "Yeah... I'm not gonna do that..."

    What I'm doing isn't even all that hard, it's just a little bit every day, adding things that can give me a little extra push when I feel I can handle them, but I'm going on 45 pounds lost from it. I'm taking the "slow and steady wins the race" approach.

    We're programmed via media to believe that simple cannot be effective. It has to be some secret thing that we cannot do for ourselves by listening to our bodies and doing what we know is good for them. Obviously doing ten squats before getting ready for work to get yourself physically used to that type of exercise and building up from there until you're doing 20, 50, 150 every morning is a simple thing, so it can't work, not unless we have some gizmo from an infomercial, that is.

    Keep doing what you're doing, you look lovely, and congrats on your progress =^_^=

    I hear ya...slow and steady...and determined.
    They believe we want to keep 'the secret' to ourselves...because obviously I want the rest of the world to be unhealthy, unfit, over/under weight and unhappy.
    I might be mean but I'm not that mean ;)
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Oh and thanks, also, Cora :)
    Aim of post was not to gleen compliments, but I take 'em where I can get 'em ;)
  • IronMan_DuhamNC
    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS. the Truth will always be the truth
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    LOL, I guess I should give up trying to help then :P
    They only want to listen if it sounds easy.
    I'm obviously not going to be that motivational speaker that rakes in the dollars ;)

    As with a anything else, those people want to want it and want to want it for the right reasons. No amount of preaching is going to help...actually, it'll only piss people off and alienate them. Professional motivational speakers and evangelists are successful because they let the people that "want it" come to them...they don't seek them out and preach to their friends and family...they let the "business" come to them.

    I don't say **** to my friends and family unless they really want to sit down and talk about how to do this...most don't because they see that I'm working my *kitten* off and that's just too much work.
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    Great post! everyone wants the "easy" way out. It is all about discipline and wanting it bad enough!:drinker:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You should see how pissed people get when they are gushing and telling me how great I did and how hard I worked and I just say, "It really wasn't that hard, I just cut portions and exercise a few days a week."
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    You should see how pissed people get when they are gushing and telling me how great I did and how hard I worked and I just say, "It really wasn't that hard, I just cut portions and exercise a few days a week."