Everyone wants a quick fix



  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Do people really think there is some magic formula?

    If someone had found it all the other crap things people sell would be left in the dust because it actually worked...

    How many times does this happen to you?

    Have you ever managed to convince someone the only thing that works is hard work?

    Not yet.

    ETA: I was at the DMV renewing my license, and the clerk noticed that my weight had changed (the number has gone down significantly from the last time I lied on my license about my weight). She said, "I was going to ask how you did it, but every time I ask someone that question they always say, 'Diet and exercise,' and I don't want to hear it again." *SIGH*
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    I actually got asked this for the first time today (which in itself was a NSV as they had no idea I was "doing something" to lose weight, but they commented on the fact that it was obvious I had lost quite a bit). I essentially said what others are saying here with regards to eat less, move more and told them about MFP (even emailed them the website).
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    LOL, I guess I should give up trying to help then :P
    They only want to listen if it sounds easy.
    I'm obviously not going to be that motivational speaker that rakes in the dollars ;)

    As with a anything else, those people want to want it and want to want it for the right reasons. No amount of preaching is going to help...actually, it'll only piss people off and alienate them. Professional motivational speakers and evangelists are successful because they let the people that "want it" come to them...they don't seek them out and preach to their friends and family...they let the "business" come to them.

    I don't say **** to my friends and family unless they really want to sit down and talk about how to do this...most don't because they see that I'm working my *kitten* off and that's just too much work.

    Fair call, I was taking the piss with the motivational speaker thing :tongue:
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Do people really think there is some magic formula?

    If someone had found it all the other crap things people sell would be left in the dust because it actually worked...

    How many times does this happen to you?

    Have you ever managed to convince someone the only thing that works is hard work?

    Not yet.

    Maybe this should be my new goal...convert the masses...I'll wave some bacon in front of them, lead them to the gym and lock them in
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member

    ETA: I was at the DMV renewing my license, and the clerk noticed that my weight had changed (the number has gone down significantly from the last time I lied on my license about my weight). She said, "I was going to ask how you did it, but every time I ask someone that question they always say, 'Diet and exercise,' and I don't want to hear it again." *SIGH*

    There are two things I love about this:

    ...last time I lied on my licence about my weight... - we don't have our weight on our licences here at all, so that's interesting to me, but it also made me giggle

    ....I don't want to hear it again.... Yes. Sigh. At least she's stopped asking if she keeps getting the same answer.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    I actually got asked this for the first time today (which in itself was a NSV as they had no idea I was "doing something" to lose weight, but they commented on the fact that it was obvious I had lost quite a bit). I essentially said what others are saying here with regards to eat less, move more and told them about MFP (even emailed them the website).

    YAY FOR NSV!!!!!
    That's awesome :) I love those so much
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    Though maybe I should say something outlandish... I'm on the squid, octopus and unicorn blood diet.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I often get the question, "Okay what did you do to lose all that weight?" When I tell them I exercise 6 days a week, manage my calories and eat healthier I can see the disappointment on their face. They understand but they're not ready to make that kind of commitment.

  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Though maybe I should say something outlandish... I'm on the squid, octopus and unicorn blood diet.

    DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Where does one find Unicorns? Because I'd like one as a pet
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Good mate: Geez he's lost weight! Hows he done it?

    Jealous Mate: Na, he still fat! He's just standing further away.

    ^This has been my favourite comment i've received so far :P
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    I often get the question, "Okay what did you do to lose all that weight?" When I tell them I exercise 6 days a week, manage my calories and eat healthier I can see the disappointment on their face. They understand but they're not ready to make that kind of commitment.


    Yes, this. Commitment.

    I do wonder sometimes if the people who can't commit to their health etc are also the ones who can't commit to varying things in their lives.

    Then I slap myself in the face because I know some really fit and sexy people who are complete douche bags when it comes to committing to other things.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Good mate: Geez he's lost weight! Hows he done it?

    Jealous Mate: Na, he still fat! He's just standing further away.

    ^This has been my favourite comment i've received so far :P

    Someone ACTUALLY said that!??!
    People are nuts. All the people :P
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Though maybe I should say something outlandish... I'm on the squid, octopus and unicorn blood diet.

    Ok, I also have to point out, aside from this comment being WIN, the Deadpool profile pic gains you SO MANY MORE WIN POINTS.
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    I've been getting this question a lot lately, mainly friends I don't see very often and people at work. After about the nth person's eyes glazed over when I said "portion control and I exercise about 5 times a week" I gave up. If they still showed any interest after I said that, I'd mention MFP, but most people don't want to actually hear reality.

    Now I make things up. My favorite right now: "crack cocaine and vodka, but it has to be cheap vodka, not the good stuff." Past favorites: "raspberry ketones and green tea extract." or "the grapefruit and Tutti Frutti diet."

    Is it frustrating losing weight slowly? Only sometimes, because I want to actually keep it off this time so I'm going slowly to eat right, keep my metabolism healthy, and to make changes which are sustainable. I've been there--losing it quickly and gaining it all back quickly when I started eating more than 1200 calories a day.

    A couple of women here at work have had gastric by-pass recently. NOT passing judgement on WLS here...but they are losing very quickly (good for them?). I'm actually going to be a little annoyed if people also assume that I had WLS in order to lose weight. Which is funny because if I actually did have it I wouldn't care. But making lifestyle changes and exercising my butt off (literally!) is how I'm losing weight, and I don't want to perpetuate a myth that it can only be done with either a fad diet or surgery. Does that make sense or am I off my rocker...?
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I found a fix for the KILLER margarita. I take TWO bottles of the skinny mix with me and give them to my bartender. I use one and he keeps the other!! They never mind and if you ask--they may already HAVE them. Bars want LOTS AND LOTS of pretty women and pretty women do NOT touch sugar
    so suggest this to your favorite bar or restaurant.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It all boils down tot he fact that people don't want to work hard. Once you accept that you have to work hard to be in good shape, then that's when you actually start getting in shape. Until then, they'll jump from fad diet to fad diet for weight loss: low carb, detox, cleanse, paleo, vegetarian, low fat, no sugar, no carbs after 2:00pm etc. etc.

    ^^^ well said!! thats certainly how I used to look at it

    OP I can relate! people think there really is some magic formula but you're right, we just have to work our butts off but its SOOO WORTH IT :-D
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    Having lost over 80lbs, it's kinda funny, explaining it for the umpteenth time that I weigh my portions, read calorie labels, lift heavy, drink lots of water, and watching their look go from hopeful, to slightly glazing over.

    Then the inevitable excuses come.
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    I'd like to add something different here: I might be one of those people you are talking about. I've tried lots of things in the past that were supposed to be "quick fixes." I'm always the fat girl asking others how they did it. However, I've never once said anything like "oh, I don't want to do that" or "that is too much work." It's always been a subconcious thing - I think I've always said to myself that I'll get there someday, but when it comes down to it, I'm really no different than those that respond with answers such as those. Because I STILL have not done it (maybe waiting around for the miracle?). I STILL haven't found the "real" drive and motivation to rinse and repeat the exercise and healthy diet routine. I have this annoying mentality that I have lots of time to get real about it and when I become motivated, the weight will just drop off. Once I actually start, the weight starts coming off, but as soon as I hit a bump in the road, it's all over and I'm back where I started.

    I am one of those people, even if I don't show it to others. It exists on the inside.

    Now, I have to thank you for this post - it actually made things a little clearer for me. To break this stupid mentality, I first need to have realistic expectation of how this is going to work. Yesterday does not matter. Tomorrow does not matter. TODAY is what matters. I have complete control over TODAY. I have control over my exercise and what I eat. The choices I make are mine and I am responsible for the outcome. I'll forget about yesterday - can't change what has already happened. I'll focus on tomorrow when it becomes today. Today is when I have to put forth my best effort. Some days I will feel as if I failed, some days I will have surpassed what I thought was possible. But if I just get up each day and start fresh, I can do this. And I will break the instant gratification mentality.

    Thanks, guys!! :blushing:
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Yes, they do.....and I can admit that sometimes I am one of them! Somedays I feel like I will never get to where I want to be, but I know it is all ME and not anyone else's fault. But I refuse to do any "fad" diets, I love food and they all sound so dangerous and outrageous. I know if I really want to make a change I need to start lifting and work-out more, but I am too good at finding reasons to not do it such as cost, time, kids, too much other stuff to do and not enough time to do it all- i.e.: housework, grocery shopping, helping kids with homework....I envy the women I know personally and the women I see on here that seem to have boundless energy, motivation, and determination.

    I have lost some weight and on my little frame it is noticeable. And I too have had people at work comment on how slim I look and ask what I am doing. They all seem shocked when I said all I have been doing is watching my calorie intake and doing minimal exercising. One girl asked me how I know how many calories a day I should be eating and I told her about MFP, but I doubt she will do anything about it. Over the course of the 5 years I have worked here she has tried to lose weight so many times. She will get on this kick where she and some other co-workers will go walk the bridges (in our city, downtown, they walk across one and come back on another). But everyday at work she is getting take-out food for breakfast and lunch, and they are never healthy, low-cal choices. Ugh, and don't even get me started when she was diagnosed as a diabetic and kept putting off going to see a nutrionist to learn about carb counting and how to control her diet.

    On the flip side, my younger sister is a fitness instructor and is an inspiration to many. She was always chunky growing up and now she is smaller than me and seriously buff. You would think just looking at her change I would be motivated, but I know that she MOVES constantly for her job and has seriously changed her diet. And I know deep down I am not there yet. Somedays I feel like I should quit my job and work at her gym just so I could exercise everday too, lol! But....then my bills would probably not get paid, so......