Unexpected downsides of losing weight



  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Momjogger wrote: »
    Lack of butt padding is a real issue! Trying to roll in yoga is painful! When I was down to my goal weight last time, my biggest issue was unwanted attention from men. At the drug store, grocery store, while riding my bike! I think that’s one of the reason I started gaining it back. I was really uncomfortable with the unwanted, at times almost threatening attention. I was taking a walk along the waterfront and a man followed me for about 1/2 a mile to a stop light and tried striking up a conversation, asking for my number. You start to feel confident, you buy nicer clothes, you walk with good posture and BOOM, suddenly you feel like a gazelle in a wild kingdom episode being chased by hyenas. My younger, single self probably would have been thrilled, but my middle aged, happily married self doesn’t like it.

    I HATE when they do the "roll on your back front to back front to back", can't do it, too painful. Same with boat post without a cushion, lol.

    I'd end up with bruising. That and v-sits or any tailbone balancing. If my mat isn't thick enough I bruise on my backside. :disappointed:

    Yeah, nowadays I just nope out of v-sits and bicycle crunches. Rolling about on my tailbone is just too painful, no matter how thick the mat. I'll do normal crunches, I'll do planks, I'll do bridges, I'll do whatever substitute exercise you like; but I won't roll around on my tailbone for anyone or anything.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    I have to be careful when hiking/walking with a backpack because of how much my collarbones stick out now. Backpack straps over bra straps over bone gets ouchie!
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    Just wanted to inject some humor, my side anyway. Past 5 or so months I've gone from 205lbs to 178 currently, with 18 to go.

    Noticed the trend of buying new clothes...I get crazy pay :smiley: , disability. I asked for a clothing allowance for new, they laughed :) ...obviously last sentence just a joke. But kudos for ya'll losing lbs.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    edited July 2019
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    I have to be careful when hiking/walking with a backpack because of how much my collarbones stick out now. Backpack straps over bra straps over bone gets ouchie!

    Yes! I have the same problem. I bruise so easily now from things like that. Backpack/bra-strap bruises are a regular.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    ndm531 wrote: »
    bjkoziara wrote: »
    One downside I've noticed is that recently I got sick and had a stomach bug and people seem to only be able to say "Oh, at least you're losing weight!" No one would say that to a thin person. Makes me feel like I'm nothing but a weight to people.
    I so agree. I was recently diagnosed with cancer and when I told folks several of them said, “well the upside is that you will lose weight” it was all I could do not to just stare and say, REALLY! I am battling a life threatening disease and frankly I am scared and you can only equate this to my weight? Amazing.

    What the heck?!? What is wrong with people?? I'm sorry you are going through something that serious and scary and having to deal with inappropriate and offensive comments like that.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Less a downside and more an irony: I fit into booths at restaurants again, but can almost never fit restaurant food into my calories. We go out 90% less often.

    I usually cut restaurant meals into halves or even 3rds. A plated restaurant meal is way too much food at one sitting.
    And then I'll also try to have a light breakfast and lunch. I don't usually do too badly.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    ndm531 wrote: »
    bjkoziara wrote: »
    One downside I've noticed is that recently I got sick and had a stomach bug and people seem to only be able to say "Oh, at least you're losing weight!" No one would say that to a thin person. Makes me feel like I'm nothing but a weight to people.
    I so agree. I was recently diagnosed with cancer and when I told folks several of them said, “well the upside is that you will lose weight” it was all I could do not to just stare and say, REALLY! I am battling a life threatening disease and frankly I am scared and you can only equate this to my weight? Amazing.

    What the heck?!? What is wrong with people?? I'm sorry you are going through something that serious and scary and having to deal with inappropriate and offensive comments like that.

    You guys must've missed the other thread where some guy's coworker was telling everyone he had HIV because he lost weight. People are nuts.