Hawaii in 19 days... belly fat!

I have 19 days to become as “beach body” ready as I can. I was hoping to have a flatter tummy by now in time for my vacation. Any tips or ideas on what I can do for the next 19 days to get a little flatter? 😬
Photo attached is March 1 (197 lbs) vs June 24 (169 lbs) uctge4cw9cjz.jpeg


  • Kales97
    Kales97 Posts: 10 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    You can have a beach body in 19 days. Just take your body to the beach.

    Don't stress yourself before a trip. Don't let whatever you think you needed to look like darken your mood. Do what little you can do before then and let it go and enjoy yourself.

    Very true. Thank you :). I just don’t wanna look back on all the photos and hate how I look and basically “ruin” all the photos of myself. Pretty silly thing to stress over!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! I’ve been going to White water for about a month, and believe me, you look GREAT!
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,691 Member
    You look great. All I would suggest is to wear a bikini/bathing suit you love. You’re there. My only other tip, from experience, is to watch the salty food - holiday/restaurant foods can be full of it and the salt will make you bloat.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You look fab, try not to 'sweat the small stuff' and just enjoy the holiday :smile:
  • Kales97
    Kales97 Posts: 10 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    It may just be from the way you needed to stand to get a body selfie, but I think you could consider whether posture might be contributing to the look you don't like. There may a bit of anterior pelvic tilt going on (I feel like this is may be more common in the era of wanting to emphasize the booty (dunno, though)), and perhaps even a little bit of forward shoulder/neck/jaw tilt or thrust (definitely more common in the era of screen-reading being ubiquitous). Both of those things can increase the illusion of a more protruding belly.

    Like I said, it may be a misleading photo, but you should be able to experiment by looking in the mirror while making posture adjustments, and see what you think. If you think it's an issue, there are YouTube videos from credentialed physical therapists and university medical center and other good sources that have exercises that could help. (Just trying to be conscious of posture is OK, but stressful and not as effective).

    Overall, though, I think you look great, and should be confident that you'll rock that swimsuit. Have a great vacation!

    I’ve learned through this app that I definitely have an anterior pelvic tilt. I don’t pose this way or anything.. just the way my body is shaped 😭. Thanks for your insight.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Just got back from Oahu last week. There were people of all shapes on the beach, so don't worry too much. I did lose 10 lbs in the 3 weeks before going, just by having fewer indulgences, and not missing any of my workouts. Much of the loss was water weight, but i felt better.

    Work on getting a base tan, so you don't get broiled if you miss a spot with the sunscreen, or it rubs off. Start with about 10 minutes on each side, and add a minute a day. Don't use a tanning bed.

    Btw, the pelvic tilt looks much better in the 2nd pic. Do you do deadlifts, squats, etc? That tends to help.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    Kales97 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    It may just be from the way you needed to stand to get a body selfie, but I think you could consider whether posture might be contributing to the look you don't like. There may a bit of anterior pelvic tilt going on (I feel like this is may be more common in the era of wanting to emphasize the booty (dunno, though)), and perhaps even a little bit of forward shoulder/neck/jaw tilt or thrust (definitely more common in the era of screen-reading being ubiquitous). Both of those things can increase the illusion of a more protruding belly.

    Like I said, it may be a misleading photo, but you should be able to experiment by looking in the mirror while making posture adjustments, and see what you think. If you think it's an issue, there are YouTube videos from credentialed physical therapists and university medical center and other good sources that have exercises that could help. (Just trying to be conscious of posture is OK, but stressful and not as effective).

    Overall, though, I think you look great, and should be confident that you'll rock that swimsuit. Have a great vacation!

    I’ve learned through this app that I definitely have an anterior pelvic tilt. I don’t pose this way or anything.. just the way my body is shaped 😭. Thanks for your insight.

    It'd maybe be a thing to work on, frankly, independent of the beach-appearance issue: Posture issues come home to roost, with aging. Trust a li'l ol' lady on this. :grimace:
  • JohnnytotheB
    JohnnytotheB Posts: 361 Member
    You look terrific! Nice job!
  • tammie614
    tammie614 Posts: 48 Member
    you look AMAZING! i'd settle for your midsection/stomach NOW!! what you've accomplished is no small feat. keep doing what you're doing XO
  • Dreamwa1ker
    Dreamwa1ker Posts: 196 Member
    You look great!!! I hope you find a swimsuit that makes you feel fabulous and confident, then go have an amazing time!