Starting over. Ready to change my lifestyle, for good!

My name is Lindsay. I live in Ohio. I have been dieting and yoyo'ing in weight since 2012. I lost a significant amount of weight in 2012/2013. I went from 215 to 145lbs. Im a 5'5 female so that was a huge achievement. I went to strict on restrictions and that caused a serious binge at the end of 2013 that lasted for months. I easily gained 40lbs back... I from then on...would start diets and working out and lose weight, to abruptly stop working out and eating what I wanted and gain it back.. Basically sabotaging myself and I dont know why... that pattern would continue to present date. I am sooo sick of yoyo ' ing and not having a consistent healthy lifestyle. Only doing it temporarily and then finding myself in a horrible place again. I realized recently, I cant do this alone. I need a community. I need accountability to stay active and mindful of my food choices. Im pretty sure I have a food addiction, so this is the only way I can succeed. Im so serious about this. Im ready to change my life and not look back. Ive already taken the first steps. Ive lost 10 lbs. Add me!
