Discriminated against for tattoos, piercings hair or weight?



  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    I have been pretty lucky with finding jobs and having tattoos and piercings. I'm a pharmacy technician so that says a lot.
    I had an 87 yr old woman come up to me and ask me about my tattoos, then she showed me hers from the 50's/60's and said "you wear your tattoo's well". It was my favorite compliment.

    I cannot wait for the day when the "older" generation of thinkers is gone. I love seeing people express themselves through their attire, piercings, tattoos and whatever else they want.

    There is a difference between art and "prison" tattoos and piercings. You'll know 'em when you see 'em.

    You will not have to wait too much longer, because we "older" generation "of thinkers" will be gone soon--BUT, you also don't have to wait for us to leave this planet, because things are going in our culture and society and are already in play/are radically changing even as I type before we "older generation of thinkers" are gone. Here's the rub (though you being young, won't believe me..) when you are "the older generation of thinkers"...people will be saying what you accept and love and like will be "old fashioned" and they can't wait until your generation of thinkers is gone. I know you most likely won't believe this--but it's true none-the-less...watch:flowerforyou:

    True enough! And they won't listen to you, just like you don't listen to us and just like we didn't listen to our elders too. Ahh the circle of life! But I'm off topic here as well. Back to it please folks.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I go to church in tank tops, with one arm almost fully covered, and some other tattoos on other areas (other arm, ankle, back, etc) and I do not receive any negative treatment what so ever. I do not work, or even attempt to work, so im not sure how my tattoos would play out in the professional world. my husband has many tattoos also, and he is in a professional field... no problems for him, except for a few clients that he prefers to wear long sleeve shirts to those meetings... facial piercings don't really seem like they would cause concern, since they can be removed and the hole (unless stretched) liked like a pore or a freckle. I even let my daughters (the ones who wanted to) pierce their nose, and when they got sick of it, the hole closed right up and has disappeared!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    As a store manager, I did a lot of hiring for a plus size clothing retailer when I was younger. The employees in a service or retail business reflect the brand image. If you are Torrid then hiring a plus sized girl with pink hair tats and piercings all over is ideal if she has the right personality. If you are Lane Bryant you aim for plus size girls who look somewhat professional but still youngish and non matronly. If you are Catherines you aim for someone with a more matronly appearance. Pink hair only flies at Catherine's if you did it by accident because your grey hair won't hold the red color anymore. Would I hire a skinny girl? Yes if she had the right personality and dress to fit the brand. Would I hire a guy? Yes, (and I did hire a few both straight and gay) if they had the right attitude and their image fit the brand. Brand imaging is crucial to business. People do not pay double or triple for your clothing because it is that much better than what they can find at Walmart, they pay for the image and the service. If you fail on the image and still give the service it still fails because they lose confidence in your employee's recommendations. If you fail on the service but nail the image it fails because your employee doesn't deliver the recommendation. You have to have a decent product, a great image and great service to win in retail and the hiring manager can only control 2 of those things so expect that they won't budge from the brand image.

    If you like your tats, piercings, or funky hair, that is great - more power to you - but know that you have just limited your pool of employers. You are choosing this when you choose that image.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I have been pretty lucky with finding jobs and having tattoos and piercings. I'm a pharmacy technician so that says a lot.
    I had an 87 yr old woman come up to me and ask me about my tattoos, then she showed me hers from the 50's/60's and said "you wear your tattoo's well". It was my favorite compliment.

    I cannot wait for the day when the "older" generation of thinkers is gone. I love seeing people express themselves through their attire, piercings, tattoos and whatever else they want.

    There is a difference between art and "prison" tattoos and piercings. You'll know 'em when you see 'em.

    You will not have to wait too much longer, because we "older" generation "of thinkers" will be gone soon--BUT, you also don't have to wait for us to leave this planet, because things are going in our culture and society and are already in play/are radically changing even as I type before we "older generation of thinkers" are gone. Here's the rub (though you being young, won't believe me..) when you are "the older generation of thinkers"...people will be saying what you accept and love and like will be "old fashioned" and they can't wait until your generation of thinkers is gone. I know you most likely won't believe this--but it's true none-the-less...watch:flowerforyou:

    True enough! And they won't listen to you, just like you don't listen to us and just like we didn't listen to our elders too. Ahh the circle of life.! But I'm off topic here as well. Back to it please folks.

    Ahhhh, you may be speaking "French" when you say "we" because I not only listened to elders, but sought out their counsel and advice much of my young life--which may attribute to my way of thinking and living today. Also, I do indeed listen to all people, young and old as I can and do learn from everyone, all the time--no matter their age or opinion.. Only when I'm "gone" will I not listen to people, because I will be dead an unable to. I especially love listening to those whose views are different from mine, because that's how I learn things and I LOVE learning. But as you so rightly say...enough of this old folk talk--back to the subject. Also, it's not that this is off topic, I was replying to what someone said, which in my old opinion is very relevant and not off topic in the least, but...in honor of your request to get back on topic, forgive me to veering off topic:flowerforyou:

    Lastly...I know the French is Oui---I was making a pun saying "we"
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Being fat is not a protected class and therefore not illegal to avoid hiring someone who is overweight.

    Unfortunately, the way you dress and act causes people to make initial judgements about your character. Some people view people with tattoos, piercings, crazy hair as degenerates and assume they are no good or lazy. This may not be true of everyone but it is important to be aware that how you present yourself affects the opportunities you have in life.
  • britttttx3
    britttttx3 Posts: 458
    Lol, I've gotten a write up at a past job for getting my tongue pierced. Also.. I only have 3 tattoos, but two are on my wrists. I've felt judged by employers a lot because of them...I think how close minded people can be about tattoos is pretty silly. If you don't have tattoos in excess like the lizard man, or offensive ones I don't see what the problem is. I understand proper business attire but I don't get how having a tattoo on your arm makes you any less professional if you're presenting yourself accordingly.