What’s your favourite carb as part of a fitness lifestyle?



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I am almost always around the 100 mark. I don't just visit it like @quiksylver296.

    It is easier because I don't have to worry as much about my blood sugar tanking and I stay quite full so that is a plus.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I am almost always around the 100 mark. I don't just visit it like @quiksylver296.

    It is easier because I don't have to worry as much about my blood sugar tanking and I stay quite full so that is a plus.

    Some places are nice to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. ;):p
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I am almost always around the 100 mark. I don't just visit it like @quiksylver296.

    It is easier because I don't have to worry as much about my blood sugar tanking and I stay quite full so that is a plus.

    Some places are nice to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. ;):p

    I don't blame you. It would be pretty restrictive to some people. It is not a hard limit for me it is just where they fall most of the time. It is really a system of pairing protein with carbs (1:2). I am fortunate that my 'sweet' cravings only happen a few times a year and are easily appeased.

    It could be that more weight loss will reverse my odd hypoglycemia and I can be completely unrestricted. It might even be better now but it is a very unpleasant test to conduct so I think I will wait until I cross over into just overweight before doing it.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    edited August 2019
    Fruit and veggies are my main source of carbs.

    Still eat some flour/grain based sources (bread, pasta, tortillas, potatoes, rice, etc) but very little because IMO they offer very little nutrituonal value and are high glycemic and are quickly converted to sugar which is then converted to fat if I do not burn enough energy to deplete the rise in blood sugar (glycogen) thereby created
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,999 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    Fruit and veggies are my main source of carbs.

    Still eat some flour/grain based sources (bread, pasta, tortillas, potatoes, rice, etc) but very little because IMO they offer very little nutrituonal value and are high glycemic and are quickly converted to sugar which is then converted to fat if I do not burn enough energy to deplete the rise in blood sugar (glycogen) thereby created

    That makes no sense. In an energy deficit none of this happens. In energy maintenance none of this happens. In an energy surplus this will happen with any food...
  • BuddhaBunnyFTW
    BuddhaBunnyFTW Posts: 157 Member
    Pasta Pasta Pasta! XD
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    From a fitness standpoint, things like pasta, white rice, etc are actually good...especially if you do endurance sports. They are easily broken down for good fuel...when I raced, pasta was definitely on the menu for carb load before a race and I still eat it pretty regularly because I still ride quite a bit, I just am not racing at the moment.

    For nutrition and micro nutrients, things like oats, legumes, lentils, potatoes and sweet potatoes, etc are things I like...

    I pretty much eat all of the above on a regular basis as part of a well rounded and nutritious diet.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    Fruit and veggies are my main source of carbs.

    Still eat some flour/grain based sources (bread, pasta, tortillas, potatoes, rice, etc) but very little because IMO they offer very little nutrituonal value and are high glycemic and are quickly converted to sugar which is then converted to fat if I do not burn enough energy to deplete the rise in blood sugar (glycogen) thereby created

    Potatoes actually have a lot of quality vitamins and minerals...they're kind of a nutrition powerhouse. They are one of the most perfect foods which is why the Irish could sustain themselves with a diet largely consisting of potatoes during the Irish Famine.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    Fruit and veggies are my main source of carbs.

    Still eat some flour/grain based sources (bread, pasta, tortillas, potatoes, rice, etc) but very little because IMO they offer very little nutrituonal value and are high glycemic and are quickly converted to sugar which is then converted to fat if I do not burn enough energy to deplete the rise in blood sugar (glycogen) thereby created

    Can you clarify, do you mean in a a surplus? Excess calories will be converted to fat (or muscle in some cases). And from my understanding, it's actually excess fat is most readily converted to fat. Also this has not been my experience at all as when I am bulking I am all about the carbs (let's just say not the high fibre ones) do zero cardio and never had an issue with excess fat gain.

    In a deficit I would love to see studies as underweight and people struggling to gain would love to know some secrets to gaining without having to eat so much!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    Fruit and veggies are my main source of carbs.

    Still eat some flour/grain based sources (bread, pasta, tortillas, potatoes, rice, etc) but very little because IMO they offer very little nutrituonal value and are high glycemic and are quickly converted to sugar which is then converted to fat if I do not burn enough energy to deplete the rise in blood sugar (glycogen) thereby created

    Actually carbs are very rarely converted to fat (a.k.a. de novo lipogenesis) in humans. Although possible it's inefficient and what actually happens is that fat oxidation drops and your carbs are stored as glycogen or used preferentially. It's far more efficient to store fat as no conversion is required. Net fat storage over an extended period of time would also require a calorie surplus.
    Few people are fully carb loaded - I deliberatley carb load over 3 days before a big cycle event, unless you carb load it's unlikely your glycogen storage is fully topped up.

    To truly convert a significant amount of carbs into body fat would most likely need prolonged and excessive carb and calorie over-feeding or being on a glucose drip.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    My problem with "unhealthy" carbs, is my will power is tested to the extreme. Take pasta for instance, I could eat 10 servings at one time no problem. Same with bread. or bag of chips etc....(working on willpower is part of my journey to goal and beyond.) I'm getting better though..started out with 50 carbs a day and now average around 125-150 net , mostly from fruits and non starch veggies. I stay much more satisfied in that range.

    I too can eat tons of pasta or bread - if I am just eating them with butter.

    However, if I add a protein and a bulky vegetable like salad or broccoli, I will be satisfied with normal serving sizes.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    apullum wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    According to an MFP report the carb I consume the most often is black coffee. I guess whoever entered it rounded it up to 1 gram per 8 ounces. I log 32 whether I drink that much or not because I just copy it from day to day.

    32 ounces, right? Not 32 coffees??

    What is the problem with 32 coffees? That is only 256 calories.

  • My favorite carbs are fruits and veggies. Garbanzo beans are my jam right now but there are so many!! I’m a vegetarian so carbs are life lol
  • BrianKMcFalls
    BrianKMcFalls Posts: 190 Member


    Just looking at this made me cry a little inside. I miss my old frenemy.
  • suzskis
    suzskis Posts: 7 Member
    Alzzi_2 wrote: »
    Ohh forgot chocolate :p

    NEVER forget chocolate. :)
  • Alzzi_2
    Alzzi_2 Posts: 2,149 Member
    As a good carb I prefer blue berries, frozen in hot weather instead of ice cream.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    Alzzi_2 wrote: »
    As a good carb I prefer blue berries, frozen in hot weather instead of ice cream.

    I love frozen blueberries!
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 702 Member
    All of them.

    Especially porridge and good bread.

    I have quinoa rather than cous cous these days.
    Texture is similar, just as easy to cook, but it has more protein which is helpful for me.

    I really don't have any time for the idea that all carbs are bad. The idea that oats, fruit and veg are bad for me is bonkers.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I like porridge, corn meal, rice, crepes and fruit.
  • MamboRumba
    MamboRumba Posts: 423 Member