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Fat - not carbs - addictive?



  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    People are very different. I just can't imagine any desire to eat large amounts of plain rice, pasta, or bread. They are so bland.

    Pasta does need a little fat to help it along, but water, rice and a soup cube is all you need for a flavourful dish, and fresh bread with a crispy crust (ideally still warm) is <3
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    breefoshee wrote: »
    I did Keto a couple years ago when it was crazy popular. I remember that I stayed hungry and constantly had to worry about my electrolytes. I was swimming in butter and bullet proof coffee and it just never had that same "full" affect that people said it did. Nor did my cravings ever go away-- in fact, it made me more bingey because I was so all or nothing. That's not to knock anyone who does Keto, it just didn't have the satiating effect on me that others claimed it to have.

    I think you unfortunately fell for some of the non sense in the Keto community. There is no need to add butter to everything or drink Keto coffee. In fact, i tend to eat leaner meats and add fats through guacamole and occasionally a butter sauce. But more often, i rather save those calories for my milkshake or low GI fruits.

    I definitely did. I think I did the coffee more because it felt like a treat and I really didn't know else what to have and heavy whipping cream in coffee is heaven. But that was like 300 of my calories a day that I could have been eating. I was also super strick on the net 20 carbs, when I might have done better starting at 50.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    breefoshee wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    breefoshee wrote: »
    I did Keto a couple years ago when it was crazy popular. I remember that I stayed hungry and constantly had to worry about my electrolytes. I was swimming in butter and bullet proof coffee and it just never had that same "full" affect that people said it did. Nor did my cravings ever go away-- in fact, it made me more bingey because I was so all or nothing. That's not to knock anyone who does Keto, it just didn't have the satiating effect on me that others claimed it to have.

    I think you unfortunately fell for some of the non sense in the Keto community. There is no need to add butter to everything or drink Keto coffee. In fact, i tend to eat leaner meats and add fats through guacamole and occasionally a butter sauce. But more often, i rather save those calories for my milkshake or low GI fruits.

    I definitely did. I think I did the coffee more because it felt like a treat and I really didn't know else what to have and heavy whipping cream in coffee is heaven. But that was like 300 of my calories a day that I could have been eating. I was also super strick on the net 20 carbs, when I might have done better starting at 50.

    For 300 calories, you could have had one of the below. So much better than keto coffee and much more filling.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Well that's just mean, @psuLemon

    Please to link recipe. Sigh. You'd think you'd know that by now. :neutral:
  • magnusthenerd
    magnusthenerd Posts: 1,207 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    breefoshee wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    breefoshee wrote: »
    I did Keto a couple years ago when it was crazy popular. I remember that I stayed hungry and constantly had to worry about my electrolytes. I was swimming in butter and bullet proof coffee and it just never had that same "full" affect that people said it did. Nor did my cravings ever go away-- in fact, it made me more bingey because I was so all or nothing. That's not to knock anyone who does Keto, it just didn't have the satiating effect on me that others claimed it to have.

    I think you unfortunately fell for some of the non sense in the Keto community. There is no need to add butter to everything or drink Keto coffee. In fact, i tend to eat leaner meats and add fats through guacamole and occasionally a butter sauce. But more often, i rather save those calories for my milkshake or low GI fruits.

    I definitely did. I think I did the coffee more because it felt like a treat and I really didn't know else what to have and heavy whipping cream in coffee is heaven. But that was like 300 of my calories a day that I could have been eating. I was also super strick on the net 20 carbs, when I might have done better starting at 50.

    For 300 calories, you could have had one of the below. So much better than keto coffee and much more filling.


    Similar to making a "Paleo" microwave brownie?
    Those run ~230 calories, ~15 net carbs.
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    @psuLemon is that Chia Seed Pudding? I may have to dust the old keto off and give it a try just for this ;) .
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited July 2020
    So these are my own creations. Top is a chocolate protein mousse.

    4 tbsp heavy cream
    1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder (i use quest or PEScience since blends work better for cooking)
    2 tsp sweetener
    1 oz full fat cream cheese
    1 tbsp extra dark cocoa powder

    Calories: 330, P - 14.5, F-26.5, C-4.5

    Optional toppings are whipped cream and shredded Lilly's Chocolate Chips (keto friendly)

    The bottom is my keto milkshake.

    1 scoop Quest or PEScience protein
    8oz almond milk
    2-3g xantham gum
    2 tbsp half and half (saves calories over heavy cream)
    1 cup ice

    Optional toppings are whipped cream and shredded Lilly's Chocolate Chips (keto friendly)

    Calories (with whipped cream) - 260, P -27, F - 12g, C - 8, NC-5

    In the picture i have Lilly's Chocolate Chips that are chopped. Its a chocolate chip shake.

    This is only a small part of what i can do. You should see the other recipes i have 😉

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Well that's just mean, @psuLemon

    Please to link recipe. Sigh. You'd think you'd know that by now. :neutral:

    Its called a teaser lol.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Well that's just mean, @psuLemon

    Please to link recipe. Sigh. You'd think you'd know that by now. :neutral:

    Its called a teaser lol.

    TYVM *flowerforyou* because the old emos are broken.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon wrote: »
    breefoshee wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    breefoshee wrote: »
    I did Keto a couple years ago when it was crazy popular. I remember that I stayed hungry and constantly had to worry about my electrolytes. I was swimming in butter and bullet proof coffee and it just never had that same "full" affect that people said it did. Nor did my cravings ever go away-- in fact, it made me more bingey because I was so all or nothing. That's not to knock anyone who does Keto, it just didn't have the satiating effect on me that others claimed it to have.

    I think you unfortunately fell for some of the non sense in the Keto community. There is no need to add butter to everything or drink Keto coffee. In fact, i tend to eat leaner meats and add fats through guacamole and occasionally a butter sauce. But more often, i rather save those calories for my milkshake or low GI fruits.

    I definitely did. I think I did the coffee more because it felt like a treat and I really didn't know else what to have and heavy whipping cream in coffee is heaven. But that was like 300 of my calories a day that I could have been eating. I was also super strick on the net 20 carbs, when I might have done better starting at 50.

    For 300 calories, you could have had one of the below. So much better than keto coffee and much more filling.


    Similar to making a "Paleo" microwave brownie?
    Those run ~230 calories, ~15 net carbs.

    Definitely looks good. Keto version below
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    psychod787 wrote: »
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    (I should add that I'm not at all anti fat, as I would hope my meal examples demonstrate. I also do think people may have natural macro patterns that they find more sating than others. I don't pay attention to macros, but when eating at a deficit or when simply not all that active, I tend to eat a 40 (carb) - 30 - 30 pattern just because to me that fits the meals I find tasty, satisfying, and sating. With more cals (either no deficit, more active, or both), I tend to keep protein about the same in total grams (so lower percentage) and up both fat and carbs a bit. But I don't do any of this purposefully, as I find focusing on protein and then nutrition more helpful for me than trying to hit a certain macro ratio. But for me cheese is way easier to overeat -- if it's good cheese! -- than plain potato, rice, or pasta ever would be, and adding butter to the potato or to some bread makes me much more likely to overdo that.)

    I'm not anti fat either. I just think letting come mostly from minimally refine, whole food sources is a good idea. I would also argue, that when calorie density of the different meals are held constant, with fiber and protein matched, calories coming from fat vs carbs doesn't matter much. In research, both seem to be equally sating. So, until futher research is available, im using Alder's Razor.

    As usual in these discussions, we are largely in agreement.

    Yes ma'am, we are pretty like minded. Keep it up and I might start liking you. Oh lord. There goes my reputation for being crotchety...🤣