got my complete blood count done yesterday



  • Harebelle
    Harebelle Posts: 41 Member
    You need to find out if they tested ferritin, or just haemoglobin.
    Especially relevant if you have heavy periods and/or are vegetarian/vegan.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,303 Member
    Thank you to the person who disagrees with me about my plight as written in my above post. I wonder what you actually disagree with. the fact that there are health problems such as mine. I have been issue free for 4 years or more now so I had every expectation of being unaffected. It was a deep shock to find myself so abused for having a disabling reaction made worse by management total indifference. Are you saying, my life is lesser than anyone else. That may be something should be permanently terminated?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,055 Member
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    I feel for you. I know what it is to feel blocked by so called medical systems. It feels impossible to get someone to take notice and help most times. You know you feel off but your just not fitting their boxes, the ones you and everyone else are supposed to and its devastating, really hurtful. Our lives are as worthwhile as anyone else's make sure you Know this.

    Wondering, I have reactions to perfumes and off gassing chemicals, paint/varnish/glue vapers, and probably formaldehyde etc from new curtains and furniture, even fuels, those sorts of thing. Using functional methods I have improved to be able to live, do more than just look into the garden, giggle. I've not been able to achieve conventional help for this either. It is also possible to react to moulds and mildews in the atmosphere, they are even in soggy autumn leaves. I know it all sounds weird but there are many of us so afflicted. Went to a granddaughter wedding, felt able, took my emergency kit, just in case. I'd been busy supporting Bride and family as usual, even shortening a flimsy two layered dress which took 12 or more hours I did not have. I became distressed needing to have air, no one gave a dam, worst no venue support, I ended up missing the vows, having come home, showered, changed clothing and cars returned for the Reception, for my special order, only to have to leave because "Rules are Rules". I'd taken my supplements religiously for months, had my mask, nose bips can other stuff. I don't even want to see the recording of the event, I was there but not helped to take part, it would just rub salt into the wounds. Its great the way people can make you "less", or at least try. At this point I say, Never give up, as long as you have breath, keep on breathing because you are valued and make the world a better place. I know all to well the Stress from one thing adds to the stressors from other reactors then add the judgement of others and it explodes which makes one or at least me, the pariah in the whole thing.

    Something underpins, adhd, can be chemicals, its like Autism and other similar diagnoses, something, many different things underpins them all. I hope you find your personal way. I'm 70 in days! frightening particularly because in general I have had to learn how to get my health back for myself. I've had some help from a BANT, UK only nutritionist, read and kept on reading. Please do the same, please don't let the ignorant get you down. For me that includes Doctors, one had he bed bound because he said, this gel is fine for arthritis, though I had told him of my reactions to prese I tried a smear seemed ok, next thing, well morning could not stand! I have full knee movement and no pain by dint of my own efforts with no help from the system. Also tell them, you are entitled to your paperwork. It helps to research the whys and wherefores of your personal health.

    (Beg pardon, not being helped to stay at my Granddaughters wedding really hurts, compounded by others insensitivity)

    I didn't disagree with you - I have chemical sensitivities too and the first few years were just awful. I remember being miserable at functions because someone wearing perfume would hug me and it would transfer to me. I had to smell people before I let them near me, lol.

    I sought out fragrance-free places, and then had to educate the people there what fragrance-free means >.<

    I was really lucky that the first doctor I found was able to correctly diagnose and treat me - many suffer for years without knowing what is going on.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    Thank you to the person who disagrees with me about my plight as written in my above post. I wonder what you actually disagree with. the fact that there are health problems such as mine. I have been issue free for 4 years or more now so I had every expectation of being unaffected. It was a deep shock to find myself so abused for having a disabling reaction made worse by management total indifference. Are you saying, my life is lesser than anyone else. That may be something should be permanently terminated?

    Please don’t feel upset or insulted by someone clicking a dumb button. It means nothing. It might even have been a mistake.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,303 Member
    Thank you lorrpb.

    I would like to think so. Everyone's life experiences including health related ones are so very different, my deepest wish is no one else has to endure any part of what I have. I love my family and have fought to get my health back, thyroid, arthritis and reactions, its the pits. Not fitting the NHS boxes makes it expensive, I'm fortunate to be in a secure marriage so I can cover my costs. I believed I was well enough to attend the wedding.

    kshama Thank you for the idea of educating people. THINK BEFORE YOU STINK is one site found. I met his mother back in the summer, she is convinced its nothing. Less than gluten issues.

    I'm the sort of person who would go through hell and high water for any of the kids, (crossing fingers for two individual live births in January,15 in 3 generations) please just don't put in the position to choose only one. Each child brings their own pound of love, one's ability for love grows, even if they have diagnosable difficulties.

    I kept on trying when someone less strong would probably have given up.
  • katermari
    katermari Posts: 137 Member
    all of this has nothing to do with my health issues, so i disagreed with it.
  • petitchatnoir41
    petitchatnoir41 Posts: 56 Member
    katermari wrote: »
    they tested my thyroid too. I am so lost and confused, i feel like giving up.

    Keep going until you get answers. If something is wrong, medical professionals will figure it out. You just need patience. I know this from experience.
  • vggb
    vggb Posts: 132 Member
    I too was treated like a "hypochondriac" by my several GPs for over 3 years, even after it was discovered (finally) that I have hypothyroid. I was prescribed the lowest dose of med, which is usual to begin with, but considered cured after that regardless of my symptoms.

    I finally found a doctor that didn't make me feel bad or ashamed about my complaints. She's an internist and takes me very seriously. In the 1 1/2 years that I have been seeing her my health has dramatically improved in all ways. I also feel better about my condition and am not afraid to discuss symptoms for fear of being minimized.

    It doesn't hurt to get second opinions from an internist or an endocrinologist or what ever specialist fits the bill. Someone said to be your own advocate in your health care, that is the truth!
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    katermari wrote: »
    all of this has nothing to do with my health issues, so i disagreed with it.

    Have you asked for a referral to a specialist? A lot of places you can now self refer. Maybe look up drs in your area. Use our great free medical system to get answers.

    If all else fails do as my mom's dr told her once, head to emerg, plan on waiting but if you're there they have to figure stuff out and make referrals
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,055 Member
    katermari wrote: »
    all of this has nothing to do with my health issues, so i disagreed with it.

    She started by commiserating with you on how difficult it can be to get accurately treated, so, yeah, it was relevant.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,303 Member
    I understand. If you do not get sorted properly by someone who looks at the system systemically soon enough, I mean within many years, you could be where I am.

    There is a strong link between salicylate sensitivity/intolerance and ADHD one only needs to look. Doctors do not always keep up with science. Their schools do not keep up either.

    I did write chapter and verse on thyroid function and how to correct them only I lost it. Stop the thyroid Madness is one American site, gives much of the background, even says the numbers game is founded on total blood samples from one hospital over a period of time, the problems is when the results from those samples were applied the status of the donation was not kept, were they under treatment, related to someone under treatment and so on, had this information been applied more precise information would have been found leading to fewer being told, you are within normal range when normal range for you is what matter. There are other thyroid support sites, National ones are often the best. STTM is pro desiccated thyroid treatments as they were at the start of the last century, now the treatment of choice for most doctors is synthetic only this often contains dairy as filler and binder. dairy can be an irritant for many with challenged thyroids. Soy is something else, it can but its not essential, there are many more things which can cause autoimmunity to which the greater part of the solution is to discover what they are and eliminate them

    Our bodies are more complicated that we are given to believe. May be find a different doctor, in the US you have an advantage, here in the UK we have to fit the same boxes for NHS doctors, going private costs a fortune.

    I've had a great day, sent the feed back letter, then took of for a day out together. Its out of my head and heart. I don't want to see the video, I don't expect a reply. I did tell them disablement is not just wheelchairs and crutches it can be ADHD, Autism, PTSD and more way more. I feel great, I did feel very low, stress build up drains the batteries. One site I found today calls MSC disabling. One day everyone will understand the body and brain.
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