LAST 10 lbs...LET'S DO IT!!!



  • adotbaby
    adotbaby Posts: 199 Member
    1. Victory: Down almost 60, about ten pounds from goal.
    2. Challenge: Weekends, want to stay home from the gym and veg.
    3. Encouragement, tip, advice, trick, etc.: Take a (measured) portion in a bowl, put the package back in the cabinet, go to another room and have your snack.
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    edited January 2020
    1. Victory: I am still getting compliments from colleagues that I don't see often on campus - 2 today asked if I lost weight and said I looked great!
    2. Challenge: Still paying for my bad day last Monday... 0.5lbs from before my fall that day... It's sad that ONE messed up over calories day takes THREE days to recover...
    3. I think I need to limit myself to a cheat meal not a cheat day. I noticed my weight is not affected by one indulgent meal but a 3 day setback for an entire indulgent day. So not worth it!!! I'm so close - I've got to stay focused.
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    edited January 2020
    1. Victory: low carb today and 31 days of fasting one meal for 40 day church fast
    2. Challenge: still paying for my bad over calories day last Monday 0.4lbs before the trip up. On top of that, I went home early with a fever... I hope this doesn't slow me down more
    3. Spice up my black coffee with either vanilla, almond, or hazelnut extract. Indulgent like a latte but way less carbs and calories
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    1.Victory: Rested all day since had a fever with lots of Vitamin C from broccoli serving and pineapple serving.
    2. Challenge: I'm still paying for the over calories day last Monday 0.4lbs still before indulgent day. Not worth it...
    3. Only allow myself one indulgent meal not a full day of indulgent meals. One indulgent day put me back a week towards my doctor's goal for me. It could be that I'm not feeling well.
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    1.Victory: Rested all day and fever broke.
    2. Challenge: I'm still paying for the over calories day last Monday 0.4lbs still before indulgent day. Not worth it...6 whole days later!
    3. Give myself a break due to sickness
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    1. Victory: Today one colleague said my clothes looked baggy because I'm so petite.

    Another colleague today said my pants are falling off and she was going to buy me a belt. I agreed my pants don't fit me anymore. She's petite like me 4'11" but always was a good bmi.

    I went home thinking the pants I was wearing was a size 6 - it was the size 4 that I had saved hopping I'd fit in them again since 2007. But now I don't fit because I'm 8.5 lbs from my doctor's goal for me. I never thought that would ever happen. I started as obese in the Asian American bmi chart and now I'm in the normal range of the same chart.

    2. Challenge: Still paying for the over calories day last week... SO NOT WORTH IT!

    3. Give myself a break due to sickness and impending T.O.M. - not a break from sticking to it but kicking myself for the stubborn scale
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    1. Victory: After 8 whole days, I'm finally back to the weight I was before the Monday mess up of mega calories day! 8 lbs more to go!!!
    2. Challenge: Craving more carbs because of impending T.O.M. but only allowed one indulgent meal not one day full of indulgent meals plus planned it in calorie budget of the day.
    3. I need another new thift store outfit to celebrate back on track and sticking to it. I need to celebrate little victories because it's all about progress not perfection!
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    Just read this article online, totally justifies my #2 Challenge today. I wish I read this 8 days ago!!! Oh well, I probably retain this lesson more tenaciously by living through it rather than reading about it.
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    edited February 2020
    By the way, I started researching articles online because I was curious just how LONG will the last 8 lbs take to lose...

    The good news for me is I haven't been exercising due to recovering from a fever but also no intense exercises due to recovering from a drunk driver totaling my car miraculously no broken bones - thank You God, but cervical sprain. This is NOTHING when you compare it to my crushed car and the fact that I am 4'11" so need to be close to the dashboard hit at 90mpg on the freeway slamming me against the cement center divider. I should have been paralyzed or dead. Don't be like my neighbor praising technology of air bags because as I was dumping all old car paperwork I found a recall for it. Yep - Praise the Lord, Jesus IS my Savior- spiritually, physically, and emotionally! I still have one physical therapy appointment more to go. Back to the good news in this article is I don't have to turn up intensity exercising but just start! Whoop, whoop! Thank You Jesus!!
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    1. Victory: sized 0 slacks loose even with thermals underneath so I might be in recompositioning phase with last 8 lbs.
    2. Challenge: I went to an evening meeting with desserts provided. I was sooo tempted but reminded myself of the 8 whole days it takes to spring back if I overindulge more than one meal a day.
    3. It worked to remind myself of 8 whole days setback if more than one over indulgent meal a day.
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    Cheering from the sidelines epangili.
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    edited February 2020
    threewins wrote: »
    Cheering from the sidelines epangili.

    Thank you!!! I so appreciate you. It feels so lonely in this thread but its helping me be more mindful so I'm gonna keep on keeping on.
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    edited February 2020
    1. Victory: I started to menstruate today and I weighed in lighter, finally after paying 8 days for that infamous indulgent day of feasting!!! 7.4 lbs more to go!!!
    2. Challenge: less cushion on my glutes when I sit down and feels uncomfortable... I need to lift weights to bulk up muscle padding there but been recovering from that dumb fever. I'm feeling better but had been too tired to exercise for 2 weeks. I will lift some tonight.
    3. I bought some things for dinner tonight and looked at all the sweet treats by the register but wasn't tempted to buy any. I think my taste buds have changed because I eat fruit when I crave sweets.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi. Just found this thread. Down to my last 8-10 lbs too! Mind if I chime in?!

    Victory - my trainer said she can see how little my waist is getting. And I added more weight to my exercises so I’m getting stronger.

    Challenge - not overthinking or getting anxious about being on my own when my last trainer session is on Monday. I will start Strong Curves Gluteal Goddess but a little nervous!

    Trying to incorporate NEAT strategies whenever i can. Taking the stairs. Moving while cooking. Filling the house with music and dancing.
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    Hi. Just found this thread. Down to my last 8-10 lbs too! Mind if I chime in?!

    Victory - my trainer said she can see how little my waist is getting. And I added more weight to my exercises so I’m getting stronger.

    Challenge - not overthinking or getting anxious about being on my own when my last trainer session is on Monday. I will start Strong Curves Gluteal Goddess but a little nervous!

    Trying to incorporate NEAT strategies whenever i can. Taking the stairs. Moving while cooking. Filling the house with music and dancing.

    Welcome CeeBeeSlim!!! I like the NEAT strategies, thank you! We can do it!!!
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    edited February 2020
    1. Victory: colleague called me shrinking science teacher and my students called me skinny. Yes, I lifted weights after dinner yesterday.
    2. Challenge: I want to eat more than my daily caloric goal after eating dinner and dessert of pineapples so going to go thrift store shopping to distract and reward myself
    3. Reminding myself how close I am to goal to stay on track. My 10 lbs weights are too easy now so need to buy next one up.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,298 Member
    Victory- dipped up some ice cream did myself, looked at it, and gave it away. (I still want it tho😂).

    Challenge - had to skip the gym today and obsessing over the 2 classes I missed. Have to accept that days aren’t predictable.

    Drinking lots and lots of water. Going to try to use meat as a garnish and eat more veggies.

  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    epangili wrote: »
    1. Victory: colleague called me shrinking science teacher and my students called me skinny. Yes, I lifted weights after dinner yesterday.
    2. Challenge: I want to eat more than my daily caloric goal after eating dinner and dessert of pineapples so going to go thrift store shopping to distract and reward myself
    3. Reminding myself how close I am to goal to stay on track. My 10 lbs weights are too easy now so need to buy next one up.

    Confession... I did go thrift store shopping to take my mind off of wanting my craving of Goobers. It didn't work even though I did more errands so I decided not to deprive myself and go for it. Praise report: I'm still under high school weight today but up 0.9 lbs... Currently in menstruation phase so most likely hopefully water weight.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sometimes you just have to go for it - esp when you can’t shake the craving! No regrets, I hope! 🙂
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    1. Victory: I was able to exercise 2 hours today 1st time after being under the weather 2 weeks.
    2. Challenge: very carby day T.O.M. cravings
    3. I bought 12 lbs weights today because 10 lbs weights too easy