
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: invest 10 mins cleaning hallway outside Guest Bth, Rm Chiro, Grocery Outlet, Freddie’s
    Bonus: veg prep, 1 load laundry
    Get to do: invest 10 mins cleaning Bedrooms, carry over cleaning Dining Rm, coffee/stroll w/Barb, DXA scan, line dance, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, board meeting minutes, bake bran muffins, call Carolyn D Happy Bday! Friday March: get Shingrix vaccine, follow up with Doug for iCloud for Win10. Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.

    Skimmin' as need to sleep a bit more in prep for a busy long day.
    Katla thanks afor the Sunshine Blue and Bountiful Blue recommendations. If they’re from Bandon they should flourish here.
    Heather nor would I like such a system. Can you demand results either way?
    Kylia prayers continue for Aubrey.
    Welcome MaggieSo Flo!
    Amber after watching the video all the way to the end, I had to rewind and watch the last several seconds to believe it. Oh yeah.
    Allie I hope telling your personal care physician how stressed you are at work will help you find your way out the Dentist-from-hell’s door. We’re rooting for you. There is something better for you out there. You don’t deserve to suffer this.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    February: better than January.
    daily: steps=4046 vits=22.5 log=27 CI<CO=22 CI<250<CO=14 Tumble 5/10=15 mfp=27 outside=18 clean 10 mins=16 up hill=20
    wkly: BB&B x3=10, rx=4 dance=7 pack walk=6
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant= review 20for20=1
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Yay! I knew you could do it!
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    Beth Buffalo Y Barbara SOC - I found it interesting that if she could be a Man that’s the type she'd want to be. Her character reminded me of that Kardashian’s boy or that newest Matt Fraser guy who got a show somehow. Guessing that’s the type of men she see In Hollywood all the time in her field of work . I found it interesting at the end she says what’s probably asked of her all the time (to be more sexy y relatable) . Her Father played the tennis 🎾 referee they said that part reminded me of the Williams sister issue recently a Males usually toss a fit on the court it was okay yet William sister did something it was plastered all over the news for months she was fined 10k in fines for throwing her racket down. I found it interesting that she managed to work the fact that many in the sport are crude y rude even one threatened to blow up the court (terroristic threat only got him a 3k penalty). Another which in the video they showed tossed a ball at the refs eye.

    Billie Jean King 🤴 of tennis 🎾 back when perms were common place.

    How the men act looks like they used this one as their example https://youtu.be/GdkV1XrSznI

    He apparently breaks more rackets than a bull in a china shop on courts. Yikes 😬 what a role model for boys (you’d think he’d be out for good by now)

    Looks to me like all sports need to have better sportsmanship males y women alike . Neither should get away with it.
    Amber Tx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Still raining. :s Some communities have been flooded for 11 days. :'( We are ok here, but it is miserable.
    I dressed up in waterproof trousers and my anorak and went to the very local shops. Had nice conversations in the butchers and the deli. I bought, lamb neck fillet, pigs cheeks, goat meat, and veal escalopes, plus scotch eggs for tomorrow lunch. I'm making lamb and flageolet stew tonight with broccoli. In the deli I bought broccoli, arugula, cottage cheese, sourdough whole wheat bread, smoked mackerel, cauliflower and asparagus. All this is just round the corner from us. :D

    Wrote some memoir. Then spent some time shifting money around to pay my credit card bill. :o My savings do not have a healthy glow.

    Going to make the stew then hope to do some bonus exercise. Choice between dancing revision with DH, or rowing. Hmmm.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Happy Friday!
    Even with only working 3 days this week, I am ready for the weekend (or maybe it's because of only working 3 days but jamming in 5 days' worth of work). I'm feeling a bit disorganized, although part of that is out of my control. I have things that I need to do but can't because I don't yet have access to the programs I need, so lots of things in "hold-mode". Makes me feel like I'm not getting anything done. I do like the new job though - at least the parts I've been able to do :) - so that's a plus.

    Quiet weekend ahead. DH is planning on a hike Sunday morning so I may go with him. Weather is supposed to be really nice - hopefully a sign that spring is on it's way.

    Booked our flights/hotel/car rental for our trip to Seattle in May. DH is more excited than I've seen him in a long time. We're both really looking forward to it, we need some time away.

    I think I'm going to have to break down and see a doctor about my knee. It's giving me a lot of trouble when I run or even try to walk more than a mile or so at a time. It swells up and gets pretty stiff. I know I have a little bit of arthritis in there, but I think there may be more going on.
    JanetO - eastern MO
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did a Mica Hudson DVD today. It was one of the workouts that I downloaded but it’s so easy that I’m just going to throw it out. The plan for tomorrow is to do a pilates DVD.

    Terrirchards – I couldn’t find a star to bookmark the page. However, UAC shows up under my groups. Wish I could get it to bookmark. One last question: who determines if you are in the Winners Circle?

    Barbie – that’s why I’m wondering if I need an accountability group. One thing I would hate to do is show someone up. I know that I exercise regularly and if for some reason I can’t one day, I will go back to it the next day. Even if I can’t exercise for a few days in a row (like when I went to see Denise) I do get back into it. Same with eating.

    Amber – that’s what I do, I don’t add in my exercise calories but if I go over a bit I figure it’ll all even out

    You know, when I went to exercise the Y had taken the spin bikes out of the spin room and put them in the aerobic room since they’re having some sort of spinning open house. To me, they should be in the room where you will take spinning should you decide to. But that’s just me

    Another thing: evidently the condo assoc. had some sort of spaghetti fund raiser and bought benches for outside two of the buildings. They had 5 (yes, five) in front of the clubhouse yet they spent the money on two more. Now is when you get all the snowbirds and I've never seen anyone sitting on one of the benches. To me, they really need lounge chairs by the pool. A lot more people use the pool than sit on benches. But I'm not a year-round resident so I really don't have much to say. I know one lady is going to bring up the topic of converting the tennis court into a pikleball court. To be honest, it probably won't go over since not a whole lot of people know what pickleball even is. I would rather spend this fund raiser money on something that even one person would use rather than something we already have. And I don't see why they don't charge a fee (even $1/mo) for keeping a storage trailer on the property. Then they wouldn't have to have these fundraisers, but they'd have funds to do things. But like I said, I'm not a year round resident so it won't go over. In all the years we've been coming here, I've never once seen anyone use the tennis courts.

    Ginny and Heather – I usually ask for copies of my full blood work and never have a problem getting it. They (as their routine) send a shortened version – total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides. But that’s all that’s on this paper. So I ask for the full report. Actually, I had so many that the stack was getting too big so I threw out some of the older ones.

    M- I usually go for my bloodwork a week or so before I have my physical so that the MD has the most current results. Same for the DEXA scan and mammo. You know, one of the gyms I go to gives hand towels. Yes, they are washed right after you use it and I would think they’d wash them in hot water so the virus would be killed. It would be hard to avoid doorknobs, tho

    Pip – feel better fast. Knowing you, even if you’re not feeling well, I bet you still rode your bike

    Heather – maybe you should get the blueprints for the ark out just in case….<smile>

    Have the pot luck tonight. I hope there are some non-meat things there. I’m bringing a fudge cake.

    Michele in FL where it is still cold
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    JR argument is this isn’t R for ring it’s a karat. Lol 😂 he technically not wrong

    Debbie VA- here we tell our kids to have good sportsmanship then all they see on TV is big money 💰 names tossing a tantrum live on tv 📺. They see parents screaming at referees at Tball to dance practices.
    Then we tell the kids good behavior y 👗 dressing properly is rewarded they see Kardashians girls half nude to Presidential debates with folks screaming on top of each other not waiting their turns.Then change channels again it’s dance moms with kids y adults calling everyone names yet win every time. I miss when tv used to bleep 🤬 out bad words.

    Exercise today but tried a new move hurting so not doing that one again! Was the exercise band tried a new type ouch 🤕.Neck sore to back y few spots. Going to avoid the new one my body said nope so listening. Was pull up go on 1 knee then back up. Ouch.

    Today flash cards with JR 4th grade level y kinder/1st ones for word to letter recognition,definition,y if it’s a verb to adjective. Of course we didn’t finish the 4th grade ones before tears cause he wanted to hold it.

    Amber Tx
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member