Oat Fiber

PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
I did come across some discussion just recently on MFP regarding using Oat Fiber in pancakes, etc., (helps to thicken batters apparently - no calories/carbs only fiber)
Can't find the posting about it, however, remember one member saying how they liked/used Anthony's Oat Fiber.
However, another thread's member said to avoid this brand...I have no idea why though.

Anyone out there with some knowledge about this 'stuff'? I


  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,941 Member
    That’s a coincidence, I’ve just been googling Oat Fibre this afternoon due to a mention of it today on the Happy Herbivores group. I’d not come across it before then.

    I believe it was @just_Tomek who referred to it, if that helps at all.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    just_Tomek wrote: »
    Here to help.


    Just be careful using it at first. You might have problems if you are not used to the fiber. It will not replace flour when baking but in things like waffles and pancakes works like a charm. For baking you will have to play with the amount to use along with flour.

    And it does have calories. Everything has calories, exception is water.

    I think the confusion is due to the bag saying 1 t (4 g) has zero calories. You use 50 g in your recipe - how many calories does that come to?

    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    Thanks Tom for the info...How did you find out? I know many items out there that state 'no calories' are just under that 1 calorie posting. So 5 grams = 1 calorie? Hence 50 grams = 10 calories??
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    Hi all....

    Question - NuNaturals Oat Fiber states 0 calories for 3 grams....most likely 4 grams is when it 'magically' starts having calories (I hate labels!)

    However, Saw the exact same product/size etc., in a Winner's (Canada) store with 'their' label (which they always slap on their food items - have no idea...) stating 5 calories for 3 grams. Maybe Winner's is just estimating - trying to be more realistic to their consumers?

    I'm so confused....does anyone know the 'truth'? I've written to the company and waiting for them to respond...
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Haven't tried single source fibers (I tend to blend mine) but Dr. Google said...

    "Oat fiber has zero calories because it's insoluble fiber. An easy way to explain this is that oat fiber has about 3 grams of carbohydrate, which comes in the form of fiber per teaspoon."

    ...and also linked to this nutritional data site (from SELF magazine) in its top results...


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    just_Tomek wrote: »
    Here to help.


    Just be careful using it at first. You might have problems if you are not used to the fiber. It will not replace flour when baking but in things like waffles and pancakes works like a charm. For baking you will have to play with the amount to use along with flour.

    And it does have calories. Everything has calories, exception is water.

    Does anyone have this recipe for high protein and fiber pancakes that use oat fiber? The link no longer works and it looks like the poster is no longer here :(

    I tried googling and got a bunch of keto recipes. I want to use regular wheat flour.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,460 Member
    From usda labeling


    I’ve been told that USA government allows .5 to be rounded down or up, your choice, on food labels.
    I worked for state gov, and our computers were set to round 0.54 first down to 0.5, then down to 0, so it happens.
    So in other words, per USA labeling rules, there are less than 1.5 calories per serving, or teaspoon, per NuNaturals label.
    I don’t know what Canadian label rules are
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    PAPYRUS3 wrote: »
    Hi all....

    Question - NuNaturals Oat Fiber states 0 calories for 3 grams....most likely 4 grams is when it 'magically' starts having calories (I hate labels!)

    However, Saw the exact same product/size etc., in a Winner's (Canada) store with 'their' label (which they always slap on their food items - have no idea...) stating 5 calories for 3 grams. Maybe Winner's is just estimating - trying to be more realistic to their consumers?

    I'm so confused....does anyone know the 'truth'? I've written to the company and waiting for them to respond...

    Not sure what the rules are in Canada, but in the US, if it's 5 calories or less per serving, it can be stated as zero calories on the label. You also see this on labels for spray oils and such.
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    NuNaturals just emailed this to me: