At the risk of offending vegetarians....



  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    edit: not funny enough for the strike
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Good question. I have another... Why do the chicken commercials (Tyson I think, idk for sure) say that their chickens are fed a vegetarian diet only?

    Because sometimes companies throw meat leftovers from other processes into their chicken feed.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I had a Hindu friend that refused to eat any of the meat substitutes, so real vegetarians dont eat them.

    PS-You may have a severe mental problem if you dont think Jim Gaffigan is hilarious.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member

    I'm not sure why what I eat is of such concern to so many people. Or why eating something that may be in the shape of a hamburger or sausage but contains no meat is hypocritical.

    This ^^

    Seriously, who cares what other people choose to eat? Does it harm you in any way?

    If OP and others are just trying to wind people up based on a lifestyle choice they don't choose to participate in then, meh - one word, karma.
  • veggie - tbf though sausages and burgers are processed in their own way and have no original shape being that they have been formed. so how you can have a paddy fit about a vegi burger being the same shape as a meat burger when its also the same shape as

    an onion bhaji
    half a bread muffin
    a crumpet.

    on another note, quorn pieces i find dont all taste the same so if it all looked the same how would you know what to put it into.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Probably for the same reason your wife sleeps with looks like a penis but only smaller and doesn't have much in the way of meat but you got to work with what you got.

    YES!!!!!!! :laugh: Brilliantly executed!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I had a Hindu friend that refused to eat any of the meat substitutes, so real vegetarians dont eat them.
    Is this like the "real women have curves" thing? Because I believe one is a "real vegetarian" if one abstains from ingesting meat, even if one chooses to ingest meat substitutes. Unless I'm missing something and they're hiding meat in there somewhere.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    As a former vegetarian...the key to offending them is to open your mouth and have sound come out. They will take it personally.

    Also, hypocrisy seems to be the primary reason for meat shaped non-meat. But I'm not bitter about my own stupidity. I'm FINE.

    You sound like a barrel of laughs....
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hey, vegan here. :)
    Personally I don't care for meat-shaped foods. They're ok, I guess, but most of them are processed and not that great. However - most people don't go veg*n because they can't stand meat. They do it for health and ethical reasons. And many of them, especially at the beginning, still miss the taste and texture of the foods that they enjoyed, and maybe still hadn't found their way in the veg*n kitchen. I don't see anything wrong with that, of course.

    And there's no reason for you meat-eaters to shape your meat as veg. You DO eat veg (or so I hope). :)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I had a Hindu friend that refused to eat any of the meat substitutes, so real vegetarians dont eat them.

    Today I learned that Having A hindu friend lets you know what "real vegatarians" don't eat.

    First off, don't call hindus real vegatarians. I know many of them. I grew up with many of them. They aren't all vegatarians.

    Second, maybe next time you make such claim, expand your sample for making up a statistic.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    First off, don't call hindus real vegatarians. I know many of them. I grew up with many of them. They aren't all vegatarians.

    Yep. I have a few Hindu friends. I recall being at a bar with one watching her eat a chicken sandwich.

    She doesn't eat beef, though, so I guess you can be a real vegetarian and still eat chicken. A weekend in Key West taught me it might be worth it.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    ....why the F**K would you make your food look like meat?

    Vegetarian bacon, chops, mince, sausages, burgers, kievs, Hot dogs.....WHY??????

    We carnivores don't make veg shaped meat products.....

    Well, to answer this you have to go a little deeper. Which vegatarians are you talking about? The ones who are in it for the religious purposes? The ones that are "health conscious" (lead to believe that being a veg* is somehow healthier) or are you talking about the hipster wanna be PETA supporters?

    The health conscious and the religious folks don't care. And why should they? They don't have any beef with... beef. I mean the healthy folks are trying to give up the bad parts of being a meat eater (supposedly) but not the taste so they try to chase the taste. Think of it like how people will eat low-fat stuff or diet soda etc.

    For the religious folks you might think that they'd have a problem with it but really, they're usually extremely tolerant of meat eaters and growing up with them, they'd often eat next to us meat eaters while they ate their veg* dishes. We never had any problem and really, they could care less.

    The hipster wannabe's are just showing their true colors and are just pure hypocrites. And I whole heatedly say... screw em.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    First off, don't call hindus real vegatarians. I know many of them. I grew up with many of them. They aren't all vegatarians.

    Yep. I have a few Hindu friends. I recall being at a bar with one watching her eat a chicken sandwich.

    She doesn't eat beef, though, so I guess you can be a real vegetarian and still eat chicken. A weekend in Key West taught me it might be worth it.

    In some Hindu casts you can eat birds (even lamb sometimes) but never beef. Eating beef for them is worst than eating pork as a Muslim/Jew.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The hipster wannabe's are just showing their true colors and are just pure hypocrites. And I whole heatedly say... screw em.

    And, again, I ask:

    How is it hypocritical to eat something that contains no meat even though it's meant to look a little like meat? They really and truly do NOT taste like meat, so please explain this.

    I don't eat meat because it makes me sad. I also am perfectly tolerant of people who do eat it. I even still cook it for my friends and family who are meat-eaters. I have no desire to be a hipster. But every time I think about eating meat, all I see in my head is the face of the animal and I can't do it. I am not a hypocrite for eating fake meat every once in a while. It was never an animal.

    What IS hypocritical is saying nasty things about people based solely on their dietary choices when I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like the same in return.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    The hipster wannabe's are just showing their true colors and are just pure hypocrites. And I whole heatedly say... screw em.

    And, again, I ask:

    How is it hypocritical to eat something that contains no meat even though it's meant to look a little like meat? They really and truly do NOT taste like meat, so please explain this.

    I don't eat meat because it makes me sad. I also am perfectly tolerant of people who do eat it. I even still cook it for my friends and family who are meat-eaters. I have no desire to be a hipster. But every time I think about eating meat, all I see in my head is the face of the animal and I can't do it. I am not a hypocrite for eating fake meat every once in a while. It was never an animal.

    What IS hypocritical is saying nasty things about people based solely on their dietary choices when I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like the same in return.

    I really hate the hipsters. Not all veg* are hipsters. I call the hipsters who walk up and say "meat is murder" blah blah blah. Let me be and i'll let you be.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    The part I don't get is why people aren't insanely bored of having the same omnivore v. veggie argument over and over.

    Me = vegetarian because I cannot stand the taste and texture of meat. Apparently I'm very unusual. I just find eating animal muscle, slimy bits, gristle, fat and so on utterly revolting. I can't enjoy a meal if there is even the slightest chance of finding any of the aforementioned hidden inside the meat. So I opt not to take the chance and eat something I enjoy. Fake meat doesn't taste anything like real meat, or I wouldn't be able to eat it.

    Fwiw, I don't know a single vegetarian who won't eat at the same table as someone eating meat, or takes any issue at all with other people eating meat. I don't understand why veggies are constantly hounded. Sometimes I get told "you don't know what you are missing out on" - umm, yeah, actually... I do! And I'm grateful I live in an age where I have alternatives and don't have to eat something I really don't enjoy.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I really hate the hipsters. Not all veg* are hipsters. I call the hipsters who walk up and say "meat is murder" blah blah blah. Let me be and i'll let you be.

    I agree with that, but you only gave me three choices and since I'm not veg for health or religious reason, that only left hipster! lol

    I actually don't think meat is murder. I know how the world and the food chain work. I grew up in a place where nearly everyone hunted. There were a lot of white-tailed deer and they have no natural predators, so it was either be someone's dinner after a hopefully quick death or starve to death in the winter due to limited food supply and overpopulation.

    I just personally can't bring myself to eat meat anymore, even though I ate it like crazy for most of my life.
  • jonsey_s
    jonsey_s Posts: 222
    ....why the F**K would you make your food look like meat?

    Vegetarian bacon, chops, mince, sausages, burgers, kievs, Hot dogs.....WHY??????

    We carnivores don't make veg shaped meat products.....
    Probably for the same reason your wife sleeps with looks like a penis but only smaller and doesn't have much in the way of meat but you got to work with what you got. eat have no opinion I care about.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    ....why the F**K would you make your food look like meat?

    Vegetarian bacon, chops, mince, sausages, burgers, kievs, Hot dogs.....WHY??????

    We carnivores don't make veg shaped meat products.....
    Probably for the same reason your wife sleeps with looks like a penis but only smaller and doesn't have much in the way of meat but you got to work with what you got.

  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Guess who else eats soy. Cows that's who and lots and lots of it including the GMO soy.
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