Coronavirus prep



  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    US public health authorities (CDC and FDA) approved 4th mRNA shots for those vulnerable and 50+. They said data is limited but sufficient to conclude benefits outweigh risks.

    It's hard to set aside the problem of some places on the planet having a 2% vaccination rate. It's an obvious breeding ground for more serious and/or vaccine evasive variants. It's also an ethical problem. But I can't so anything about either of those except lament so setting that aside....

    I had a brief correspondence with my GP (who responds to email questions in 20 minutes- it's great) about the optimal timing for a 4th shot. I timed my 3rd for the antibody flood to coincide with xmas and daughters' return home. One DD had covid while she was here and our boosters did their job! So I'm technically eligible for a 4th in early April. I'm wondering if I should time the 4th shot for the antibody response to coincide with Easter, family visiting from many places (lots of vectors), and the omicron BA.2 wave. Or wait and "save" the 4th shot for a more severe variant or, possibly, a new vaccine formulation with better T/B-cell training characteristics than a 4th shot of the same (limited data shows limited improvement). Also limited data suggests waiting a year between boosters prompts a more robust immune response than waiting a few months.

    My GP responded there just isn't enough data to weigh the tradeoff. There is thought to be an incremental benefit to a 4th (in addition to the antibody response), but it's nothing like the 3rd. Before the FDA/CDC announcement he said he thinks I'm still well protected from my December shot. After the announcement he said "it's reasonable" to get another one in April.

    How are others thinking about this?

    My husband got Covid about a week after our 3rd shot, so not sure that timing is all that relevant.

    I'm finally gong on a vacation mid-May, if they offered a booster here I might consider taking it before I go just to make sure another vacation isn't ruined/cancelled.
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Also original two shoots and first booster and over 50. I've also been following Dr. John Campbell from the UK and will wait. I did have unexplained extensive bruising on my foot about 5-6 weeks ago and after doing more reading on trying to find a cause -- yea, I'm waiting on the second booster.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    US public health authorities (CDC and FDA) approved 4th mRNA shots for those vulnerable and 50+. They said data is limited but sufficient to conclude benefits outweigh risks.

    It's hard to set aside the problem of some places on the planet having a 2% vaccination rate. It's an obvious breeding ground for more serious and/or vaccine evasive variants. It's also an ethical problem. But I can't so anything about either of those except lament so setting that aside....

    I had a brief correspondence with my GP (who responds to email questions in 20 minutes- it's great) about the optimal timing for a 4th shot. I timed my 3rd for the antibody flood to coincide with xmas and daughters' return home. One DD had covid while she was here and our boosters did their job! So I'm technically eligible for a 4th in early April. I'm wondering if I should time the 4th shot for the antibody response to coincide with Easter, family visiting from many places (lots of vectors), and the omicron BA.2 wave. Or wait and "save" the 4th shot for a more severe variant or, possibly, a new vaccine formulation with better T/B-cell training characteristics than a 4th shot of the same (limited data shows limited improvement). Also limited data suggests waiting a year between boosters prompts a more robust immune response than waiting a few months.

    My GP responded there just isn't enough data to weigh the tradeoff. There is thought to be an incremental benefit to a 4th (in addition to the antibody response), but it's nothing like the 3rd. Before the FDA/CDC announcement he said he thinks I'm still well protected from my December shot. After the announcement he said "it's reasonable" to get another one in April.

    How are others thinking about this?

    The story I heard on the radio today said that optimally boosters would occur in time to get protection before waves, but that is not practical to implement, so everyone eligible should just get their booster now.

    You bring up valid points for either getting your booster now or waiting. I'm inclined to get mine now.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I have yet to make up my mind about the 4th shot. On the one hand I am high risk and my 3rd shot was in October, on the other I have had a lupus flare from each of the previous shots, and also cases are very low here at the moment. Since the elevated antibodies from the booster drop quickly, I don’t want to waste that window of immunity and then be less protected when cases do start to increase. Since it supposedly takes only a few days for the booster to have an effect I believe I will wait a while longer.

    In other news, is anybody else seeing bare shelves in the grocery? I couldn’t get any type of canned cat food, milk department mostly empty, meat mostly empty. It was worse than I’ve seen it in a while.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    I have yet to make up my mind about the 4th shot. On the one hand I am high risk and my 3rd shot was in October, on the other I have had a lupus flare from each of the previous shots, and also cases are very low here at the moment. Since the elevated antibodies from the booster drop quickly, I don’t want to waste that window of immunity and then be less protected when cases do start to increase. Since it supposedly takes only a few days for the booster to have an effect I believe I will wait a while longer.

    In other news, is anybody else seeing bare shelves in the grocery? I couldn’t get any type of canned cat food, milk department mostly empty, meat mostly empty. It was worse than I’ve seen it in a while.

    Friends are reporting problems with cat food, too.

    Personally, the only thing I've needed that seems to be in short supply is distilled water, which seems odd (here). Shelves are empty, often; and if not, quantity one can buy is limited (quota). I need it - ideally - for my CPAP, like it for some things for orchids, but the latter is obviously more luxury than necessity.

    Milk availability here has been OK, when I've shopped.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I have yet to make up my mind about the 4th shot. On the one hand I am high risk and my 3rd shot was in October, on the other I have had a lupus flare from each of the previous shots, and also cases are very low here at the moment. Since the elevated antibodies from the booster drop quickly, I don’t want to waste that window of immunity and then be less protected when cases do start to increase. Since it supposedly takes only a few days for the booster to have an effect I believe I will wait a while longer.

    In other news, is anybody else seeing bare shelves in the grocery? I couldn’t get any type of canned cat food, milk department mostly empty, meat mostly empty. It was worse than I’ve seen it in a while.

    Friends are reporting problems with cat food, too.

    Personally, the only thing I've needed that seems to be in short supply is distilled water, which seems odd (here). Shelves are empty, often; and if not, quantity one can buy is limited (quota). I need it - ideally - for my CPAP, like it for some things for orchids, but the latter is obviously more luxury than necessity.

    Milk availability here has been OK, when I've shopped.

    Distilled water has been an issue in my area as well. We use it for humidifiers.

    My grocery store hasn’t had it for months, but I’ve been able to find it intermittently at random Targets and Walmarts.
  • cynthia_h
    cynthia_h Posts: 20 Member
    I thought the distilled water thing was just my location. Guess not. Also no lactose free milk. Might have to do without as long as I can get my yogurt!
    Got Pfizer vax and Moderna booster. Will probably get Pfizer for the second booster, when I'm due and keep swapping, just to mix it up and increase reactivity.
    Even though our community rate is Low, most people at work are still wearing masks, to keep each other safe. One of our younger folks got COVID so, despite care, it's still possible.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Cynthia-H, I'm so sorry you are unable to get your lactose free milk.

    I have a reaction to the dominant bovine dairy casein, I have found relief by using goat milk where the dominant casein is t3 and for some makes the ingestion of lactose much less of an issue. I fear finding goat milk would be like finding hens teeth, even if you whished to try it.

    I'm in the UK and the second booster is available for those with compromised immune systems, from treatments for cancer etc and those over 75 here. My expectation is the availability will be expanded eventually to those who are younger.

    Set this against our free Lateral flow testing having finished yesterday. Any you have can be, should be used up. In our locality the numbers with covid are higher than the national average! The requirement to wear masks is much reduced, leaving it to ones decision. I wear a mask because I have had increased chemical reactions of late, (I no longer get looked at as if I'm from Mars) I'm wearing my speciality mask when I'm in busier areas.

    Took my cat to the vet for her annual vaccination the other day. neither the vet nor the receptionist/nurse were wearing masks. the vet put one on for our consultation. The practice does have a cat waiting room, I expect to save them from the unwanted attentions of dogs. We too have difficulties obtaining cat food, particularly for elderly cats. 11 plus cats, their dietary needs are more complicated than those of kittens for whom there is a copious amount of foods available in fish and meat varieties, in both jelly and gravy. I thought cats were renown for loving fish but the only flavours, when they are available are meats! My cat does not drink water. I'm thinking she was originally taken from her mother too young, she came to me as a 5 year old on dry food with health issues. Put immediately onto moist foods she thrives. I discovered she goes mad for goat milk the other night, if only I'd thought of that when she arrived.

    It has to be said in that specific area of town, we don't get out much child minding collections excepted, that particular precinct there is a distinct lack of masks. The branch of one chain of supermarkets is not requesting the wearing of masks few are wearing masks within the store either. I suppose its hardly surprising when the political side of things are saying we are post pandemic, no need for the financial, and other supports they provided. The medical side is saying we still need to be careful. More persons are being admitted to hospitals with covid as a secondary health issue. but there are more covid cases in the community than at any time since it all began. I see this as scope for more not fewer variants happening, even with the vaccines and the virus not wishing to wipe out its human hosts there is no guarantee there will not be a more vicious variant again.

    Everyone, Keep safe in your own ways.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I have yet to make up my mind about the 4th shot. On the one hand I am high risk and my 3rd shot was in October, on the other I have had a lupus flare from each of the previous shots, and also cases are very low here at the moment. Since the elevated antibodies from the booster drop quickly, I don’t want to waste that window of immunity and then be less protected when cases do start to increase. Since it supposedly takes only a few days for the booster to have an effect I believe I will wait a while longer.

    In other news, is anybody else seeing bare shelves in the grocery? I couldn’t get any type of canned cat food, milk department mostly empty, meat mostly empty. It was worse than I’ve seen it in a while.

    Friends are reporting problems with cat food, too.

    Personally, the only thing I've needed that seems to be in short supply is distilled water, which seems odd (here). Shelves are empty, often; and if not, quantity one can buy is limited (quota). I need it - ideally - for my CPAP, like it for some things for orchids, but the latter is obviously more luxury than necessity.

    Milk availability here has been OK, when I've shopped.

    Distilled water has been an issue in my area as well. We use it for humidifiers.

    Distilled water also in short supply here (Ontario. Canada) although the only thing I use it for is the clothes steamer so not a big deal.

    Still big gaping holes in the breakfast cereal shelves. I don't eat it but my father hasn't been able to get any of his three preferred varieties for a while. I rarely buy milk as I only use it for baking but haven't noticed that the dairy coolers look particularly bare. Meat supply seems okay too although again that is entirely based on my father's shopping as it's not something I buy.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Weird stuff is missing from shelves here. Yes, distilled water. But also salted peanuts as opposed to unsalted? What's up with that? I happen to prefer salted peanuts in the shell but they don't have them. I was using a certain brand of SF syrup then it was no more for a couple months. Now it's back.

    Cookie aisle is pretty scant. I'm lucky to nab a bag of Cheetos every week for hubby. The stock is simply very low or zilch.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Weird stuff is missing from shelves here. Yes, distilled water. But also salted peanuts as opposed to unsalted? What's up with that? I happen to prefer salted peanuts in the shell but they don't have them. I was using a certain brand of SF syrup then it was no more for a couple months. Now it's back.

    Cookie aisle is pretty scant. I'm lucky to nab a bag of Cheetos every week for hubby. The stock is simply very low or zilch.

    I use distilled water for my CPAP and need to get more... Hopefully I can find it.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I've had intermittent issues with organic half & half and Cabot cottage cheese for some time.

    I've been worried about cat food but so far no issues with what I get - the 14 pound dry Rachel Ray via Amazon Subscribe & Save. The vet techs said they were passing him around and marveling at how soft his coat is. I started paying attention to cat food ingredients over 20 years ago when I had a cat with a bad coat. I asked the vet about it. He asked what I fed him. I said whatever I have a coupon for. He kind of gave me a look. He failed on his opportunity to educate me, but I picked up on the look and educated myself.

    Rachel Ray is kind of middle of the line. There are definitely better brands, but he likes it, has a great coat ("softest coat ever" according to the vet techs), and it fits my budget.

    I don't understand the point in canned food and have never used it. Maybe we could start a new thread for this? :lol: