Plateau for over a year

Hey everyone. Just looking for a bit of advice. No judgement. In 2017 a year after i had my 6th child i decided to change my eating habits. Not just to lose weight as I have been big my whole life but for health benefits. My health was actually always quite good but as i approached my 40s i saw all my friends my age have crazy health issues and i didn't want to tempt fate. Fast forward by 2018 i lost about 95-100 lbs. I was undereating on most days and in November of 2018 had a couple scary episodes of dehydration and probably a little undernourished. By 2019 i fixed up and started eating a bit more normal not crazy calorie counting or obsessing over it. I have maintained my weight pretty much, my lowest was 185, I'm sitting around 200 lbs now and i just can't seem to get the scale to move. We are taking almost 1 year. My clothes still fit, i feel perfectly healthy but i generally do not eat more than 1200-1500 per day and i work out 3x/week. Generally do 35 mins on treadmill on highest incline and some elliptical. Also have been doung weights to see if it helps. My loose skin is surgery level especially in my arms and thats a bit depressing. If i had the money the wings would be gone lol. Overall i am concious of what i put in my mouth and while i dont measure everything ( although i do weigh my breakfast for measuring 5x week) and i drink only green tea, tea, water or an occasional diet soda,i do let go onthe weekends but i can't eat large portions anymore so i know am not consuming thousands of sabotage calories.....what am i doing wrong. I actually don't even mind my current size,but for the fun of it..this is the mother of all plateaus. Let me know what you guys think.... thanks!


  • fluffygoodas
    fluffygoodas Posts: 30 Member
    mkculs13 wrote: »
    Hey, I hope you have taken time to celebrate the loss--and maintenance--of that much weight, especially as the mother of 6 kids. So many reasons to fall off the wagon--although certainly you have 6 very good reasons to be healthy.

    As the others have said, you are eating more than you think. Maybe all you really need to do is change weekend behavior--if you are more careful then, you should see the scale start to change. How much is anyone's guess because we don't know how much you might be cutting into any weekday deficit you've created. I'd start there b/c that sounds like the place you are most likely to be significantly off in your "estimates." Good luck, and good job.

    Thank you! I certain am proud of myself. Definitely more off on weekends just because I am not on my rigid routine but it is so hard for me to believe I am seriously over eating enough to sabotage even a small slow downward trend. I am ok with .5 pound loss a week at this point and overall its just not happening. I think for me I think if I went wild on weekends it would make sense and I wouldn't even question it but i mean..we are not talking 3000 + days. Wild for me is 1800-2000. Regular days are 1000-1300. So even if you account for inaccuracies, I need to figure out where that much of a drastic error. CICO was so good to me for dropping all thst weight but I have lost my mojo!
  • fluffygoodas
    fluffygoodas Posts: 30 Member
    Lol. I do not kid myself. I am a grown up and own a food scale. I track honestly and if I am in doubt I overestimate. There is no reason for me to "lie to myself"
    I was honest before and now. Thanks
  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    People always say "tighten up your logging", which is fine, but it really means you have to start eating less. The good news is the OP now knows her maintenance calories. If she wants to lose 0.5 lbs a week she knows exactly how much she has to lower calories (250 calories a day).

    Or on the other side of the equation she can increase activity by 250 calories a day. Or some combination of the two.

    Her logging might be perfect. The CO part of CI/CO is an estimate, maybe hers is just 250 calories a day less than the average persons.
  • fluffygoodas
    fluffygoodas Posts: 30 Member
    All good points. The food logging options can be wild. HOWEVER been doing this a long time and caught on early so if i cant scan an item, i am realistic about what i log. I also do not use the mfp calories burn. Seem way too high so I low ball it using the machine with my weight input loosely (although i know that might be overestimating too) but lately am not eating back my calories. Long n short, the reason i wanted to get advice is i am very afraid to eat less than i do. When i was eating less it really affected my health and well being and it caused be to have borderline food anxiety. Don't want to go back there! Man i was soooo confident when i was heavier, this was NEVER a thought on my mind!
  • fluffygoodas
    fluffygoodas Posts: 30 Member
    edited March 2020
    Just checked, my diary is public. I am originally from the Caribbean so if you see anything in there that you don't recognize just ask me! Thanks everyone
  • fluffygoodas
    fluffygoodas Posts: 30 Member
    Well, not specifically but i scan as i go if possible but i am sure nothing is 100% accurate so i could be 100-300 calories off but this shouldn't cause an issue if i am logging 1100 or so. Mfp is telling me to eat 1700 plus to lose .5 a week!
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 326 Member
    how much of your 200 pounds do you think is the lose skin you have? you say its severe?
  • fluffygoodas
    fluffygoodas Posts: 30 Member
    how much of your 200 pounds do you think is the lose skin you have? you say its severe?

    It's pretty bad. My arms were very big when i was heavier. I have definate wings stomach has a lot too, especially after 6 pregnancies at almost 300 lbs. Not sure what skin weighs. Maybe tops 10 lbs? But i honestly do not know. I have loose skin on arms, my sides of my boobs, belly and thighs.
  • fluffygoodas
    fluffygoodas Posts: 30 Member
    I was thinking about that too, due for a physical. Thank you!
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 326 Member
    how much of your 200 pounds do you think is the lose skin you have? you say its severe?

    It's pretty bad. My arms were very big when i was heavier. I have definate wings stomach has a lot too, especially after 6 pregnancies at almost 300 lbs. Not sure what skin weighs. Maybe tops 10 lbs? But i honestly do not know. I have loose skin on arms, my sides of my boobs, belly and thighs.

    you may be a little low on the 10 pounds based on what you said. and may be closer to 20. (do so research to compare what it is for others based on pictures, etc) why don't you knock 20 pounds off you total weight and use that as your 'real weight' and make your deficit calories against that for fat 180 pounds.