Accountability buddy



  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Morning all! I woke up super grumpy so took the dog out for some fresh air and a 5k walk. Its rest day but I still like to get my steps in for the day.

    @renaegry I need to get better at this thing.... I dont know what Im having from one meal to the next. Hubby does most of our evening cooking and he doesnt like to plan ahead... Whereas when I used to do it I had a months dinner worked out in advance. Since our work changed around and he works evening times he now does the shopping and preps meals and I serve them to the kids usually. Maybe I need to take back the reins a bit.

    @shayf22 welcome!! You are in a good place for regular checking in!
    Firstly I would say try not to see it as a diet, that feels like something that once you have acheived it, it can stop.... This is more changing habits for life. Do you track your food? Do you weigh it religiously? Once you know what your intake is you can look at changing it, that doesnt mean cutting out the things that are causing you to have cheat days... It just means reducing them to fit in your calorie needs... If I know we are gonna get a takeaway for dinner at the weekend, I will cut back on treats the rest of the week and eat super healthy the other meals that day... So that when I do have that treat it doesnt feel like I have blown it all!
    Do you work out at all? Xxx
  • As_ve
    As_ve Posts: 19 Member
    @Shayff22 Welcome to the group! :) First of all, I would like to say that I am by no means an expert, I am not skinny and I have made many mistakes before too. But I understand the lack of control you're feeling. After a whole day of dieting, I have often ended my day by eating every single cookie I could find. It is so frustrating! So apart from having some accountability from other people and logging in religiously to mfp, I have two more tips:

    (1) I agree with @kiay131982 that you shouldn't see this as a diet. What works well for me is to change something small each week and stick to it. For instance, during week 1 you may decide that you will move for at least one hour each day, on week 2 you'll promise to log every single thing you will eat in a food diary, on week 3 you'll promise to drink 2-3 liters of water instead of soft drinks, etc. (But of course, you decide yourself which changes you're ready to commit to: it is your life after all. ;) ) Small steps/little habits work better than big changes, otherwise you'll definitely get frustrated.

    (2) Through an online article, I have discovered that we have a basal brain, an emotive brain and a thinking brain. A lot of people probably know this already, but I was very surprised. :D Our rational thinking brain tells us every day that we'll start again tomorrow, but it is usually the other parts of our brain that prevent us from actually sticking through it. I'm not sure why, but by making the connection that 'my reptilian brain' is making me think that I will starve unless I eat that entire bag of crisps, makes me want to go against it. I don't know if the article is very trustworthy, though I will provide you the link to it anyway since it helped me:
  • shayf22
    shayf22 Posts: 4 Member
    @kiay131982 hi there! Thanks for the tips and yes I agree I have to start viewing it not as a diet but as a life changing habit. Im going to try that and stop looking at it as a diet. Im pretty active lately since the lockdown took place Ive been out biking or going in nature walks pretty often. I gained my weight when I was still working as I have a sit down job.
  • shayf22
    shayf22 Posts: 4 Member
    @Astrid_Vervoort hi! Thank you for the tip as well. I need to start viewing my "diet" as a life style change instead of a diet. I will definately read that article as Im a psych major and find that stuff interesting!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Had a good day today. Got on the treadmill today for 40 min. Walked for 5 min at 3.8 then for 30 min jogged for 5 min at 5.2 then walked for 2 min at 3.8. Ended with a 5 min walk at 3.8. Then did my deadlifts, bicep curls and bench presses.
  • Cerizez
    Cerizez Posts: 155 Member
    Hi All,

    I wanted to thank you all for this group> it's awesome to read everyone's updates, being accountable to you guys and part of this collective is really helping me stick to my goals.

    @PatriceFitnessPal - you poor thing. I'm laughing thinking about you having to politely encourage your husband's efforts. Maybe he deserves a star on the fridge for effort? Do you have a dog who would appreciate his attempts?

    @Astrid_Vervoort - bread is surprisingly easy to make. (Sorry @PatriceFitnessPal). Give it a go! There's different ways to get a rise: either with yeast, or baking powder or baking soda. With yeast, you just need to leave it rise for about half an hour, that's about as complex as that gets. And maybe some kneading depending on the type of bread. Humans have been baking bread for millenia...... Well done on the banana bread. Plain bread might be even easier?

    I'm also around your weight, with the same pattern of losing about 0.5kg per week. 59kg is a key number for me also, for the same reason: it's under 60kg which seems like a threshold. And 60kg also seems to be where I can pinch flesh around my middle: under 60kg, no pinching possible.

    The gentle intermittent-fast of no food at night is really helping me. My fast is 18.00 - 8am. And that mental shift of positively deciding to embrace IF has made a HUGE difference. I'm not denying myself anything, so there's nothing to rebel against or feel deprived about. Instead, I'm actively doing something. Funny how the mind works.

    I don't want to fast for anything more than that length of time: my Mum was anorexic so was always fasting and binging and I've seen how that roundabout devastates people's lives. She could go for a month on just coffee and cigarettes, and would be a grumpy anti-christ because she was so hungry. Years ago, when my brother told us that he was getting married in 3 month's time, my and all my sisters' immediate reaction wasn't 'oh, great news about your wedding, congrats', we all immediately thought 'oh no, Mum will be furious as she won't have time to diet'.
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    Evening Everyone! 😁

    I just have to say how appreciative I am of each and every one of you. Even if I can’t immediately get to read and respond to this thread, just having each of you as a friend and seeing what you are posting on the general home page ... from just saying how your day is going ➡ the activities you all achieve ➡ and the completed under goal diaries (with yummy meals). Keeps me accountable to the fact that I can do the same, no excuses.

    Despite the above, I’ve was MIA over the weekend… My kids actually spent some time with me.. Though it was spent lazing around watching movies 🎥 & eating pizza 🍕… mmmm It was delicious and I don’t care. Back at it today.

    Worked 11 hours, but packed all my meals, so it left me NO opportunity to snack unnecessarily. Since it’s a late night… just getting home, cleaned the kitchen from the kids being home all day & ran the vacuum & am now settling down to check in and plan my meals for tomorrow (another 11 hour day at the office). Unfortunately no workout… should be heading to bed in about an hour.

    @Cerizez … I love making homemade bread 🍞 There’s just something about taking it out of the oven and eating it still warm. Mmmmm. My first time, I actually did it ALL by hand, including the mixing & kneading. Then my mother in law lent me her mixer and I’ve used that recently but finally broke down this weekend and ordered a Kitchen Aid Mixer… Cause I wanna try my hand at making my own pasta too.

    @Astrid_Vervoort … I just started doing Beachbody’s Tai Chi, but I did kickboxing about 9 years ago and loved it… it’s kinda along the same lines. Right now I am just getting back at principles and foundation. And you’re not alone in the over indulgences… I did this weekend. Just gotta pick it back up and keep pushing forward.

    Welcome @shayf22
    If you haven’t read through the whole feed… a lot of us are doing a few things to help curb those cravings…
    From fasting (eating only during certain hours) ➡ Pre-planning our days (major meals, so we know what’s left for snacks) ➡ focusing on eating more protein (which is also a good source of healthy fat and can help keep you feel full). Other recommendations are to drink a glass of water and wait 15-20 minutes to see if that doesn’t help curb those cravings.

    But don’t feel like you have to make major changes all at once… like @Astrid_Vervoort stated, start small. When I started out, I started meal by meal. Then tip/technique by tip/technique.

    If and when you do have those cravings that you fall prey to, don’t beat yourself up… we’re human and prone to error, it’s how we learn and overcome them that matters & that’s what this group is about. Support and motivation to overcome those times!

  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Morning all! Had a really good day yesterday went for a run, was within calorie goals and almost hit my macros perfectly!!

    Today I am going to ruin that with pizza.... 🤣🤣🍕🍕 My daughter has been helping us out with our younger kids so much and she asked for a treat dinner... We kind of owe it to her!
    So... Ive gotten up and put the pizza into my food diary for tonight straight away so I know I can stay within my calories today still as long as Im good (and I only order a small pizza!!)
    I have online gym class this morning and will walk the dog this afternoon so I know I can do it!
    Also, today is the first day I havent stepped on the scales first thing (sorry, I know I said I was gonna stop that!) but yesterday I got on and it was up slightly and it was so disheartening even though I know its that time of the month for me and that fluctuation is a thing... So after I asked hubby to hide them until my actual weigh in day.

    Have a good day everyone!!!! Xx
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,345 Member
    @mnalsa83 & @kiay131982 - It must be pizza week because my husband and older son were in charge of dinner last night and that’s what we had, too! They used a frozen pizza with cauliflower crust as the base and then added some fresh cheese and vegetables to it. My husband is trying to eat fewer carbohydrates and he told us the cauliflower crust offers more fiber with fewer carbs. I guess he avoided dough making after his failed bread attempt! 😂 @Cerizez and others inspired me to try baking my own bread now (next week’s ’challenge’ even if it’s supposed to be simple!). They also cooked green beans with some Parmesan cheese on top so my (younger) vegan son definitely had a cheat day with all that cheese!

    I suspect he’s starting to relax some of the vegan standards because he’ll be going to college next year and it might be more difficult to maintain. One of his favorite meals is traditional BBQ and He found out there’s a popular place on campus near one of the freshmen dormitories so that will be an occasional stop for sure. I’m not sure if American southern barbecue is available to our European friends in the group but I image it’s similar to pub food ...? Anyway, he always stops eating as soon as he’s no longer hungry - and has some good habits with exercise - so I think he’ll get the balance right ... after the usual college-age trial and error, no doubt.

    @Astrid_Vervoort mentioned this period in life can pose a big challenge with so many transitions and new independence. Actually, I did relatively well during the college years but my weight definitely fluctuates up with added stress so I’m glad to have the help of this group during the pandemic crisis. Thanks for keeping me accountable and giving me a reason to look forward to tracking my nutrition and exercise progress ... or lack of progress in the exercise category!

    Work has been busy but, the COVID-19 reminder to seize the day and make time for life’s priorities is on my mind today. I’m thankful for my relatively good health and times like these remind us why daily self-care (mind & body) are such a worthwhile investment. So, this week, my goal is to ease my work standards and spend more fun time with family, especially while I have the rare opportunity to spend time with my 18 and 19-year olds!

    Everyone is doing great (I see you @renaegry!). Even when we realize we’re not doing great it’s progress, right? 🙃 I’m in awe of how reflective everyone has been as a way to learn and grow. @Cerizez you really seem to be breaking some negative unhealthy patterns so good for you 👏.

    Seize the day, ‘Accountability Buddy’ friends! Every decision is a chance to embrace your future self. Who do you want to be? ... 💗

    P.S. I join others in welcoming @shayf22 and others who may have joined us without a shoutout. All are welcome as we run our own race and support one another.

    P.P.S. Have we lost any regulars we need to check in with? ... I may have missed a post from @CatieMay123 and others ... Whew! That was long!! Back to work ...
  • CatieMay123
    CatieMay123 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey everyone! Haven’t checked in in a few days. I went off the deep end for a couple days but I’m back at it today. Still continuing 80 day obsession with times nutrition. Hoping to see some results! What’s everyone’s plan for the day?
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey hey! Almost bedtime here, but I did it :)
    I managed to do my gym class and go for an hours walk.... I had pizza for dinner and managed to stay in my calories :) my macros are off a bit but thats ok! My weigh in is a Saturday so I have 3 days to be good and balance it out :)

    I think most of you are across the seas from me here in the UK, so have a great day and I will catch up in the morning :)
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Wow, Ive just realised I use alot of smiley faces......
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,345 Member
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Great day today. Got 2 walks in. One 4.8 km at noon and another 6km this evening. Other then that I got no other workouts done. Macros were on par. And I am proud to say I never stepped on the scale at all during the week. Pulled it out today. Dropped a bit. Going to weigh in again tomorrow thou cause I think I want my weigh in days to be Wed.
  • lynne792017
    lynne792017 Posts: 4 Member
    Good Morning to a really great group. I had lost 80 pounds on Weight Watchers a couple of years ago and have gained most of it back. My boss sent me a picture that showed me how much weight i have put back on and am now motivated to lose it again.
    Thanks for posting everyone. I have read your inspirational words and feel stronger. Keep up the good work!!
  • misslolabird
    misslolabird Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah I’m in on this accountability group if it exists. Where do I sign up? 😁
  • TeriKollerKaeding
    TeriKollerKaeding Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! I have been reading your posts and I love them. Sorry I haven't contributed much. I over-ate and over-drank A LOT on Easter weekend, and the scale showed it. I was trying not to get too down on myself, but of course I did. I had a particularly bad day that made me want to quit trying to get healthy (let's just say my hormones were very high). But my rational brain ultimately took back control, and I am proud to say that I picked myself up, kept working out, and am back on track. Unfortunately, it took a little over a week to get back to my pre-Easter weight.

    Truth be told, weekend binging is my biggest obstacle. I have 4 teens and a hubby who live on junk food, and it's so hard to eat right when I'm surrounded by tempting food. Plus, I love wine! I know that moderation is the key...but knowing and doing are 2 very different things. I'd love to hear any advise on how to survive weekends without blowing it.

    Thanks everyone!
  • TeriKollerKaeding
    TeriKollerKaeding Posts: 5 Member
    kiay131982 wrote: »
    Wow, Ive just realised I use alot of smiley faces......

    Keep smiling!!
  • CatieMay123
    CatieMay123 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all! I have been reading your posts and I love them. Sorry I haven't contributed much. I over-ate and over-drank A LOT on Easter weekend, and the scale showed it. I was trying not to get too down on myself, but of course I did. I had a particularly bad day that made me want to quit trying to get healthy (let's just say my hormones were very high). But my rational brain ultimately took back control, and I am proud to say that I picked myself up, kept working out, and am back on track. Unfortunately, it took a little over a week to get back to my pre-Easter weight.

    Truth be told, weekend binging is my biggest obstacle. I have 4 teens and a hubby who live on junk food, and it's so hard to eat right when I'm surrounded by tempting food. Plus, I love wine! I know that moderation is the key...but knowing and doing are 2 very different things. I'd love to hear any advise on how to survive weekends without blowing it.

    Thanks everyone!

    I went off the deep end for a couple days too. I think I’ve convinced my fiancé to do this with me, which will make things a lot easier. It’s difficult to follow timed nutrition and eat clean with all the junk he likes to eat lol.

    We got this!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey all!! Work was hectic today so I didnt get on first thing, today has been good... Did a strength workout and also a walk this afternoon with my son and the dog :)

    @lynne792017 Hi!! You can do this!! Keep coming back and update us! I tend to post most days :) it helps me keep accountable!

    @misslolabird welcome! The group is right here :) what are your goals? What is your plan? X

    @TeriKollerKaeding ahh I feel the weekend pain!! Im trying to plan in treats so that I dont go off the rails, yesterday I knew we were having pizza so I adjusted the rest of my day accordingly. I have an online party with friends on Saturday.... There will be drinking!! Saturday is my weigh in day so its right at the start of my week, i will count and track everything, no matter how bad... Then I have the rest of the week to make it up to myself :) it feels better than punishing yourself for a treat by eating or drinking even more..... Good luck!!