Am I too fat to go swimming?



  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    You're never too fat to go swimming. As a fully paid up fattie I look at it this way.......if I happen to be on a sinking ship and end up in the drink, I'm going to outlast the skinny ones due to my superior floating abilities and natural shield against the cold water. So I fully advocate getting in practice for such a scenario :drinker:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    i remember the first time i went, i was thinking "oh no, i'm so fat, everyone is probably laughing at me" but you know what? we really *aren't* that important in other people's lives!

    But, it's not just that. I know there are some nasty people, but the majority of people are never going to scrutinize and judge a person in the harsh way that a person scrutinizes and judges themselves.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I don't see how anyone could EVER think that a person could be "too fat to go swimming". I really don't think anyone would ever think that.

    I have been fat for possibly the past third of my life from just overweight to pretty obese (300 lbs, healthy weight around 150 lbs) and I remember only too well during the thin period of my life wishing fat people kept themselves covered up, acres of bulging semi naked flesh wobbling about was not, in my view at that time, the most pleasant thing in the world. This has coloured my view. And I think you would probably be surprised to find out how many people find obesity, and public displays of it, disgusting. Yes, it shouldn't make any difference, and perhaps I should think, to hell with those who don't approve, but for well over ten years I have felt self conscious about my weight and have even avoided being naked or semi naked in front of family and friends. Go figure, we all have our hang ups. The positive thing is the more weight I lose, the less I feel like this and I see the day approaching when I will emerge from my mental chrysalis into the light!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Go swim!

    That is all.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I don't see how anyone could EVER think that a person could be "too fat to go swimming". I really don't think anyone would ever think that.

    I have been fat for possibly the past third of my life from just overweight to pretty obese (300 lbs, healthy weight around 150 lbs) and I remember only too well during the thin period of my life wishing fat people kept themselves covered up, acres of bulging semi naked flesh wobbling about was not, in my view at that time, the most pleasant thing in the world. This has coloured my view. And I think you would probably be surprised to find out how many people find obesity, and public displays of it, disgusting. Yes, it shouldn't make any difference, and perhaps I should think, to hell with those who don't approve, but for well over ten years I have felt self conscious about my weight and have even avoided being naked or semi naked in front of family and friends. Go figure, we all have our hang ups. The positive thing is the more weight I lose, the less I feel like this and I see the day approaching when I will emerge from my mental chrysalis into the light!

    Yeah, maybe if you had learned acceptance of others and compassion, you wouldn't be hating on yourself now.

    You can train yourself not to judge others based in appearance. But if you don't fix it, you'll just become a horrible person who is fit. Aka an *kitten*.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    There will always be *kitten* who will think someone is too fat to be doing something but I say go for it. Swimming is an awesome workout, and low impact makes it a nice change from other cardio.

  • pinkstargem
    pinkstargem Posts: 13 Member
    Once you go the first time you'll not give a monkeys the next time! And if you're like me you'll not be self conscious when you're actually in the pool either. At my gym there's every shape and size imaginable and I have NEVER EVER heard anyone make comments to anyone else. If you go when it's lane swimming rather than general swim people tend to go on their own and keep to themselves anyway. Go try it and enjoy it. Soon enough you'll not even think about it. Good luck.
  • phnompenny
    phnompenny Posts: 15 Member

    Since your body is made primarily of fat you're more likely to float which will make drowning difficult.

    Don't wear a shirt or anything like that. Swim with confidence. Your not the first overweight person to be in a bathing suit. No one will care.

    THIS. Who gives a flying f**k what other people think anyway!? And wearing a shirt can be cumbersome in a pool. Just wear your shorts and swim away. It's a great low-impact way of exercising. You paid for the gym membership, you have the right to enjoy the facilities! So enjoy them :)
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    @ herblackwings - I was actually considering wearing a shirt, just not sure if it will make me stand out even more!
    Honest truth - when you're wet the t-shirt will stick to your body and reiterate that you have an issue with being there. Go swimming, sod what others might think about you and SWIM. It's the best thing you can do, if you start wondering what other people think you'll always be worrying.
    Your fitness is about you. Not them.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    Go Swim its a great exercise for all shapes and sizes. I felt anxious at first but nobody takes much notice. the only passing comments/ chat have been positive. Come on in the water's lovely.
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    You should just do it and not worry what anyone else thinks. I've been overweight pretty much all of my life and taking my shirt off when going swimming used to horrify me and as a result I used to cover up , however nowadays I'm not bothered by what people think of me. I'm still occasionally hard on myself though when I look in the mirror, but that's changing too. :)
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    i feel the same! I LOVE swimming but i'm too self conscious to go.. i don't want to be the chunky chick at the pool, especially being a teen..ish haha
  • angryw
    angryw Posts: 11 Member
    i regulary to the swimming baths, im around 350lb
  • marshall_lovee
    @ herblackwings - I was actually considering wearing a shirt, just not sure if it will make me stand out even more!

    I do a lot of cardio at home, but my house is kind of cluttered with exercise equipment, so I decided to purchase a gym membership with the money I get from selling off the equipment!

    Thanks for the encouragement people, I guess that's why I made the post, encouragement goes a long way!

    I always wear shorts and a t-shirt when swimming due to being self concious and I do find it makes me stand out more, so I would say just go for it, make the most of your membership and life's too short to worry about what others think, at the end of the day, if people think you're 'too fat' well, how do they expect you to loose weight if you don't exercise? Just go for it :) good luck :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    OK, so something I've not done since I was like 13 or something, is swimming. I used to love swimming as a kid, but as the years went by, and the weight piled on, it's something I never ever dreamt of doing, until now.

    I signed up to a gym today, have the induction on Thursday evening, and the gym membership I paid for comes with unlimited access to the swimming baths, and it got me thinking - Am I too fat to go swimming?

    I know I shouldn't care what other people think, and yes, other people probably don't care about me being there, they're too busy doing their thing to concern themselves over the "fat guy" but I can't help feeling self conscious about it.

    Anybody else out there had/have the same problem? Anybody else face their fear of the going swimming?

    Swim! Swim! Swim!

    It's probably one of the best things you can do. It's easy on the joints while still burning calories and working muscles. DO IT!
  • lgrix
    lgrix Posts: 160 Member
    We are all different shapes and sizes. What does it matter? Of course you are not too fat to go swimming. If you love it, then do it.
    I swim laps 3-4 times a week. The people I notice are the ones that swim faster than me. I watch them to see how I can improve my stroke.
    The people I talk to are the regulars, mostly the walkers and floaters. One man is about 400 lbs and I look forward to seeing him there when I swim knowing he is doing what he can to be healthier.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Go for it! I started swimming at my gym when I started exercising & changing my eating habits its not a diet, its a lifestyle change for me). I was 303lbs. There were a couple of people bigger than me who used to walk in the pool rather than swim as it was better for their joints than walking on a treadmill. I swam and swam and swam! Once I was a bit fitter I started using the gym as well (elliptical, treadmill, bike & weights). I now actually swim more for relaxation than exercise.

    One tip - make sure you have a post exercise snack planned. I found swimming makes me far hungry than any other form of exercise with equivalent calorie burn.

    If you do get any ignorant comments ignore them, remind yourself of why you're choosing to swim/ diet/ exercise and make that your goal. Use their negativity as a spur. On the rare occasion I've had comments about my size (in any situation) I imagine myself at my target seeing that person again and asking if they remember me and what have they achieved in their life whie I'd been improving my own life.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    Just remember to log all the water you swallow...

  • horrorstory
    horrorstory Posts: 125 Member
    No one is ever too fat to go swimming. Swimming is a great sport for everyone.
  • tanyadolan1
    tanyadolan1 Posts: 55 Member
    I weigh 262 lbs and go swimming twice a week. They say that this is the best form of exercise if you are overweight as it does not cause a strain on your joints. If you are not worried what other people think, then I would go for it. You will notice the difference after a few weeks.:smile: