Cinnamon, honey or apple cide vinegar



  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    I drink honey+cinnamon+ginger+green tea+ghee mix every day in the morning. It helps stomach and general health. Over the period of two years, I feel a lot of changes. These help fat cell activation and metabolism.

    But weight loss happens if one eats healthy calories to the activity levels.

    I drink ACV diluted with water. Taste feels ok over a period of time. Pour it straight to the throat avoiding the teeth because they will weaken.

    What is fat cell activation? Do they become hyperactive and jump around? And what does your metabolism do then? Storing energy as fat in a surplus is part of metabolism. Does this also happen in a deficit? Poor metabolism would probably be if you don't take energy from fat stores and/or not digest food at all but just poop it out again. Both doesn't sound healthy to be honest.

    Ghee does it. It mobilises the fat cell for being combusted. It shrinks the fat cells. It is scientifically known.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    I drink honey+cinnamon+ginger+green tea+ghee mix every day in the morning. It helps stomach and general health. Over the period of two years, I feel a lot of changes. These help fat cell activation and metabolism.

    But weight loss happens if one eats healthy calories to the activity levels.

    I drink ACV diluted with water. Taste feels ok over a period of time. Pour it straight to the throat avoiding the teeth because they will weaken.

    I've never seen any research that supports that statement. So you have anything?

    Please read effect of ghee on fat cells. It is scientifically proven.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    just_Tomek wrote: »
    mmapags wrote: »
    I drink honey+cinnamon+ginger+green tea+ghee mix every day in the morning. It helps stomach and general health. Over the period of two years, I feel a lot of changes. These help fat cell activation and metabolism.

    But weight loss happens if one eats healthy calories to the activity levels.

    I drink ACV diluted with water. Taste feels ok over a period of time. Pour it straight to the throat avoiding the teeth because they will weaken.

    I've never seen any research that supports that statement. So you have anything?

    He some random guy on the internets and he said so. What other proof do you need???

    You are straight from heaven. Read some earthly facts on ghee and fat cell.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2020
    Two people can't read or cannot admit?

    Read about ghee. It's well researched. If you can't find it, it's your own making.

    And rat studies? Ayurveda is many 1000 years old.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2020
    Well @JosephChacko I am not going to read anything from livestrong or timesofindia as that is not research.

    If there is any actual research besides the one I posted, please post the link. Obviously you know where the research is since you claim it's there

    So you don't want to admit. I don't want to think that only nih website is gospel.

    There is little bit of research from US Universities too on ghee.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    harper16 wrote: »
    Well @JosephChacko I am not going to read anything from livestrong or timesofindia as that is not research.

    If there is any actual research besides the one I posted, please post the link. Obviously you know where the research is since you claim it's there

    So you don't want to admit. I don't want o think that only nih website is gospel.

    There is little bit of research from US Universities too on ghee.

    So, share the link.

    What is the point? First I was told it is bullcrap and you require research. Then it is about the source or the source of research. If one cannot understand what is written, then what is the point of copying it and pasting here? Effect is the same.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    Well @JosephChacko I am not going to read anything from livestrong or timesofindia as that is not research.

    If there is any actual research besides the one I posted, please post the link. Obviously you know where the research is since you claim it's there

    So you don't want to admit. I don't want o think that only nih website is gospel.

    There is little bit of research from US Universities too on ghee.

    It's not about admitting, it's about actual scientific studies being done by scientists.. it doesnt have to be American scientists, but it definitely cant come from a blog style website that talks about their own opinion.

    We have a lot of people here who think all kinds of things help weight loss like apple cider vinegar, for instance and there is all kinds of websites out there that will tell you it does, but the science proves otherwise.

    It is there, just find it.

    We have a lot of people who think that acv etc doesn't help and specific science does not support it. I can diagree as much what NIH or you claim.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member

    Unfortunately that is not how life works.

    If I told you that unicorns are real because I've personally seen one, would you believe me? Or would you like some actual scientific evidence that unicorns are in fact a real thing? I mean I could photoshop you a picture of a unicorn and stick my big fat head in the photo with it, I could probably find you tons of websites talking about the realness of unicorns..

    But none of that is scientific proof that unicorns are real.

    And no matter how much I want unicorns to be real, they arent.

    Read about ghee instead of useless hypothesis.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    Two people can't read or cannot admit?

    Read about ghee. It's well researched. If you can't find it, it's your own making.

    And rat studies? Ayurveda is many 1000 years old.

    Many things that have been believed for thousands of years turn out not to be true. Europeans, for example, believed the sun went around the earth for over a thousand years.

    True things stand up to the light - when they are tested in modern conditions they don’t suddenly cease to work.

    It is tested under both old and new conditions.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe
    Carl Sagan

    You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe
    Carl Sagan

    Read Carl Sagan and Vedas. Ghee is mentioned in vedas
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2020
    same pattern as usual - person makes unsubstantiated claim then gets huffy when asked for some evidence of it, claiming it is all out there and people just have to look and it is their fault they cant find it and what is point of me providing link when you all cant read or some other silly insult.

    If it is there, provide a link.

    Otherwise state it is just your belief and don't make claims it has scientific backing when it obviously does not

    Same pattern as others. Want proof without actually looking for it. Look for it. It exists.