Getting Called Out In Public - "You Are Fat"



  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    As hurtful as it was go by the saying we would all do when we were young children "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me".
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Well, think of it like this...

    Obviously, someone who behaves like this is NOT having a happy life...they must be really miserable on the inside. They deserve your pity more than anything.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Any advice on how to overcome this public humiliation?

    I remember being called "Fatso" once when I was in the queue for a ride at Alton Towers, years ago.

    I turned to the woman said "Yeah, and you're ugly. I can lose weight pretty easily, but it'll take a fortune in plastic surgery to fix your face"

    My kids fell about the place, and the woman - red-faced - left the queue with everyone laughing at her.

    Karma is a *****!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I would fart in her general direction.

    ^^^^ THIS!!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Any advice on how to overcome this public humiliation?

    I remember being called "Fatso" once when I was in the queue for a ride at Alton Towers, years ago.

    I turned to the woman said "Yeah, and you're ugly. I can lose weight pretty easily, but it'll take a fortune in plastic surgery to fix your face"

    My kids fell about the place, and the woman - red-faced - left the queue with everyone laughing at her.

    Karma is a *****!

    ^^^^ or this!!! (not that we should really stoop to their level, but this did make me LOL)
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Use it as motivation an hope to god you see that person when you are sexyy and rub it alll up in there face :)
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    wink and nod
  • Fleming617
    I would fart in her general direction.

    Nice Monty Python nod... but I wouldn't even give the "lady" so much as a fart! hehe :huh:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Someone who says something like that is truly unhappy and has some serious problems. Feel sorry for her and then forget about it and move on.

  • DaveS_63
    DaveS_63 Posts: 50
    You cannot control how others act. You can, however control the way you react to them. you have two choices. you can choose to be offended and let it destroy any work you have done to become a better you.....OR you can use to gain strength and become even more dedicated to changing and improving your self.

    I was told"damn! you're getting fat!" I looked in the mirror and realized that person was right. I let myself get fat. I chose to do something about it and lose the weight. After losing it, the same person asked me if i was sick because i had lost so much weight.

    So I say"Thank you- you rude miserable piece of sh**! you got me to lose weight and become healthier!"

    The reality is there will always be people like that. They will get theirs(Karma). You are the one with the choice. How will you react?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    I have not experienced this from adults, which is surprising as I once weighed 300 lb. But I've had a lot of little kids make comments to me randomly, or say things like "That lady has a big butt" or "You have big boobies" and so on. When I was under 30 for some reason it would upset me GREATLY and was one of about 100 reasons I really disliked children. But as I've gotten older, in the past 5-6 years I don't mind it much from a kid and I'll say something like, "I do. People have many different body types!" or something along those lines, instead of walking away glaring or mean mugging their mom/dad. My best friend's little boy told me I had a big round tummy, which is odd because even at my heaviest I'm not really shaped in a way that includes a pot belly or anything...but anyway, I told him "Yep, I do. I'm chubby." and he said, "But you look beautiful" LOL
  • MotionlessChild
    MotionlessChild Posts: 1 Member
    What bothered me even more was the fact that she said "I hate all you fat people"

    OMG she just offended so many people all at once without knowing us.... based just on weight she "hates" us.

    Society has come to this?
    Sadly society has come to this with all the people advertising clothes that's what society's idea of perfection these days
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    It depends on who says it, but I generally advise walking away and letting it go. No good comes from public confrontations with strangers.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I advise giving fewer f*c#s.
  • jccst9
    jccst9 Posts: 58 Member
    Man does that get old. So does everyone telling you to "just ignore it." Not everyone has the capability of doing so, and that's ok. However, it is entirely up to you as to how much you want to let it impact your life. It's all situational for me, and luckily in most situations the person who feels compelled to call me on to the carpet for my weight issues ends up looking way worse than I ever could.
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    People like that are usually showing off, attention seeking or just downright wankas. I've had things said to me and just said ' I can change my weight, but what are you going to do about that face'. No comeback and they looked like the loser.

    Hold your head high, you know everything about your life an they know nothing, so they aren't in a position to judge you and you shouldn't let their opinion make you feel bad about yourself.

    I will also never understand why people yell obscene things out at people who are obviously working out/walking, isn't it obvious that they know there's a weight issue and they're actually doing something about it!
  • jovalleau
    jovalleau Posts: 127 Member
    I would fart in her general direction.

    Or call her mother a hamster and say her father smelt of elderberries.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    That person was very rude,

    however you shouldn't let it bother you, even though I know it does, I used to get called Ginger Pubes (lol) everyday in high school, just for having red hair.
  • hellsbell
    hellsbell Posts: 33 Member
    You can't change what other people think or say but you do control how you react. Try thinking about incidents like this from another angle. It was an idea I got from watching an interview with Werner Herzog and a column once written by Cary Tennis on Herzog describes himself as a "soldier of truth" and maintains that the world doesn't like truth tellers because they risk upsetting the status quo, and finds ways to lash out at them. During the interview some random nutter fires at him with an air rifle but Herzog isnt fazed and he goes on to explain that this kind of thing happens to him regularly. He has no rancour towards the shooter because he doesn't really appear to see him as an individual; he is only a representative of a world hostile to the act of telling the truth. Tomorrow or next week or next month it'll be someone else.
    Cary Tennis made the point that past the age of about 5 most of us stop being considered cute and start being considered a bother by the world at large. Its reaction to us, unless we are unusually favoured with good looks or great charisma, is either indifference or hostility.

    So if you combine all of the above:
    The world is indifferent to you by default. You are attempting to lose weight and become healthier thereby changing the status quo and this is disruptive. The world may turn hostile and find ways to manifest this. The actions of those people insulting you are really a sort of automatic immune response to your "disruption".

    If you can think about such unpleasant experiences in this way you can depersonalize the insults and think of the person saying them as no more than a life size white blood cell doing what it's programmed to do.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,908 Member
    More information is needed. Was this by a child? A friend? A total stranger? My gut reaction would be to respond with "you're a c*nt" but that obviously wouldn't be applicable in all circumstances.