We actually need SO little to survive



  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Well the guys on the Biggest Loser usually look awful by the end of it :tongue:

    I mean, slimmer, but just a smaller version of what they once were.

    And I know VLCDs are safe for the very obese for short periods of time, but I don't think the OP is very obese.
    You'll get no argument from me on any of those points! :drinker:
    I am a black and white person. It doesn't serve me well in many circumstances
    And it probably won't serve you well on this journey either. You've been logging your food for scarcely a month now. I've been logging everything every day since the end of June and I am only just now seeing the scale start to shift an appreciable amount. If you keep logging everything faithfully and weighing yourself for another month, evaluate again and we'll be able to tell how many calories it is that you need. It's a constant refining process.
  • johnrossmckay
    johnrossmckay Posts: 66 Member
    I find it amazing that the weight on the scale can change so much overnight. Reasonable day with food, lower sodium (water weight?) and a P90x Rest day and this morning I am down 2.5 lbs.

    I now have a "2 pack" - 2 upper abs. Lower gut still holding on to fat around the belly-button. I seem to carry all my fat around my waist and lower back but my legs in particular are incredibly skinny - I can barely pinch skin...weird. I'm a torso-fat accumulator (and I imagine a lot of adipose because my gut gets round as I gain.
  • johnrossmckay
    johnrossmckay Posts: 66 Member
    AND...results of my MRI are in - degenerative disc disease in c3-c4-c5-c6-c7, two impinged nerves, one herniated disk, stenosis (narrowing of the nerve passage) and flattening of the cord. It explains the extreme pain. Fortunately the doc and the physio guy say that because I now have very low pain levels after all the traction and all the shock-wave treatment that the prognosis is not too dire and I am cleared to get back on the jiu jitsu mats provided I avoid straining my neck up and to the right. They want me to continue to crosstrain to keep my neck and shoulder area strong.

    NOTHING I have ever done burns calories as fast at Jits.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Dude, eat more.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Reality is I'm probably more sedentary than I'd like to admit and that my metabolism is slowing down. I AM 50 years old. I can either refine the monitoring system or put in a calorie fudge factor to make it more realistic.

    Look, I'm a 50 year old female. Than means there are wonky hormonal things going on that effects metabolism. You don't have that. There is no way in hell that I will eat only 1,000 cals net. When I came here I tried eating 1,200. Constant headache, weakness, shakiness. Basically, it was not even enough food to operate my brain. Men need more calories than women. It is incredibly stupid to starve yourself for no reason.
  • johnrossmckay
    johnrossmckay Posts: 66 Member
    Hmmm. No headaches. No weakness. No shakiness. Feeling pretty sharp actually. Really enjoying my workouts at the moment. Deadlifts up to 325 which is almost double my body weight (280 a month ago). Can do 16 pullups. Must not be reporting calories consumed or expended correctly.

    Biggest reason for weight loss (which is not really happening yet) is to drop a couple of weight classes in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu so that I am competing in a lighter weight class. As a senior the probability is always that you get bumped to a younger bracket due to lack of competitors. I need to compete in a low weight class to protect this old broken body when I am facing ballistic testosteroned 18 year olds. I am strong but old (for BJJ). Optimum is to be very strong, very lean, and right at the top of a light weight class. Then if you are matched for skill, you have a huge advantage because you are stronger.

    Either that or quit Jits and that would definitely be a drop in my quality and enjoyment of life.
  • johnrossmckay
    johnrossmckay Posts: 66 Member
    Family reunion, playing guitar took me from 8600 to 16000 steps on the fitbit. DO NOT PLAT GUITAR while wearing a fitbit flex.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    You can survive locked in a basement for 20 years too, doesn't mean you should.
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    unless you have heart problems, don't worry about 1200mg of sodium in beans. sodium isn't bad for you unless it specifically exacerbates a health problem you have. most people who cook all their own food from scratch could actually stand to consume more sodium.

    and yes, it's true if we need to humans can survive on very little food. it'll affect your health, longevity, mood, etc though. Doesn't sound worth it.
  • johnrossmckay
    johnrossmckay Posts: 66 Member
    Guideline for men over 50 is 1500mg or less of sodium per day.

    2.4 lbs lost overnight again. That's 4.9 in two days. The only thing I changed was less sodium. Best yogaX workout ever last night. I hate it and love it (mostly when it's over). Flexibility is different side to side but definitely improving. Still no issues with hunger or energy.

    Saturday traditional family breakfast coming up...coffee, fruit, mediterranean omelette, red river toast and potatoes with my boys at the local bakery.
  • johnrossmckay
    johnrossmckay Posts: 66 Member
    As for 20 years in the basement...In the realm of logical fallacies that is I think, a burden of truth fallacy. A bit esoteric maybe. I wouldn't want to spend 20 years listening to country music or rubbing my face with steel wool and strangely neither of those examples has any bearing on calorie management either.
  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    I'd rather be big and happy, than stress and obsess over being lean. That to me is just not healthy.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    What's this "we" stuff?