

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    @ Machka
    You ever see one of these where you live? I have a friend living in Australia who sent me a list of animals she has seen in the wild. I was looking up some of the ones Inever heard of and found this guy who is supposed to be very dangerous. Jurassic Park leftover!

    RV Rita
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    edited June 2020
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Current Situation in SFL
    Cases are once again on the rise in SFL. “They” say it is mostly the migrant workers and an uptick with the younger folks who think by things opening up it means we can go back to what used to be normal.

    I can see where the migrant worker community could be at higher risk since they move around a lot and are often homed in communal-type housing. Bless those folks who keep us fed. But, I somewhat disagree with it just being the “younger” folks. As I go from place to place and my recent work experience it seems everyone is slipping. I keep telling everyone we need to be more careful now because more people are out and about. Some get it; others do not.

    I still find it hard to accept how much of our society is about “me”. I wear a mask to protect others and I wish others would wear one to protect me. Since the attitudes are getting so relaxed I feel I must lock myself down again. It saddens me because I was enjoying getting out once in a while and enjoying a meal out.

    As for me – I am spending this weekend getting stocked up again. I am fine on freezer and pantry items, but really must stock up on fresh vegetables and vegetables I can blanch and freeze.

    SuziQ – SFL

    My husband and I were talking about this last night. I get it. The US is founded on a principle of individual rights and freedoms, so I understand how people don't like to be told what to do. Where we have failed as a country, I think, is that along with those individual freedoms, we haven't emphasized that we also have a community responsibility. I hate wearing a mask. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. But this is not about me and my freedom to not wear a mask. It is about my responsibility to the rest of my community, to keep them safe. I think we've talked about this analogy here before, but when we think about drunk driving -- I suppose people could make an argument that they have the right to drive in whatever condition they find themselves. People don't make that argument any more because we have decided that individuals who are drunk have a community responsibility not to drive. They relinquish their right to drive for the sake of the good of their community.

    Beginning June 24, mask wearing in my county are required if you are in a public space. Exceptions are given for those with disabilities or health needs and if you are exercising "vigorously" at a gym. This is going to be interesting, because people in Oregon have a pretty strong libertarian streak, even if they identify as republican or democrat.

    Raining here today. It was so beautiful out yesterday, so I spent much of the time outside, weeded a very little, and mowed the back yard. I was hoping to mow the front today, but that won't happen now.

    Cut hubby's hair yesterday. So now I have cut everyone's hair, even my own and the dog's. Hubby never compliments or gives thanks for things done for him, so the best he could say after the cut was, "Well, it's not the worst cut I've ever had." I think it looks pretty good. Not perfect. But really, not bad.

    Trying to get back on track. Gym is now fully open, even the pool. I have been going into work nearly every day, and I will continue going in three days a week. I have instituted Work-from-home-Wednesday, which I may continue through the school year. I am trying to encourage all of my people to stay home when they can, even though we will be allowed back on campus. Through June and July, the campus is closed on Fridays. I am taking PTO because I don't want to work four 10s, but it is really nice to have a three day weekend week after week.

    Welcome to our new folks.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    cbteco wrote: »
    trying KETO again - who else is on keto? have a great June, thanks for the inspiration!

    I have been KETO for 18 months now. Lost 60 pounds, put on 5 (blaming C19). And really like this way of eating. Not a diet, a forever thing I can actually do. But as always, do what’s right for you!

    Italian Squash Flowers Recipe:
    Zucchini squash flowers at this stage, rinse and check inside for bugs!
    Scrambled egg (s) depending on how many flowers. All you need for basic keto style.
    Optional ingredients: seasonings- salt, pepper, garlic salt, almond flour for a thicker batter, Parmesan cheese, and some people stuff them with a ricotta mix- your choice! Sorry I never measure and experiment!
    Very delicate delicious flavor! Never had them before I met my Italian DH. Try them!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    @ Machka
    You ever see one of these where you live? I have a friend living in Australia who sent me a list of animals she has seen in the wild. I was looking up some of the ones Inever heard of and found this guy who is supposed to be very dangerous. Jurassic Park leftover!

    RV Rita

    Cassowary ... no I haven't seen one. They're rather elusive and usually found up north on the mainland if I'm not mistaken.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Daughter crew will be quarantined for 14days (she doesn’t know her individual test results but too many were positive). Her nurse roommate will continue not to be quarantined y treat patients walk around the base. Told Daughter bleach toilet y sink y kitchen if she touches anything avoid her. Just in case. Thinking theirs homes in their plan here but oh well. Luckily no symptoms for Daughter yet we don’t know her results.
    I can’t rest at all going to keep cell on in case she starts feeling symptoms at all.

    Amber Tx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,539 Member
    edited June 2020
    dlfk202000 regarding different eating styles, I am of the opinion that you can't change their eating habits, but you can do you.💖 I mean if your spouse is supportive great, but if he is still bringing home the no no foods, that's pretty much his answer right there. So what do you do? Well for me, I made an area separate from the pantry area for my go to foods. In there I have spices I use, (so when I am playing "chef" for husband I don't have to paw thru spices I won't use to get to the ones I do use!), Healthy pastas, white tuna, ramen, cans of things I like, and my snacks. I don't have to look thru their goods to fix my lunches. Most of my meals come from the fridge anyways, and I have my area in that too. It just makes life easier for me. My husband eats more processed foods, less veggies, but less fat. He snacks between every meal and hey that's ok. It works for him, but that's like opening the flood gates for me! The Navy ruined his taste buds, I tell him! There is a middle ground, and you guys will find yours.👍
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Been busy this morning and just took some tylenol arthritis meds ,my thimb is bothering me..
    Went to a winery with a couple friends last night but was home and asleep before 9:30
    Having my friends over for quiche and salad and strawberry shortcake later on.it is hot and sticky and i might hop in the shower and take a little nap.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,539 Member
    One solution I have found to staying away from treats that are in the house that I don't want to be tempted by is resealing. Many people have Seal-a-Meal or similar apparatus, often sitting in a cabinet unused - I dug mine out and now when the bag of chips or snacks or crackers or cookies or candy or dried fruit or chocolate chips or cereal has been opened by my spouse, it gets resealed with the Seal-a-Meal until she wants more. She doesn't always remember to seal, but I am pretty compulsive about it if I find an open bag. The act of resealing a bag is a declaration "I am not eating that". Plus, it keeps the food really fresh which she likes. She eats an ounce of potato chips with lunch each day, and the chips were always going stale. Not any more.

    Good solution! I think there are handheld ones available too.👍. My brain is thinking if I had that, my Chief and I would have Seal A Meal all out wars! He would be sealing my lettuce bag, the tortilla bag, ( because he never closes their zip lock thingy right), and trying to reseal the dang shredded cheese bags too! I would find melted plastics here and there. I can see it niw!😁
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,539 Member
    Rebecca An observation and maybe some insight into your daughter-in-law's reserved behavior. You know you have very close relationships with the men in your life, and you are definitely a Force of Nature. I can't help but think that your daughter-in-law might feel a little bit in awe of you. She might feel reticent and vulnerable simply because…well, because you are so amazing and she inherited large shoes to fill in the relationship with your son. It occurred to me during the discussion of how we tend to underestimate ourselves, that you might not realize that you are "larger than life". You are, you know. <3

    Karen in Virginia

    Well that is the sweetest thing ever to say.💖. I know when sons, the Chief, and I are all together deep ( and loud) conversation ensues! I try to put myself in her shoes, engage with her, and say things that spar a conversation along. I suppose my overbearingness comes from my Norwegian roots! Also during Gossett clan get togethers, you talk loud (and fast), to get your opinions in!
    Awe of me? Well girl that's just crazy talk!💖
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    DH & I had a plan. He was going to drive me into Portland on colonocopy day and drive me home. He wants a different plan. He wants to rent two hotel rooms, one for him and one for me. The dog will have to stay with the vet. I’m not happy about the change. I want him to call the hotel and see if he can rent a room on surgery day where he'd be able to be nearby and have access to a private restroom and a comfortable place to wait.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Will they let him leave? They’ve always made us stay while the other was having the procedure. A girlfriend recently took her mother, and they would not allow her to leave either. Even with Covid, they made her stay in the waiting room and wait until her mother was finished.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Rebecca - I would definitely back Karen's statement on you being a force of nature. Apparently I also tend to come off as rather... intense, shall we say. I've just got one son-in-law, but the boy drives and repairs tanks in the Army, and is still scared of me. I think it's good for him. Not sure he's scared of anything else. :wink:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Barbie: Thank you for your good ideas. Money to solve this problem is not a worry. DH can contact a nearby hotel to rent a room where he can relax and have immediate restroom access. That is the key to help him be comfortable. We are still negotiating details on this plan. Sitting for hours in the car is not practical. :star:

    Flea: I envy your gym time. I’m not able to participate until after I’m done with the medical procedure. I am eager to go back to the gym. :flowerforyou:

    Karen in VA: We had a seal-a-meal in the past and loved it. It managed to disappear in our move and we bought a Food Saver. It has many of the same assets. :bigsmile:

    Okie: You can’t get in the surgeon’s door unless you’re a patient on the day’s schedule and can prove you’ve had a Covid 19 test at the hospital within the preceding three or less days. It has to be done at the hospital, no other location is allowed. Our neighbor told us that his brother has had to go through this already and it wasn't a bad experience. I will take the test within the allowed window of time prior to the procedure. :star:

    We are currently having a rainy day and decided to clean our refrigerator. It is all scrubbed up and shiny inside, and our food is back on refrigerator shelves.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Frittata was great. I think the secret was the artichokes and the tarragon. I buy the artichokes from a small shop round the corner, but they have been closed throughout the pandemic. There are two elderly parents. I hope they open again because they stock loads of things I can't get elsewhere.
    They are Coptic Christians from South Sudan. I can't imagine what they have been through.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Annie- Depends what they feel y look like usually their fatty tumors (not cancerous). If hard doesn’t move bad sign .Squishy to semi hard moves usually no big deal can be left on them unless it bothers them . Certain colors bad others good. Best to have a vet look tell what they think it is.

    Amber Tx