Those with large amount of weight to lose....



  • schmin888
    Yes!! I just had that problem the other day and now I am full force on being able to lose the weight and be there for my kids. It was so embarrassing having to go to the exit and not fit in the seat! !!! OMG!
  • Xtinesky
    Xtinesky Posts: 127 Member
    I want to shop in a store where everything DOES NOT HAVE sequins, glitter, or animals...on it. Really? If I am feeling I need to sparkle and have safari animals on my leg? Who thinks this stuff up? I want to be able to shop in a store where I can find something in my size, that fits well, and that does not draw attention UNLESS I want it to.

    This made me laugh out loud!!! Do they think fat people have no taste? And the clothes I've gotten as gifts over the years do have all these glittery things too. I look forward to finally wearing clothes that are my style and not settling for whatever is in my size.

    My husband and I also dream of doing steam punk cosplay once we're both fighting fit. I also look forward to being pregnant with our second child with less complications.
  • piratesfan1
    piratesfan1 Posts: 4 Member
    Wearing cute shorts, and wearing a bikini
  • Rosie5025
    Wear what I want off the darn racks!
    Look sexy for my husband!
    Run after my grandson!
    Clip my toenails and breath while doing it!!!! haha true
    put on toe nail polish with out help from hubby....
    Put on a pair of jeans and a shirt and not worry if the belly is peaking out!!
    Look at myself in a full lenght mirror and not throw up
  • curly1980
    curly1980 Posts: 117 Member
    Tucking my t-shirt into my jeans and wearing a belt. It's the little things :happy:

    THIS! I don't know why it's such a big deal to me but would love to not have to have "cover up" tops for my muffin top
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I would love to be that girl who just puts on her running shoes and jacket and heads out the door for a jog
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Well I am on the other side now so for me that's easy..... Being able to Walk..... :drinker:
  • gringuitica
    gringuitica Posts: 168 Member
    I'd love to go lingerie shopping with my husband. And buy cute clothes; there's so much I want to wear but that looks horrible on me!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    No more fat lady clothes!
    Being able to buy clothes just because I like them and not cause the cover my fat just so...
  • IntoTheVortex
    Eversince I gained all that weight, I haven't been "able" (didn't feel comfortable) to wear sleeves that are shorter than just past the elbow; so either a longsleeve, 3/4" sleeve or vest over EVERYTHING. Its been such a pain when it's hot outside, and seeing everyone walk around not sweating like crazy while I'm still in a damned vest because of my huge arms is getting reaaally old. I want me some cute tanktops. Same goes for shorts and short skirts; I don't want to melt hiding under my clothes anymore.

    Swimming. I used to love swimming more than anything, but there isn't a chance in hell you'll get me in a bathingsuit any time soon. I don't nescesarily crave wearing bikini's, but I would love to feel comfortable in any sort of swimwear *just* to be able to go swimming again.

    I'd love to go out with friends again. The last few times that I did were very painfull; from always just having fun without any drama, to getting harassed by people every few minutes ("who's with fatty?", "doesn't this bar have a 'No Whale' policy?", I could go on, but we all know). Going out as a fat kid is NOT fun.

    The one thing I hate more than mirrors (and thats saying a lot), is camera's; I would love not having to avoid them at all costs.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Well for me it was : Feel comfortable in my clothes.
  • lizziecheek
    lizziecheek Posts: 65 Member
    I love reading all of the posts. I relate to all of them!! Liz
  • MsWallwoman
    I cant wait to....
    Be in public and not feel like a blob.
    Wear a bikini.
    Feel good naked.
    Wear shorts and not be embarrassed.
    Wear talk tops and be proud of my arms!

    Really... I just want to look and feel good. Getting rid of the fat will make this happen without struggling and lying to myself.
  • ganbaranba
    ganbaranba Posts: 34 Member
    -feel comfortable wearing a bikini
    -being able to ski and play field hockey like I used to
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    - go to a restaurant and comfortably fit in a booth
    - be able to be in said restaurant without eating everything in sight
    - rock a sexy schoolgirl outfit
    - maybe paraglide....maybe ride a horse
    - have lots of energy to do stuff i haven't even dreamed of doing yet!
  • jbjab
    jbjab Posts: 2 Member
    I was where you're at... am still 30# overweight but don't give up. I found it helpful to break thing down into small victories. (when I went from 215# to 200#, I bought a special pair of earrings I wanted. Then When I broke 190#, I bought a special movie I'd been looking forward to getting.) Break it down to 5 or 10# increments (whatever is best for you to keep up the "I can do it" mode. Reward yourself with a nonfood treat. VICTORY! (The war is won by winning the small battles!)
    Also,Take the exercise slow. When I started, I couldn't make the driveway without feeling like I was gonna die. Now a 5 mile walk is a great stress relief and a day in the garden is awesome (remember---chasing dustbunies and mowing lawn counts---1 hour of mowing with a push mower burns 300cals and you get to enjoy outdoors!)
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    Not huff and puff while walking.
    Getting rid of all the huge rolls of fat. To be able to pinch less than an inch.
    Buying clothes in a regular store instead of a fat people store.
    To be able to fly without buying an extra seat.
    To be able to ride comfortably in a ride in Disney World
    To be invited to gatherings because the hosts do not have to worry about whether I will break the furniture or eat through all the food.

    That's enough for now.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    wearing a tank top in public and jeans with a sexy belt buckle. especially jeans. my body shape now only allows for shorts.
  • msSNM
    msSNM Posts: 2
    Wear hot pants, cute bikini, all those awesome dresses and skinny jeans!!!

    Sky diving, bungee jumping..
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    Taking my kids to a waterpark. My 7 year old wants to go sooooo bad but I just do not feel comfortable going. So next year we are going!
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