
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Stat for the day

    Walk to different places- 2hrs 29min, 41sec, 3.3ap,.50mi= 1163c
    Apple Watch- 911c
    Normally don’t count steps but apple says 20352

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :) Successful trip to Walgreens for flu shot and shopping for a few items not found in our regular grocery store. There were no zucchini to pick today so I splurged on pbj for dinner.

    <3 Barbie
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Michele - that sounds very painful for Pete. I hope he heals fast.

    Coffee - I think it’s wonderful your FIL is still able to do things.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    edited August 2020
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    What a productive morning. I vacuumed the ceilings downstairs, cleaned and organized the large kitchen cabinet, wiped down the rest of the cabinets, cleaned the refrigerator, cleaned the powder room, washed the downstairs floor, and cleaned up the courtyard.
    I have been dying to try the organic vanilla bean infused maple syrup i bought at Costco so made a delicious brunch of French toast. The syrup was so darn good I'm happy I purchased it.
    Taking a break and there may be a nap in my very near future.

    Suziq, when you typed vacuumed the ceilings ya lost me friend!!!😁. Is that actually a thing? If so, I must have the dirtiest popcorn ceiling EVER!💖
    You are a domestic rockstar! That made me tired reading all ya did. I will take that nap for ya!

    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Rebecca, Yes, it's a thing.....lol. When there was real workmanship ceilings could be dusted...I had the popcorn removed and the ceilingss textured. Dust around the air vents builds up so I vacuum every now and then. I used to vacuum the popcorn ceiling too.
    Even though I'm not a crazy, all the time cleaner when I get the bug I go like the Energizer bunny. I remember my mom doing big seasonal cleanings. My grandmother was nuts. She actually had runners on top of her runners.

    Our ceiling is smooth (thank goodness) with moldings around the edges like all/most Australian homes have.

    We have to vacuum our ceilings every couple months because of the cobwebs. We have these very busy spiders that whirl around in the corners and from corner to corner and next thing you know, there's a whole network of webs draping down the walls.

    And occasionally there will be a spider cocoon where it has laid eggs. If we leave it, the whole wall will be teensy-tiny black dots ... baby spiders! So I often vacuum those up too. We've got one in the bathroom right now.

    We vacuum the vents and filters in our split system, kitchen fan and bathroom fan.

    I'm also a stickler about vacuuming the edges around the baseboards and tops of baseboards. It's a little pet peeve of mine to go to a hotel and discover they haven't done that in some time!!

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Regarding handwashing ...

    I also have always liked clean, dry hands.

    I don't like anything sticky or dirty on my hands and am so glad so many stores have hand sanitiser now so I can rub off any feelings of stickiness.

    But then, I don't really like the feel of hand sanitiser either so as soon as I get home or to work, I'll wash my hands with soap and water to get it off.

    I don't like hand lotion either. I will put some on occasionally if my hands are really dry and I'll force myself to leave it on for 30 minutes, and then I'll wash it all off.

    I don't like touching things like toilets or rubbish tins although I will take a deep breath, brace myself, and do it in order to clean them ... and then I wash my hands like I'm going in to perform a surgery.

    Before I make anything to eat, I usually wash my hands and again after I eat. If for some reason I have to touch raw meat to cook something, I'll wash like like I'm going in to perform a surgery. Fortunately, it's very rare that I cook with raw meat.

    And I try very hard to keep my distance from people.

    Despite all that, I have been the sickest (caught the most flus and colds) when I worked in childcare for a couple years, when I was wrapping up my Bachelor of Education and got into the practical section working in schools, and when I attended classes in my current university. Other universities, colleges, etc. weren't great either but they weren't as bad as this university.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    I was thinking about starting a group called "Over 50 DIY Women" where we could share our tips and projects. A how to do it board that could be accessed and tips found on just about anything. It is hard to go back through fast-moving threads and find things of interest. I think we ladies over 50 have a great knowledge of so many things and it would be nice to compile it in a thread where topics could be found easier. Just an idea but not sure there would much interest.

    Perhaps you could create a section in our existing group?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Pain and tearing in his eye woke Joe up. He almost never takes anything for pain, but asked me for some Advil. First he’s ever taken in his life. Surgeon suggested he call local eye Dr. for pressure check to avoid the long trip to Medford. Pressure was up to 56! Local eye Dr. consulted with Surgeon by phone, gave drops, Rx and “drilled a hole in my eye” to reduce pressure down to 3. Called in Rx but pharmacy told Joe it wouldn’t be “in” until Monday. Both Surgeon and Eye Dr’s techs said it would NOT be good to wait ‘til Monday to start the pills. Eye Dr’s tech called around and found that pharmacy did have the medicine, just not in timed release nor strong enough dosage. Instead of 500 mg twice a day, Joe will take 2 x 125 mg pills 4 times /day. Surgeon wanted to see Joe again, but we wouldn’t be able to get there before closing time and Joe was unwilling to return to Medford this afternoon. We’ll go Monday morning. I was stressing, waiting for return calls from techs and pharmacy, trying to coordinate pet sitter and return to Medford. Called a friend here and she listened while I freaked out, then helped me to calm down. Still feel like I need a good cry. Picked up his pills and could not resist a giant bag of barbecue potato chips. Felt like I wanted to stuff them all in my mouth until the crumbs exploded down my chin. By some miracle was able to hold it down to 1 ounce/150 calories. Not bad for stress eating. Pills make Joe dizzy, low energy, and p like a racehorse.

    So sorry about this ... but glad to hear, in a subsequent post, that he seems to be doing some better.

    M in Oz

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2020
    Barbara: I was called by the state policeman who took Ichabod (heron) to the bird sanctuary. I had called the state police with a request to talk to him a couple of days ago. He worried that I was unhappy with something. I told him that I was impressed with his handling of the situation and appreciated how kindly and well he had worked to help the heron. He was surprised that I was pleased and had taken the time to thank him for what he’d done. :star:

    Pip: I am sorry that your air is bad from the fires and smoke. I hope you’re able to avoid the worst of the air pollution and that the fires don't come near you. :flowerforyou:

    (((Debbie))): Stay safe inside as much as possible. Smokey air ranges from unpleasant to unhealthy, to brutal. :grumble:

    Machka: We had a home with a “popcorn” ceiling. In my opinion, the builders used it because it was cheap and hid poor workmanship. It likely did have a little bit of insulation and acoustic value. :ohwell:

    DH and I are still discussing our possible road trip. He won’t fly because he has digestive trouble. He needs easy access to restroom facilities. Our RV has good bathroom facilities, but it is big vehicle and gets very poor fuel mileage. I’ve requested that we call our RV repair shop and get an appointment to talk to them about whether the motor home can make the trip and get us there and back safely. DH has been taking about getting a very small RV instead. We need to evaluate what will work best for us in the long run.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    edited August 2020

    M in Oz,
    ok that would scare me! I have a phobia regarding anything spider related....💖! 😁

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    M in Oz,
    ok that would scare me! I have a phobia regarding anything spider related....💖! 😁

    It's incentive to vacuum the ceilings!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
  • got2bjb
    got2bjb Posts: 18 Member
    A little New to this Menopause stuff. & somehow I managed to lose 85lbs.
    Question I had 15 more pounds to lose for a health weight. I lost 5 pounds of it and it looks like I aged 10 years in less than a week! Yeah..... My body seemed to not get rid of the excess weight in my belly and decided to take it out of my face first!

    I have a pretty good routine. I do work out 6 days a week and my main workout is walking then strength training. has anyone out there experienced anything like this?
    Your Opinion, Insight, & Advice is very much welcome!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    got2bjb - I've found that the face fills out a bit again after a while. Or you just get used to it! If you lose it quickly it can look a bit odd, but usually readjusts. :D Good luck!
    I have been through some thin face moments. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK ❤️
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Sunday -- Rainy, cool, windy

    Zwift was working again!!

    Cycling - Indoors
    Distance: 14.08km
    Elevation: 80m
    Moving Time: 48:38
    Elapsed Time    48:38

    Avg    Max
    Speed:     17.4km/h |    41.0km/h
    Heart Rate:     145bpm |    163bpm
    Cadence:     69 |    106
    Power:     59W |    105W
    Calories:     165

    Walking - Treadmill
    Distance: 1.53km
    Moving Time: 16:53
    Elapsed Time: 16:51 
    Pace: 11:00/km
    Calories: 51



    Machka in Oz
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    But sometimes, that 450 calories is so totally worth it. That’s my favorite pie.

    Yes, yes it is!