Stop blaming husbands, wives, SO's, friends, etc.!!!



  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I agree with the OP

    btw...I love cake but it doesn't love me back so we had to part ways.

  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Its all on me. No one is force feeding us. I have the most control over my actions.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I also love the posts where people whine, "I want new MFP friends because my current ones don't support me and they post pictures of food and sabotage my day"!! Accountability people!!
  • DrunkenFaeGirl
    Okay, I'll tell my husband that he should sit down next to me to eat an entire package of pepperoni, bag of chips etc etc etc and hold it out to offer me some every few minutes more often. I mean, someone on MFP said that it's okay for him to do it so I shouldn't get annoyed when he does. Good to know.
    No, I don't take the food but there's not supportive and there's attempted sabotage. What's true in your world is not true in everyone's.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    It's nice to see something like this every now and again.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    My wife is totally supportive, but my MFP friends sabotage me by posting pictures of pizza and ice cream. ISN'T THIS A FITNESS WEBSITE??!?!?!
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    Love it! You have a great story too. My husband is a skinny man who eats what he wants. I often have to prepare two sets of meals for everything, but so be it. I like looking and feeling good and he does too. Just because we're married doesn't mean we have to do everything alike and together. We're the only people who can make ourselves fat. Unless you have someone tying you to a chair and force feeding you. At least it's nice of them to let you use the computer? lol.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I understand all about personal responsibility, the OP makes an excellent point.

    When you decide to make a drastic lifestyle change something somewhere in your life is bound to suffer. I was lucky, my husband has always supported me from the very beginning and loves when I cook made from scratch pure healthy meals for our little family, but along the way of losing almost 100 pounds I have received criticism and even lost some friends because they could not handle the new me and my new way of life.
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    Best post I have read in a long time!


    ROLL TIDE :)

    CamoChick, your profile, ticker, and post all say Roll Tide. You are my new favorite person. Especially since I saw a picture of Leo Decaprio in an Auburn hat. Sad day :(
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    I think some people do deliberately try to sabotage efforts to be healthy. That is a big fat signal that they need to be out of your life, ignored or otherwise disarmed. Sometimes all it takes is a good honest talk. But honestly I one can do this but you. My DH is a hard one to be around because he is skinny and loves to bake and cook and eat! He was actually sad when I dieted because he couldn't feed me Once he understood just how important it was to me, he got on board. He helps, not by not eating, but by telling me earlier what he is cooking so I can determine if it fits or alter my portion or make a supplemental side dish. He bakes for parties and spreads the calories around a little. I asked him for these specific changes. He still did not do them until he saw how determined I was. Take yourself seriously and others usually will too. I don't argue with the food pushers or explain. I just say Thanks, not right now!
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    So many thing in life are out of our control, but managing our health is the one thing you can really own and work at on your own terms. Do not blame others. This was a good post.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Yay for personal responsibility! Well said :drinker:
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    perfect could not have said it better. However it is everyone other than me why I got fat in the first place. D$%n them forcing all that food into my mouth:explode:
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Best post I have read in a long time!


    ROLL TIDE :)

    CamoChick, your profile, ticker, and post all say Roll Tide. You are my new favorite person. Especially since I saw a picture of Leo Decaprio in an Auburn hat. Sad day :(

    Wtf? Not Leo... so sad :(
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Best post I have read in a long time!


    ROLL TIDE :)

    CamoChick, your profile, ticker, and post all say Roll Tide. You are my new favorite person. Especially since I saw a picture of Leo Decaprio in an Auburn hat. Sad day :(

    Wtf? Not Leo... so sad :(

    Uh oh. Looks like Leo is sabotaging yall.
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    My wife is totally supportive, but my MFP friends sabotage me by posting pictures of pizza and ice cream. ISN'T THIS A FITNESS WEBSITE??!?!?!

    Ha :laugh:
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    Okay, I'll tell my husband that he should sit down next to me to eat an entire package of pepperoni, bag of chips etc etc etc and hold it out to offer me some every few minutes more often. I mean, someone on MFP said that it's okay for him to do it so I shouldn't get annoyed when he does. Good to know.
    No, I don't take the food but there's not supportive and there's attempted sabotage. What's true in your world is not true in everyone's.

    Totally agree! While I totally agree on being a grown-up and taking responsibility for one's own actions, there ARE people in everyone's life who are not supportive and who will (even subconsciously) attempt sabotage - and it does make it hard, it doesn't mean you don't push through and take care of yourself anyway. But to say you always have to be gracious isn't right either. If you do truly care about someone there should be an open dialogue of "this upsets me and makes what I'm trying to do harder"
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Okay, I'll tell my husband that he should sit down next to me to eat an entire package of pepperoni, bag of chips etc etc etc and hold it out to offer me some every few minutes more often. I mean, someone on MFP said that it's okay for him to do it so I shouldn't get annoyed when he does. Good to know.
    No, I don't take the food but there's not supportive and there's attempted sabotage. What's true in your world is not true in everyone's.

    How is your husband being polite and offering you his food sabotage?
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Okay, I'll tell my husband that he should sit down next to me to eat an entire package of pepperoni, bag of chips etc etc etc and hold it out to offer me some every few minutes more often. I mean, someone on MFP said that it's okay for him to do it so I shouldn't get annoyed when he does. Good to know.
    No, I don't take the food but there's not supportive and there's attempted sabotage. What's true in your world is not true in everyone's.

    You probably won't agree, but regardless of his motive - he's building up your willpower.

    You are being subjected to temptation and you are overcoming it. This probably sets you up more for success than failure.

    My wife and I tease each other about yummy foods daily. After almost 9 months of this, we have willpowers of steel. :drinker:
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Best post I have read in a long time!


    ROLL TIDE :)

    CamoChick, your profile, ticker, and post all say Roll Tide. You are my new favorite person. Especially since I saw a picture of Leo Decaprio in an Auburn hat. Sad day :(

    Wtf? Not Leo... so sad :(

    Uh oh. Looks like Leo is sabotaging yall.

    How dare he! I must write a rant about it imediately!