Binge eating



  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    Hi OP

    Just for clarity:
    Whatever you call it, everything you have described does not sound like a healthy relationship with food. From the 'I eat loads and load till I can't move' and 'I ate food very quickly because we had to leave soon' to the 'no no, this is normal and completely fine, I have no problem with the way I'm eating'.

    Saying you're fine with the way you're eating doesn't mean that you have a healthy relationship with food. In fact, the length you're going to to explain quite how fine your relationship with food is (despite all evidence to the contrary) seems to completely contradict the initial question asked.

    And that question. You asked if this was a healthy relationship with food and everyone said no. Then you decided to explain to everyone why it was fine and was a healthy relationship with food. And that hasn't changed anyone's mind. Everyone has continued to say 'no, it's not healthy'. Downplaying what you've said before just keep cementing our opinion that no, you do not have a healthy relationship with food.

    We are not going to allow you to use us to justify your actions. Because you know that, deep down, it isn't healthy, otherwise you wouldn't have asked the question.
  • globalc00
    globalc00 Posts: 103 Member
    edited October 2020
    Said on page 3.
    Also. I am not promoting my behavior nor am I telling people they can binge and lose weight and remain fit.
    Said on page 4
    Also I know eating until I couldn't walk like last time is not a good thing so I was waiting for food to digest before getting another plate giving myself time to digest to see if i was still really hungry.
    Said on page 2
    I know this habit isn't normal, and I probably do have a unhealthy relationship with food.
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    globalc00 wrote: »
    Does anyone else purposely plan binge eating meals? I have a habit of going to ayce places and binge eating until the point where I can't move or about to puke. I don't feel bad about it after do it like most people. I do this about once or twice a month. Is this considered an unhealthy relationship with food? Doing this doesn't affect my weight.
    globalc00 wrote: »
    I'm early 40's. I don't plan on eating until I feel bad physically. It usually just happen because I feel like I can eat another plate or bowl of ice cream. But after eating for 90 minutes to 2 hours straight, it suddenly hits me that I am stuffed, and that last plate was a mistake.
    globalc00 wrote: »
    For example, tomorrow lunch, I am going to an ayce. I know i am going to eat 10x more food than I should. What I hope don't happen is what happened last time. Last time, when I was done, I literally could not walk and had to sit outside on the sidewalk for 15 minutes.

    Yes, these are the posts that are in question. It’s okay to change your verbiage but not the story. Either way, everyone is just trying to help you and tell you the truth. Sincerely. We have nothing to gain otherwise.