Why do we as humans have a tendency to dislike fat people?



  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Those of you who are complaining that [entire gender] is too shallow: Would you really want to be with someone who doesn't find you attractive but settled for you out of pity or obligation? Why don't you think that you deserve a partner who thinks you're gorgeous?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Because some humans are @ssholes.

    ETA: and I am glad that I am not one of them.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Lets play a New game as it seems this ridiculous premise has been dismissed for what it is...Do people hate fat people or A-Rod more?
  • Mady1911
    Mady1911 Posts: 90 Member
    U really made me sad! I thought arranged marriages are a thing of the past! You did the first step, coming to MFP, I'm sure you'll find a good bunch of friends to give you moral support. 2. You need to take the reigns of your life in your own hands and not allow others to make decisions for you. I think marriage just as life partners wouldn't accentuate your unhappiness. 3. You need to make the right choices for your health and body! Start with baby steps, it ain't easy! 4. Give a kick in the a** to those who treat you bad because of your weight, you don't need them. People come in different shapes and sizes but it's all about the inside, about being human, caring, considerate and supportive! Be strong!
    Good luck and keep something in mind: you're worth more than that! Big hugs!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It should be all about what is on the inside BUT that is NOT the way it is!! Especially with men!!

    Yes, because women aren't shallow At. All. Especially men? Really? Why don't we just group everyone of the same gender, pretend they are all the same and blame them for our own flaws. It's not us. It's them.

    Seems legit.

    I will go ahead and go with this...

    For me it is about ALL three phases of someone..mind/body/soul....trust me I have met a lot of hot girls who are complete morons and that is a total turn off....but you do need initial attractiveness to have that initial spark...IMO

    I am just going to throw this out there and catch some flack for it ..but if someone is athletic why should they date someone who is obese and obviously does not follow a similar lifestyle../????
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    It should be all about what is on the inside BUT that is NOT the way it is!! Especially with men!!

    Yes, because women aren't shallow At. All. Especially men? Really? Why don't we just group everyone of the same gender, pretend they are all the same and blame them for our own flaws. It's not us. It's them.

    Seems legit.

    I will go ahead and go with this...

    For me it is about ALL three phases of someone..mind/body/soul....trust me I have met a lot of hot girls who are complete morons and that is a total turn off....but you do need initial attractiveness to have that initial spark...IMO

    I am just going to throw this out there and catch some flack for it ..but if someone is athletic why should they date someone who is obese and obviously does not follow a similar lifestyle../????

    Because fat girls need love too :(
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Lets play a New game as it seems this ridiculous premise has been dismissed for what it is...Do people hate fat people or A-Rod more?
    I hate A-Rod ...but I am from Boston ..LOL
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    oh and I saw the arranged marriage thing..Really???? That is like so 16th century ..me thinks this is troll thread....
  • DesiraeDoll11
    Soceity has painted a picture that thin women are basically perfect, but that isn't true because NO ONE is perfect. Everyone is different which makes it more exciting. My advice is that as humans we all sin. We all get jealous (envious), mad, sad, happy. You can't make everyone like you, but some people will like you and those are the good ones. Why would you want someone to like you if they just judge you right on sight? That's not a good friend to have. Just focus on you and don't worry too much about other people. THIS IS YOUR LIFE NOT THEIRS. :)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    oh and I saw the arranged marriage thing..Really???? That is like so 16th century ..me thinks this is troll thread....

    arranged marriage is 16th century? Damn. I didn't knew that more than 2/3rd of the world population was so old!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    oh and I saw the arranged marriage thing..Really???? That is like so 16th century ..me thinks this is troll thread....

    Arranged marriages still take place today.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    I think 2pac said it best! "Thats just the way it is"
    i was a fat teen no one liked me then lost some weight got some curves and i had many to pick from, isnt this how its been for some time now. Nothing new.
  • benjib84
    benjib84 Posts: 125
    I think its because a large proportion blame things other than themselves for being obese.
    We all know deep down, ME INCLUDED that the only reason people get fat is by eating more than they should and moving less than they should, so ultimately its down to 1) Greed and 2) Laziness..... Anybody can made healthy food taste amazing - the internet is overflowing with cheap, quick and healthy meals.... its also teaming with hundreds of workouts that can be as short as 10-20 mins (which anybody can free up in a day)....

    I think this is what puts overweight people into a stereotyped disliked group.

    Im overweight myself - and I used to make all the excuses for it.... but ultimately its all down to point 1) and 2).
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    I think there are very few people in the world who don't care about looks in a partner at all. Most people care about a combination of looks and personality instead of all one or the other. Plus, it makes sense in an evolutionary context to value traits that are associated with conventional attractiveness, because features associated with that predict healthier offspring.

    As far as the title question, I think fat people are discriminated against because people are afraid of getting fat themselves and because of the negative personality traits associated with fatness (whether fairly or unfairly).

    I totally agree with this.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I think 2pac said it best! "Thats just the way it is"
    i was a fat teen no one liked me then lost some weight got some curves and i had many to pick from, isnt this how its been for some time now. Nothing new.

    Yup...And this goes both ways...Go Heat!
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    It should be all about what is on the inside BUT that is NOT the way it is!! Especially with men!! My ex husband was thin and looked down on me when I put on so much weight! and let me tell ya he was NO prize as far as looks go but I didnt love him for his looks!!
    One ay in line at the grocery store he told me that he wished he was with one of these smaller woman that was standing around waiting in line and then asks me why I cant look more like them!! Grrrr

    I was always the chubby girl from the age of 10 but my personality won over my boyfriends and my first husband!! He never l;et my weight bother him one bit but things didnt work out for us and then the second marriage was a real blow to my ego and I went feeling as ann outsider in my own home for about 5 years until my son was 18 and I asked for a divorce! NOW I am on a journey to lose the weight for myself and my health and to get my hip fixed and live an active life from here on out and IF there comes a day when I find another man to fall in love with then he will except Me for Me or NOT at all!! :)

    I wish you all the best things that this life has to offer and I wish for you to fin True love with a man that will really know how great you are inside and out!!! :flowerforyou:

    Especially with men!!? Not true
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    I am sure there were guys interested in you. Maybe you weren't interested in the type of guys you were attracting?
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I would not put this a statement of "we" because there are definitely people out there who are attracted to larger women. When I met my husband I weighed a good 100lbs more than he did and since I have lost this weight I asked him if it made a difference or if he was attracted to me less being thinner now and he said it did not matter either way. He was one of the "chubby chasers" along with quite a few other guys I have known over the years.(some friends and male co-workers) I guess it really depends on a person's preferences.

    That being said, I do think that there is a focus in the media that thin is more attractive than being fat and that obese people are looked at as being lazy or unmotivated. Honestly, I was lazy and ate too much to deal with my emotions and I was fat....which led me to think very low of my self and have very little confidence. I think that once you lose the weight and gain more self esteem by feeling more confident and sexy that it gives off a vibe that makes you attractive. Some women have that vibe no matter what size, I was not one of them. You no longer try to just blend in, but you stand out.

    You will get there and just KNOW that you can do this and don't settle for less than you deserve.....because you deserve someone who loves you no matter what and for the right reasons.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Not humans. It's certain cultures. In some places, fat still means wealthy and healthy.
  • mjschumacher100
    Because people don't understand that being fat is about disease, addiction and a lack of education. They believe that if you're fat you're lazy and stupid when in actual fact it's more likely you are ill, have an addiction or are uneducated when it comes to nutrition.