I need help with um...woman things

Ok, so my boyfriend and I always use double protection when we have sex. Nothing has ever broke and I am very good with taking my pills. I have just started spotting and it's about two weeks before my period. Every month I get scared that I could be pregnant, but I have never been! And I've spotted before! What can I do to try and relax about this? I know that if I stop having sex, I wouldn't have to worry. But like, who the heck wants to do that!? Please, I'd love some help!


  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I always buy pregnancy tests when I grocery shop. That way if I get scared I can take it and calm down. The only way to not freak out is just to accept it as something that will give you scares every once in a while. Even when women get their tubes tied or whatever, they still have scares sometimes. Try documenting when the spotting happens, and see if you can find out why.
  • TKRV
    TKRV Posts: 165 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. My boyfriend and I do the same thing. I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell myself every month, if what is currently happening is normal, then don't sweat it. Wait until a week goes by and freak out if you don't have your period or something about it seems extremely different.

    II don't usually spot before. For me, after being on the 'off-pill' as I call it, it takes about three days for it to actually start. It then last for two or three days and that's it. It's been like that since I went on the pill. However, by that third day, I feel a little bit of worry coming. When I was in high school, stress would cause me to completely skip months (I basically didn't have a period unless it was summer or I was on a holiday break). Sometimes, I worry that because I am worrying I won't have a period.

    Maybe it would help for you to download a tracker for your cycle on your phone. Then you have a reference you can go to whenever you start to wonder. After a few months, you'll be able to see your trends and have a better idea of what is normal so you don't worry.

    Here's a fun question, though. If you are on the pill, will a pregnancy test work? I've never used one so I honestly don't know.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Here's a fun question, though. If you are on the pill, will a pregnancy test work? I've never used one so I honestly don't know.
    Yes it will work. The test detects a hormone only produced during pregnancy, so the hormones in the pill have no affect on the test.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Yes, a pregnancy test will work if you're on the pill.

    To the OP: get a test, just to be sure. It may be your weight loss, or dietary changes, or stress. And then make an appointment with your doc. You may need to tweak the pills, because midcycle bleeding (14 days before) usually means ovulation, which you shouldn't be doing on the pill.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ok, so my boyfriend and I always use double protection when we have sex. Nothing has ever broke and I am very good with taking my pills. I have just started spotting and it's about two weeks before my period. Every month I get scared that I could be pregnant, but I have never been! And I've spotted before! What can I do to try and relax about this? I know that if I stop having sex, I wouldn't have to worry. But like, who the heck wants to do that!? Please, I'd love some help!
    You freak out every time you spot? And it happens regularly? I wouldn't even worry about it until and unless you skip a period.

    Just calm down. It's unlikely you're going to end up pregnant if you take your pill every day and use condoms.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Ok, so my boyfriend and I always use double protection when we have sex. Nothing has ever broke and I am very good with taking my pills. I have just started spotting and it's about two weeks before my period. Every month I get scared that I could be pregnant, but I have never been! And I've spotted before! What can I do to try and relax about this? I know that if I stop having sex, I wouldn't have to worry. But like, who the heck wants to do that!? Please, I'd love some help!
    You freak out every time you spot? And it happens regularly? I wouldn't even worry about it until and unless you skip a period.

    Just calm down. It's unlikely you're going to end up pregnant if you take your pill every day and use condoms.

  • phw426
    phw426 Posts: 92 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor...how much weight have you lost...sometimes the hormones that are the result of fat and weight loss will make this happen...if you are on the pill and faithful and then another method of birth control....I doubt seriously that you are pregnant and if you are through all of that then it must be meant to be.....
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    No info on anything else - but doubling up is incredibly risky. The friction between the two is more likely to cause breakages and tears, however slight, which somewhat negates the point of them. I'm not sure how this thought of double has come around but they are not designed to be worn in layers - I know Durex and Tojan mention this but I can't find the links.

    Use only 1, as they are designed, as that will give the 99% safety (or whatever the percentage is on each brand!) And also, please share the information as I know a few people who didn't realise!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    No info on anything else - but doubling up is incredibly risky. The friction between the two is more likely to cause breakages and tears, however slight, which somewhat negates the point of them. I'm not sure how this thought of double has come around but they are not designed to be worn in layers - I know Durex and Tojan mention this but I can't find the links.

    Use only 1, as they are designed, as that will give the 99% safety (or whatever the percentage is on each brand!) And also, please share the information as I know a few people who didn't realise!

    She means she uses the pill and condoms, not x2 condoms at once (or at least I hope so!!)
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    If I worried every time I spotted I would be covered from head to tow with worry warts =)

    Start worrying if and when you are late... not because you are spotting... your body is probably reacting to your health changes...

    I agree with others - doubling up makes no difference - probably a bigger hindrance and than anything else... and expensive!

    Awesome you are protecting yourself with use of condoms though!
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Um, I'm not certain but I think she means doubling up as in taking the pill AND using condoms, not using two condoms simultaneously, but I could be wrong! People do the darndest things.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I agree with just getting a test and taking it.

    I tend to spot from stress, and because I only have my period every 7th week.
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    No info on anything else - but doubling up is incredibly risky. The friction between the two is more likely to cause breakages and tears, however slight, which somewhat negates the point of them. I'm not sure how this thought of double has come around but they are not designed to be worn in layers - I know Durex and Tojan mention this but I can't find the links.

    Use only 1, as they are designed, as that will give the 99% safety (or whatever the percentage is on each brand!) And also, please share the information as I know a few people who didn't realise!


    It totally blows their effectiveness. They've actually scientifically tested it. This is a case of if one is good, more is NOT better.

    Also, I'm 44, have had my tubes tied for 17 years, and I STILL get scares. When the body is weird, we react. Track your schedule and when you spot if it's sort of regular, note your pattern so it will help alleviate some of your worry, and buy a few pregnancy tests for those times when you just can't chill.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    To be honest, the extent to which you worry sounds quite over the top, have you considered tackling WHY this is such a worry to you? If there are underlying issues, recognising them will help you stop panicking.

    Aside from that, there is little point in worrying over something you are already doing all you can to prevent anyway. In fact, stress and worry can actually cause periods to be erratic. Calm down and you may find they become more regular.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    just break up.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    hahahah @ using two condoms. The pill and it's hormones is likely what is causing the spotting, Just relax. And to really freak you out: I had an IUD in, to be removed after my husband's vasectomy, then he got snipped, and we discovered too late my IUD had detached, moved down and reattached outside of my uterus. yeah my baby is 8 weeks old. Sometimes s*&^ just happens =)
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    You could try switching to an IUD. That form of birth control is literally more effective than sterilization.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    No info on anything else - but doubling up is incredibly risky. The friction between the two is more likely to cause breakages and tears, however slight, which somewhat negates the point of them. I'm not sure how this thought of double has come around but they are not designed to be worn in layers - I know Durex and Tojan mention this but I can't find the links.

    Use only 1, as they are designed, as that will give the 99% safety (or whatever the percentage is on each brand!) And also, please share the information as I know a few people who didn't realise!
    Two FORMS of birth control, not two condoms.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Do you WANT an accident to occur? Really, it's pretty unlikely that you're pregnant if you're using two forms of bc.
  • chantwizzle83
    chantwizzle83 Posts: 82 Member
    Stress can also make you late. I've been up to 10 days late because of work stress. Which stressed me out more thinking now am I not only busy...but also pregnant lol. Just relax. If you're really concerned, see a doctor. It could be an underlying problem. It's strange how much your reproductive organs can be affected by something else happening in your body.