Am I just Broken? (Is lipo my only hope?)



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Juuuust clarify... Im not mad! I dont think you guys are being mean and im not vunerable x) im just a 21 year old guy whos been all over the dieting world and trying to just get something that will work and work long term :) i appreciate everything you guys have told me and i am completely open to your advice! I am big on self experimentation and will treat any solid plan you guys give me as such and treat it with an open mind :) id like to get to my ideal wieght and bf (185-200) 10-15% bf in six months. What do you think is a realistic caloric deficit to achieve this and keep in mind large amounts of exercise really isnt an option until the next year due to my last year of 21 units in college and a job! Thanks again for the help advice and motovation that im not broken! :)
    You are not going to get to your ideal bodyweight/bodyfat in that short a period of time. (And anything that gets you to will also strip off lots of muscle in the process.) You can get a lot closer and a lot healthier and stuff within that amount of time.

    Try TDEE - 20% which will probably put you in the ballpark of 2000 calories a day. (Read this:

    If you want to lose fat without losing muscle then do some resistance/strength training. Strong Lifts only takes three 30 minute sessions a week. I went from 205 to 180 with no muscle loss, for example.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Juuuust clarify... Im not mad! I dont think you guys are being mean and im not vunerable x) im just a 21 year old guy whos been all over the dieting world and trying to just get something that will work and work long term :) i appreciate everything you guys have told me and i am completely open to your advice! I am big on self experimentation and will treat any solid plan you guys give me as such and treat it with an open mind :) id like to get to my ideal wieght and bf (185-200) 10-15% bf in six months. What do you think is a realistic caloric deficit to achieve this and keep in mind large amounts of exercise really isnt an option until the next year due to my last year of 21 units in college and a job! Thanks again for the help advice and motovation that im not broken! :)

    And I do realize that you weren't mad, it was coming across as we were all telling you you should be eating more and it seemed to me like you were but I like this way, but I don't want to eat more...which weren't your words, but that's how it seemed. Perception is a tricky thing...

    From your profile you want to lose 60 lbs and in the above you want to lose that in 6 months? Is that correct? Honestly, that may not happen. There is no set amount of time for weight loss. You can't really put a deadline like that on it, because there are weeks where you will lose, there are weeks where you won't lose at all - though you may be losing inches. So make sure you take your measurements.

    First thing I would do is figure out your BMR and TDEE if you haven't. You should be eating your TDEE-20% and as you get closer to your goal you should drop that to 15% and then 10%. If you choose to log your exercise you would log it as you just burned 1 calorie because with TDEE you don't want to eat your exercise calories back since they are already in the calculation.

    If you continue starving yourself, your weight will go no where, because your body needs fuel to function. So toss out the appetite suppressant (which it doesn't sound like you like anyhow) and choose real food. High in protein and high in fiber and that will keep you full until your next meal. Food is a natural appetite suppressant.

    I would also start walking along with your kettlebell workouts.

    I worked with a nurse practitioner who worked in bariatrics for 27 years. She said it best when she told me, "Your car can't run on empty, and you can't get very far on just $10 of why would you expect your body to work properly and go the distance if you aren't giving it enough gas." You want to lose this weight and keep it off the rest of your life right? It has to be a lifestyle change and not a diet. So unless you really want to continue with the coconut oil the rest of your life, it's not a sustainable lifestyle.

    And please just consider cutting back the drinking, not all together, and I'm sure it's not a lot, but those are "empty" calories. Don't get me wrong, I still drink a beer now and then, so I too get the wasted calories...But I find I enjoy it more now, then when I was younger and drinking every day or every couple of days.

    Hopefully this link will help.

    I wish you all the luck in the world. If you have other questions then you can ask me just PM me and I'll try to help as I can.